A taxing district is limited to an extension limitation of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index during the 12-month calendar year preceding the levy year, whichever is less. A taxing district may increase its extension limitation for one or more levy years if that taxing district holds a referendum before the levy date for the first levy year at which a majority of voters voting on the issue approves adoption of a higher extension limitation. Referenda shall be conducted at a regularly scheduled election in accordance with the Election Code. The question shall be presented in substantially the following manner for all elections held after March 21, 2006:
         Shall the extension limitation under the Property Tax
Extension Limitation Law for (insert the legal name, number, if any, and county or counties of the taxing district and geographic or other common name by which a school or community college district is known and referred to), Illinois, be increased from the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index over the prior levy year to (insert the percentage of the proposed increase)% per year for (insert each levy year for which the increased extension limitation will apply)?
The votes must be recorded as “Yes” or “No”.

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Terms Used In Illinois Compiled Statutes 35 ILCS 200/18-205

  • Aggregate extension base: means the taxing district's last preceding aggregate extension as adjusted under Sections 18-135, 18-215, 18-230, 18-206, and 18-233. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 35 ILCS 200/18-185
  • Consumer Price Index: means the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for all items published by the United States Department of Labor. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 35 ILCS 200/18-185
  • County board: means the board of county commissioners in counties not under township organization, and the board of supervisors in counties under township organization, and the board of commissioners of Cook County. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.07
  • Extension limitation: means (a) the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index during the 12-month calendar year preceding the levy year or (b) the rate of increase approved by voters under Section 18-205. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 35 ILCS 200/18-185
  • Fair market value: The price at which an asset would change hands in a transaction between a willing, informed buyer and a willing, informed seller.
  • New property: means (i) the assessed value, after final board of review or board of appeals action, of new improvements or additions to existing improvements on any parcel of real property that increase the assessed value of that real property during the levy year multiplied by the equalization factor issued by the Department under Section 17-30, (ii) the assessed value, after final board of review or board of appeals action, of real property not exempt from real estate taxation, which real property was exempt from real estate taxation for any portion of the immediately preceding levy year, multiplied by the equalization factor issued by the Department under Section 17-30, including the assessed value, upon final stabilization of occupancy after new construction is complete, of any real property located within the boundaries of an otherwise or previously exempt military reservation that is intended for residential use and owned by or leased to a private corporation or other entity, (iii) in counties that classify in accordance with Section 4 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution, an incentive property's additional assessed value resulting from a scheduled increase in the level of assessment as applied to the first year final board of review market value, and (iv) any increase in assessed value due to oil or gas production from an oil or gas well required to be permitted under the Hydraulic Fracturing Regulatory Act that was not produced in or accounted for during the previous levy year. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 35 ILCS 200/18-185
  • Statute: A law passed by a legislature.
  • taxing district: includes only each non-home rule taxing district having the majority of its 1990 equalized assessed value within any county or counties contiguous to a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 35 ILCS 200/18-185

If a majority of voters voting on the issue approves the adoption of the increase, the increase shall be applicable for each levy year specified.
     The ballot for any question submitted pursuant to this Section shall have printed thereon, but not as a part of the question submitted, only the following supplemental information (which shall be supplied to the election authority by the taxing district) in substantially the following form:
         (1) For the (insert the first levy year for which the
increased extension limitation will be applicable) levy year the approximate amount of the additional tax extendable against property containing a single family residence and having a fair market value at the time of the referendum of $100,000 is estimated to be $….
        (2) Based upon an average annual percentage increase
(or decrease) in the market value of such property of …% (insert percentage equal to the average annual percentage increase or decrease for the prior 3 levy years, at the time the submission of the question is initiated by the taxing district, in the amount of (A) the equalized assessed value of the taxable property in the taxing district less (B) the new property included in the equalized assessed value), the approximate amount of the additional tax extendable against such property for the … levy year is estimated to be $… and for the … levy year is estimated to be $….
    Paragraph (2) shall be included only if the increased extension limitation will be applicable for more than one year and shall list each levy year for which the increased extension limitation will be applicable. The additional tax shown for each levy year shall be the approximate dollar amount of the increase over the amount of the most recently completed extension at the time the submission of the question is initiated by the taxing district. The approximate amount of the additional tax extendable shown in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be calculated by multiplying $100,000 (the fair market value of the property without regard to any property tax exemptions) by (i) the percentage level of assessment prescribed for that property by statute, or by ordinance of the county board in counties that classify property for purposes of taxation in accordance with Section 4 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution; (ii) the most recent final equalization factor certified to the county clerk by the Department of Revenue at the time the taxing district initiates the submission of the proposition to the electors; (iii) the last known aggregate extension base of the taxing district at the time the submission of the question is initiated by the taxing district; and (iv) the difference between the percentage increase proposed in the question and the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for the prior levy year (or an estimate of the percentage increase for the prior levy year if the increase is unavailable at the time the submission of the question is initiated by the taxing district); and dividing the result by the last known equalized assessed value of the taxing district at the time the submission of the question is initiated by the taxing district. This amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly is intended to clarify the existing requirements of this Section, and shall not be construed to validate any prior non-compliant referendum language. Any notice required to be published in connection with the submission of the question shall also contain this supplemental information and shall not contain any other supplemental information. Any error, miscalculation, or inaccuracy in computing any amount set forth on the ballot or in the notice that is not deliberate shall not invalidate or affect the validity of any proposition approved. Notice of the referendum shall be published and posted as otherwise required by law, and the submission of the question shall be initiated as provided by law.