10 CFR 727.6 – What are the obligations of a DOE contractor?
(a) A DOE contractor must ensure that neither its employees nor the employees of any of its subcontractors has access to information on a DOE computer unless the DOE contractor has obtained a written acknowledgment and consent by each contractor or subcontractor employee that complies with the requirements of § 727.5 of this part.
(b) A DOE contractor must maintain a file of original written acknowledgments and consents executed by its employees and all subcontractors employees that comply with the requirements of § 727.5 of this part.
(c) Upon demand by the cognizant DOE contracting officer, a DOE contractor must provide an opportunity for a DOE official to inspect the file compiled under this section and to copy any portion of the file.
(d) If a DOE contractor violates the requirements of this section with regard to a DOE computer with Restricted Data or other classified information, then the DOE contractor may be assessed a civil penalty or a reduction in fee pursuant to section 234B of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. § 2282b).