New Jersey Statutes 18A:6-128. Ongoing professional development
Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 18A:6-128
- Board: means the board of education. See New Jersey Statutes 18A:1-1
- District: means a school district. See New Jersey Statutes 18A:1-1
- Teaching staff member: means a member of the professional staff of any district or regional board of education, or any board of education of a county vocational school, holding office, position or employment of such character that the qualifications, for such office, position or employment, require him to hold a valid and effective standard, provisional or emergency certificate, appropriate to his office, position or employment, issued by the State Board of Examiners and includes a school nurse and a school athletic trainer. See New Jersey Statutes 18A:1-1
b. A board of education, principal, or superintendent shall provide additional professional development for any teaching staff member who fails or is struggling to meet the performance standards established by the board, as documented in the teaching staff member’s annual summative evaluation. The additional professional development shall be designed to correct the needs identified in the annual summative evaluation.
A corrective action plan shall be developed by the teaching staff member and a teaching staff member serving in a supervisory capacity to address deficiencies outlined in the evaluation when the employee is rated ineffective or partially effective. The corrective action plan shall include timelines for corrective action and responsibilities of the teaching staff member and the school district for implementation of the plan.
c. All funds budgeted by a school district for professional development shall be used primarily to provide the professional development required pursuant to the provisions of P.L.2012, c.26 (C. 18A:6-117 et al.).
L.2012, c.26, s.15.