(a) If a request is received pursuant to section 45a-751, the child-placing agency or department which has agreed to attempt to locate the person or persons whose identity is being requested or the child-placing agency or department which furnished a report ordered by the court following a petition made under subsection (f) of this section shall not be required to expend more than ten hours time within sixty days of receipt of the request unless the child-placing agency or department notifies the authorized applicant of a delay and states the reason for the delay. The child-placing agency or department may charge the applicant reasonable compensation and be reimbursed for expenses in locating any person whose identity is being requested. The obtaining of such consent shall be accomplished in a manner which will protect the confidentiality of the communication and shall be done without disclosing the identity of the applicant. For the purposes of this section any records at the Court of Probate or the Superior Court shall be available to an authorized representative of the child-placing agency or department to which the request has been made.

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      (b) If the child-placing agency or department is out-of-state and unwilling to expend time for such purpose, the court of probate which finalized the adoption or terminated parental rights or the superior court which terminated parental rights shall upon petition appoint a licensed or approved child-placing agency or the department to complete the requirements of this section.

      (c) If the relative whose identity is requested cannot be located or appears to be incompetent but has not been legally so declared, the Court of Probate or the Superior Court shall appoint a guardian ad litem under the provisions of section 45a-132, at the expense of the person making the request. The guardian ad litem shall decide whether to give consent on behalf of the relative whose identity is being requested.

      (d) If the relative whose identity has been requested has been declared legally incapable or incompetent by a court of competent jurisdiction, then the legal representative of such person may consent to the release of such information.

      (e) Such guardian ad litem or legal representative shall give such consent unless after investigation he concludes that it would not be in the best interest of the adult person to be identified for such consent to be given. If release of the information requires the consent of such guardian ad litem or legal representative, or if the person whose identity is sought is deceased, only the following information may be released: (1) All names by which the person whose identity is being sought has been known, and all known addresses; (2) the date and place of such person’s birth; (3) all places where such person was employed; (4) such person’s Social Security number; (5) the names of educational institutions such person attended; and (6) any other information that may assist in the search of a person who cannot be located.

      (f) (1) If (A) the person whose identity is being sought cannot be located or is incompetent or (B) the child-placing agency or department has not located the person within sixty days, the authorized applicant may petition for access to the information to the court of probate or the superior court which terminated the parental rights or to the court of probate which approved the adoption.

      (2) Within fifteen days of receipt of the petition, the court shall order the child-placing agency or department which has access to such information to present a report. The report by the child-placing agency or department shall be completed within sixty days after receipt of the order from the court.

      (3) If the child-placing agency or department is out-of-state and unwilling to provide the report, the court shall refer the matter to a child-placing agency in this state or to the department for a report.

      (4) The report shall determine through an interview with the adult adopted or adult adoptable person and through such other means as may be necessary whether (A) release of the information would be seriously disruptive to or endanger the physical or emotional health of the authorized applicant, and (B) release of the information would be seriously disruptive to or endanger the physical or emotional health of the person whose identity is being requested.

      (5) Upon receipt of the report, or upon expiration of sixty days, whichever is sooner, the court shall set a time and place for hearing not later than fifteen days after receipt of the report or expiration of such sixty days, whichever is sooner. The court shall immediately give notice of the hearing to the authorized applicant and to the child-placing agency or the department.

      (6) At the hearing, the authorized applicant may give such evidence to support the petition as the authorized applicant deems appropriate.

      (7) Within fifteen days after the conclusion of the hearing, the court shall issue a decree as to whether the information requested shall be given to the authorized applicant.

      (8) The requested information shall be provided to the authorized applicant unless the court determines that: (A) Consent has not been granted by a guardian ad litem appointed by the court to represent the person whose identity has been requested; (B) release of the information would be seriously disruptive to or endanger the physical or emotional health of the authorized applicant; or (C) release of the information would be seriously disruptive to or endanger the physical or emotional health of the person whose identity is being requested.

      (9) If the court denies the petition and determines that it would be in the best interests of the person whose identity is being requested to be notified that the authorized applicant has petitioned the court for identifying information, the court shall request the child-placing agency or department to so notify the person whose identity is being requested. The notification shall be accomplished in a manner which will protect the confidentiality of the communication and shall be done without disclosing the identity of the authorized applicant. If the person whose identity is being requested is so notified, the authorized applicant who petitioned the court shall be informed that this notification was given.