1.  On or before November 1 of each year, the governing body of each charter school shall submit to the sponsor of the charter school, the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for transmission to the Majority Leader of the Senate and the Speaker of the Assembly a report that includes:

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(a) A written description of the progress of the charter school in achieving the mission and goals of the charter school set forth in its application.

(b) For each fund maintained by the charter school, including, without limitation, the general fund of the charter school and any special revenue fund which receives state money, the total number and salaries of licensed and nonlicensed persons whose salaries are paid from the fund and who are employed by the governing body in full-time positions or in part-time positions added together to represent full-time positions. Information must be provided for the current school year based upon the final budget of the charter school, including any amendments and augmentations thereto, and for the preceding school year. An employee must be categorized as filling an instructional, administrative, instructional support or other position.

(c) The actual expenditures of the charter school in the fiscal year immediately preceding the report.

(d) The proposed expenditures of the charter school for the current fiscal year.

(e) The salary schedule for licensed employees and nonlicensed teachers in the current school year and a statement of whether salary negotiations for the current school year have been completed. If salary negotiations have not been completed at the time the salary schedule is submitted, the governing body shall submit a supplemental report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction upon completion of negotiations.

(f) The number of employees eligible for health insurance within the charter school for the current and preceding fiscal years and the amount paid for health insurance for each such employee during those years.

(g) The rates for fringe benefits, excluding health insurance, paid by the charter school for its licensed employees in the preceding and current fiscal years.

(h) The amount paid for extra duties, supervision of extracurricular activities and supplemental pay and the number of employees receiving that pay in the preceding and current fiscal years.

2.  On or before November 25 of each year, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall submit to the Office of Finance and the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau, in a format approved by the Director of the Office of Finance, a compilation of the reports made by each governing body pursuant to subsection 1.

3.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall, in the compilation required by subsection 2, reconcile the revenues and expenditures of the charter schools with the apportionment received by those schools from the State Education Fund for the preceding year.