Delaware Code Title 16 Sec. 4912A – Notifications to Department and responses; civil penalty
(a) The following notifications and Department responses are required:
(1) A registered qualifying patient shall notify the Department of any change in his or her name or address, or if the registered qualifying patient ceases to have his or her debilitating medical condition, within 10 days of the change.
(2) A registered designated caregiver shall notify the Department of any change in his or her name or address, or if the designated caregiver becomes aware the qualifying patient passed away, within 10 days of the change.
(3) Before a registered qualifying patient changes his or her designated caregiver, the qualifying patient must notify the Department.
(4) If a cardholder loses his or her registry identification card, he or she shall notify the Department within 10 days of becoming aware the card has been lost.
(b) When a cardholder notifies the Department of items listed in subsection (a) of this section, but remains eligible under this chapter, the Department shall issue the cardholder a new registry identification card with a new random 10-digit alphanumeric identification number within 10 days of receiving the updated information and pay a $20 fee. If the person notifying the Department is a registered qualifying patient, the Department shall also issue his or her registered designated caregiver, if any, a new registry identification card within 10 days of receiving the updated information.
(c) If a registered qualifying patient ceases to be a registered qualifying patient or changes his or her registered designated caregiver, the Department shall promptly notify the designated caregiver. The registered designated caregiver’s protections under this chapter as to that qualifying patient shall expire 15 days after notification by the Department.
(d) A cardholder who fails to make a notification to the Department that is required by this section is subject to a civil infraction, punishable by a penalty of no more than $150.
(e) The Department shall administer a real-time statewide patient registry to facilitate patient choice in purchasing medical marijuana from any properly licensed Delaware Compassion Centers. The registry shall track patient purchases to comply with § 4919A(i) of this title.
(f) If the registered qualifying patient’s certifying health-care practitioner notifies the Department in writing that either the registered qualifying patient has ceased to suffer from a debilitating medical condition or that the health-care practitioner no longer believes the patient would receive therapeutic or palliative benefit from the medical use of marijuana, the card becomes null and void. However, the registered qualifying patient has 15 days to dispose of their marijuana or give it to a registered compassion center where nothing of value is transferred in return.
78 Del. Laws, c. 23, § ?1; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § ?1; 80 Del. Laws, c. 406, § ?8; 83 Del. Laws, c. 48, § 8;