18 Guam Code Ann. § 13110
(a) Elections of Directors From Districts. The area in which the association has members shall be divided into districts and that directors shall be elected from the several districts. In any such case, the bylaws shall specify the number of directors to be elected by each district, the manner and method of reapportioning the directors, and of redistricting the area covered by the association.
(b) Primary Elections for Directors. Primary elections shall be held to nominate directors. Where the bylaws provide that the territory in which the association has members shall be divided into districts, the bylaws may also provide that the results of the primary elections in the various districts shall be final and must be ratified at the annual meeting of the association.
(c) Election of Directors by District Representatives or Advisers. The area in which the association has members shall be divided into dis- tricts, and that the directors shall be elected by representatives or advisers, who themselves have been elected by the members or stockholders from the several districts. In any such case, the bylaws shall specify the number of
representatives or advisers to be elected by each district, the manner and method of reapportioning the representatives or advisers and of redistricting the area covered by the association.
(d) Nomination of Directors by Public Official, Commission or Other Directors. One (1) or more directors may be chosen by any public official or commission or by the other directors selected by the members. Such director shall represent primarily the interest of the general public in such associations. The directors so chosen shall have the same powers and rights as other directors. Such directors shall not number more than one- fifth (1/5) of the entire number of directors.
(e) Executive Committee. The bylaws may provide for an executive committee and may allot to such committee all the functions and powers of the board of directors, subject to the general direction and control of the board.
SOURCE: CC § 650.10.