South Carolina Code 59-123-95. Board may borrow to purchase diagnostic and therapeutical equipment
The borrowing authorized by this section shall be in the form of notes of The Medical University payable solely from charges for the service or use rendered by the equipment. Upon its acquisition, an appropriate schedule of charges shall be placed in effect and maintained. All moneys received from the charges shall be remitted to the State Treasurer and deposited in a special fund to be applied to the payment of the principal and interest on the notes. With the approval of the state board any surplus in such fund may be used as a revolving fund to purchase additional diagnostic and therapeutic equipment.
No note may be issued hereunder unless the use of its proceeds, its terms, its maturities and the service charge to be imposed for the use of the purchased equipment is approved by the state board.
The charges imposed by authority of this section shall be in addition to the "special charge" established and maintained pursuant to Section 14 of act 1654 of 1972 imposed to secure in part all Plant Improvement Bonds of The Medical University now or hereafter issued.