Upon a written statement of the president, treasurer or other executive officer having the management of any fair association, amusement company, circus, political meeting, camp meeting or other such concern located or to be located in any county in this State directed to the sheriff of any such county, setting forth that in his opinion the interests of the association, amusement company, circus, political meeting, camp meeting or other such concern under his management and the public peace require special police supervision, the sheriff shall appoint a discreet and suitable person or persons as his deputy or deputies, whose term of office shall continue during the public exhibition of such association, amusement company, circus, political meeting, camp meeting or other such concern, unless sooner by him removed. The salary of any such deputy shall be paid by the concern requesting such appointment.

Nothing herein contained shall interfere with the right and duty of a sheriff, upon his own motion, to appoint such a deputy or deputies as may seem advisable.

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