Subdivision 1.Language access.

The commission and the board must take reasonable steps to provide meaningful language access to applicants and victims. Applicants and victims must have language access to information, documents, and services under this chapter, with each communicated in a language or manner that the applicant or victim can understand.

Subd. 2.Interpreters.

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Terms Used In Minnesota Statutes 638.21

  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.

(a) Applicants and victims are entitled to interpreters as necessary to fulfill the purposes of this chapter, including oral or written communication. Sections 546.42 to 546.44 apply, to the extent consistent with this section.

(b) The commission or the board may not discriminate against an applicant or victim who requests or receives interpretation services.

Subd. 3.Victim services.

The commission and the board must provide or contract for victim support services as necessary to support victims under this chapter.