§ 11:751 Rounding of service credit at the time of retirement
§ 11:752 Conversion of sick leave to membership service
§ 11:753 Student employment service credit
§ 11:754 Conversion of annual leave to membership service; payment
§ 11:755 Service on sabbatical leave as active service

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Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes > Title 11 > Subtitle II > Chapter 2 > Part III - Creditable Service

  • Agency: means any state office, department, board, commission, institution, division, officer or other person, or functional group, heretofore existing or hereafter created, that is authorized to exercise, or that does exercise, any functions of the government of the state in the executive branch, but not any governing body or officer of any local government or subdivision of the state, or any parochial officer who exercises functions coterminous with the municipality in which he performs those functions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Agricultural products: include horticultural, viticultural, forestry, dairy, livestock, poultry, bee, and other farm products;

    (2)  "Member" includes actual members of associations without capital stock and holders of common stock in associations organized with capital stock;

    (3)  "Association" means any association organized under this Part; and,

    (4)  "Person" includes individuals, firms, partnerships, corporations, and associations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:122

  • Appraisal: A determination of property value.
  • Assets: (1) The property comprising the estate of a deceased person, or (2) the property in a trust account.
  • Association: means any association organized under this Part; and,

    (4)  "Person" includes individuals, firms, partnerships, corporations, and associations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:122

  • average compensation: means his average earnable compensation for the five highest successive years of employment, or the highest five successive joined years where interruption of service occurred. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Board of trustees: means the board provided for in Part V of this Chapter to administer the retirement system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • collection: as used in this Subpart shall include the sale or securitization of long-term delinquent accounts receivable and all other obligations subject to the provisions of this Subpart. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:88.3
  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • Creditable service: means "Prior Service" plus "Membership Service" for which credit is allowable as provided in Part III of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Dependent: A person dependent for support upon another.
  • Employer: means the state of Louisiana, any city, parish, or other local school board, the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, any board created by La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
  • Interest rate: The amount paid by a borrower to a lender in exchange for the use of the lender's money for a certain period of time. Interest is paid on loans or on debt instruments, such as notes or bonds, either at regular intervals or as part of a lump sum payment when the issue matures. Source: OCC
  • Member: includes actual members of associations without capital stock and holders of common stock in associations organized with capital stock;

    (3)  "Association" means any association organized under this Part; and,

    (4)  "Person" includes individuals, firms, partnerships, corporations, and associations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:122

  • Member: means any teacher included in the membership of the system as provided in Part II of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Membership service: means service as a teacher rendered while a member of the retirement system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Other programs and activities: means all programs and activities that do not fit the definition of evidence-based, research-based, or promising practices programs. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Person: means an individual or any legal or commercial entity, including a corporation, business trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, or joint venture. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1
  • Program: means a grouping of activities directed toward the accomplishment of a clearly defined objective or set of objectives. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Program catalogue: means a compendium of programs compiled by a reputable source that publishes information for use by the government. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Program inventory: means the complete list of all proposed agency programs and activities that meet any definition set out in this Section. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Promising practices: means a practice that presents, based upon preliminary information, potential for becoming a research-based or evidence-based program or practice. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Retirement: means withdrawal from active service with a retirement allowance granted under the provisions of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Retirement system: means the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana as defined in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Service: means service as a teacher within the meaning of Paragraph (33) of this Section. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Spouse: shall mean a person who is legally married to a member of this system and shall not include a person who is legally separated from a member of this system by a judgment of separation, unless such person has voluntarily reconciled with the member and which reconciliation is established by a court of competent jurisdiction. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Student: means a person who satisfies all of the provisions of this Paragraph. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701