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Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:3399.13.1

  • Chancellor: means the chief executive officer of a public postsecondary education institution. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:3399.12
  • Complaint: A written statement by the plaintiff stating the wrongs allegedly committed by the defendant.
  • Institution: means a public postsecondary education institution. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:3399.12
  • person: includes a body of persons, whether incorporated or not. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 1:10
  • Power-based violence: means any form of interpersonal violence intended to control or intimidate another person through the assertion of power over the person and shall include the following:

                (a) Dating violence (La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:3399.12

  • system: means and refers to the programs and institutions under the jurisdiction of the respective management boards for postsecondary education created by or under authority of the Constitution of Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:3202
  • Title IX coordinator: means the individual designated by a public postsecondary education institution as the institution's official for coordinating the institution's efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:3399.12

            A. Not later than October tenth and April tenth of each year, the Title IX coordinator of an institution shall submit to the chancellor of the institution a written report on the reports received under La. Rev. Stat. 17:3399.13, including information regarding:

            (1) The investigation of those reports.

            (2) The disposition, if any, of any disciplinary processes arising from those reports.

            (3) The reports for which the institution determined not to initiate a disciplinary process, if any.

            (4) Any complaints of retaliation and the status of the investigation of the complaints.

            B. The Title IX coordinator of an institution shall immediately report to the chancellor of the institution an incident reported to the coordinator under La. Rev. Stat. 17:3399.13 if the coordinator has cause to believe as a result of the incident that the safety of any person is in imminent danger.

            C. The chancellor of each institution shall submit a report to the institution’s management board within fourteen days of receiving the report pursuant to Subsection A of this Section from the Title IX coordinator. The report shall include the number of employees and confidential advisors for the institution, the number and percentage of these who have completed required annual training, the number of complaints of power-based violence received by the institution, the number of complaints which resulted in a finding that power-based violations occurred, the number of complaints in which the finding of power-based violations resulted in discipline or corrective action, the type of discipline or corrective action taken, the amount of time it took to resolve each complaint, the number of reports of retaliation, and the findings of any investigations of reports of retaliation. The report shall be posted on the institution’s website.

            D. The system president shall submit a system-wide summary report within fourteen days of receiving the reports from the chancellors to the management board. The report shall be published on the website of the system.

            E. The management board shall send an annual system-wide summary report to the Board of Regents by December thirty-first. The Board of Regents shall post the report on its website.

            F. The Board of Regents, in consultation with the Louisiana Power-Based Violence Review Panel, shall annually submit a report to the governor, the president of the Senate, the speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Senate and House committees on education and select committees on women and children by January fifteenth which shall include system-wide and statewide information. The report shall also include any recommendations for legislation. The report shall be published on the website of the Board of Regents.

            Acts 2021, No. 439, §2, eff. June 21, 2021; Acts 2021, No. 472, §2, eff. June 29, 2021; Acts 2022, No. 689, §1, eff. June 18, 2022; Acts 2023, No. 211, §1, eff. June 8, 2023.