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Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes 22:1792

  • Annuity: A periodic (usually annual) payment of a fixed sum of money for either the life of the recipient or for a fixed number of years. A series of payments under a contract from an insurance company, a trust company, or an individual. Annuity payments are made at regular intervals over a period of more than one full year.
  • Person: means a natural person or a legal entity, including but not limited to an individual, partnership, limited liability company, association, trust, or corporation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 22:1791
  • Policy: means an individual or group policy, group certificate, contract, or arrangement of life insurance affecting the rights of a resident of this state or bearing a reasonable relation to this state, regardless of whether delivered or issued for delivery in this state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 22:1791
  • Service of process: The service of writs or summonses to the appropriate party.
  • Settlement: Parties to a lawsuit resolve their difference without having a trial. Settlements often involve the payment of compensation by one party in satisfaction of the other party's claims.
  • Viatical settlement broker: means a person that on behalf of a viator and for a fee, commission, or other valuable consideration offers or attempts to negotiate viatical settlement contracts between a viator and one or more viatical settlement providers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 22:1791
  • Viatical settlement investment agent: means a person who is an appointed or contracted agent of a licensed viatical settlement provider who solicits or arranges the funding for the purchase of a viatical settlement by a viatical settlement purchaser and who is acting on behalf of a viatical settlement provider. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 22:1791
  • Viatical settlement provider: means a person, other than a viator, that, in this state, from this state, or with a resident of this state, enters into or effectuates a viatical settlement contract. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 22:1791
  • Viatical settlement purchase agreement: means a contract or agreement, entered into by a viatical settlement purchaser, to which the viator is not a party, to purchase a life insurance policy or an interest in a life insurance policy, that is entered into for the purpose of deriving an economic benefit. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 22:1791
  • Viatical settlement purchaser: means a person who gives a sum of money as consideration for a life insurance policy or an interest in the death benefits of a life insurance policy, or a person who owns or acquires or is entitled to a beneficial interest in a trust that owns a viatical settlement contract or is the beneficiary of a life insurance policy that has been or will be the subject of a viatical settlement contract, for the purpose of deriving an economic benefit. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 22:1791
  • Viator: means the owner of a life insurance policy or a certificate holder under a group policy who enters or seeks to enter into a viatical settlement contract. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 22:1791

A.(1)  A person shall not operate as a viatical settlement provider or viatical settlement broker without first obtaining a license from the commissioner of the state of residence of the viator.  However, any person who holds a resident or nonresident insurance producer license for life or annuity pursuant to Subpart A of Part I of Chapter 5 of this Title may act as a viatical settlement broker and shall be subject to the provisions of this Part as if such person is a licensed viatical settlement broker.  If there is more than one viator on a single policy and the viators are residents of different states, the viatical settlement shall be governed by the law of the state in which the viator having the largest percentage ownership resides or, if the viators hold equal ownership, the state of residence of one viator agreed upon in writing by all viators.

(2)  A person shall not operate as a viatical settlement investment agent without first obtaining a license from the commissioner of the state of residence of the viatical settlement purchaser. If there is more than one purchaser of a single policy and the purchasers are residents of different states, the viatical settlement purchase agreement shall be governed by the law of the state in which the purchaser having the largest percentage ownership resides or, if the purchasers hold equal ownership, the state of residence of one purchaser agreed upon in writing by all purchasers.

B.  Application for a viatical settlement provider, viatical settlement broker, or viatical settlement investment agent license shall be made to the commissioner by the applicant on a form prescribed by the commissioner, and these applications shall be accompanied by the fees specified in La. Rev. Stat. 22:821.

C.  Licenses issued pursuant to this Part shall expire on March 1, 2008, and on March first of each year thereafter and may be renewed if the applicant pays a renewal fee as set forth in La. Rev. Stat. 22:821 and submits to the commissioner an application on the form that the commissioner requires.  The required fee and renewal application shall be filed no earlier than January first and no later than March first of each year.  A licensee under this Part choosing not to renew shall still be responsible for the annual statement required by La. Rev. Stat. 22:1795 for the previous calendar year.

D.  The applicant shall provide information on forms required by the commissioner. The commissioner shall have authority, at any time, to require the applicant to fully disclose the identity of all stockholders, partners, officers, members, and employees, and the commissioner may, in the exercise of the commissioner’s discretion, refuse to issue a license in the name of a legal entity if not satisfied that any officer, employee, stockholder, partner, or member thereof who may materially influence the applicant’s conduct meets the standards of this Part.

E.  A license issued to a legal entity authorizes all partners, officers, members, and designated employees to act as viatical settlement providers, viatical settlement brokers, or viatical settlement investment agents, as applicable, under the license, and all those persons shall be named in the application and any supplements to the application.

F.  Upon the filing of an application and the payment of the license fee, the commissioner shall make an investigation of each applicant and issue a license if the commissioner finds that the applicant:

(1)  If a viatical settlement provider, has provided a detailed plan of operation;

(2)  Is competent and trustworthy and intends to act in good faith in the capacity involved by the license applied for;

(3)  Has a good business reputation and has had experience, training, or education so as to be qualified in the business for which the license is applied for;

(4)  If a legal entity, provides a certificate of good standing from the state of its domicile; and

(5)  If a viatical settlement provider or viatical settlement broker, has provided an antifraud plan that meets the requirements of La. Rev. Stat. 22:1801(G).

G.  The commissioner shall not issue a license to a nonresident applicant, unless a written designation of an agent for service of process is filed and maintained with the commissioner or the applicant has filed with the commissioner the applicant’s written irrevocable consent that any action against the applicant may be commenced against the applicant by service of process on the commissioner.

H.  A viatical settlement provider, viatical settlement broker, or viatical settlement investment agent shall notify the commissioner of any changes to the information submitted in association with the application, including but not limited to new or revised information about officers, ten percent or more stockholders, partners, directors, members, or designated employees, a change in the name or corporate structure, or any other such modification within thirty days of the change.

Acts 2003, No. 343, §1; Acts 2006, No. 371, §1, eff. June 15, 2006; Redesignated from La. Rev. Stat. 22:191.1 by Acts 2008, No. 415, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 2009.