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Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4106

  • Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
  • Ex officio: Literally, by virtue of one's office.
  • Mortgage: The written agreement pledging property to a creditor as collateral for a loan.
  • person: includes a body of persons, whether incorporated or not. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 1:10
  • Quorum: The number of legislators that must be present to do business.
  • Real property: Land, and all immovable fixtures erected on, growing on, or affixed to the land.

A.  At the present time the drainage development of the city of New Orleans is such as to create a natural difference in the classification for drainage purposes between the largely undrained sections of the city comprised of areas lying east of the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal and north of Florida Avenue and the following areas located in the Fifteenth Ward of the city of New Orleans known as Algiers, viz: (1) That area southeast of the Intra-Coastal Waterway Canal in Algiers; and (2) That area beginning at the intersection of the Orleans-Jefferson Parish line and the rear line of McDonough Cemetery, across the property of the Southern Pacific Railroad on a slight angle to the lower or east side of Thayer St., thence parallel to Shepard Street, 125 ft. south of the south property line of Shepard St., following the lot lines through squares 14 and 13, thence to Whitney Ave., northward, thence eastward still parallel to Shepard St. 125 ft. south of the south property line of Shepard Street through squares 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, and 66; continuing easterly across Victory Drive parallel to Copernicus St. and 400 ft. south of the south property line of Copernicus St. across squares 17 and 16; thence across said line crossing Saux Lane and Shirley Drive and following a line coincident with the nearest lot line through squares 11 and 12 facing Shirley Drive to the east property line of Shirley Drive Subdivision and southward to an intersection with a line parallel to and 1000 ft. north of the north property line of Victory Drive and Victory Drive extension to the intersection with a line 1000 ft. north and parallel to the north right-of-way line of the Norman Canal to its intersection with the extension of the west property line of Arthur St. which is coincident with the east property line of River Park Subdivision to the Mississippi River, thence along the Mississippi River to the Northwest right-of-way of the Intracoastal Canal and along said right-of-way to its intersection with the Orleans-Plaquemines Parish line, thence along this line to its intersection with the Orleans-Jefferson Parish line to the point of beginning; which sections are hereinafter collectively referred to as Area A, and the remaining area of the city is to be identified as Area B.  The sewerage and water board of New Orleans shall, for the purpose of planning and carrying out drainage in Area A, which area is at the present time largely undeveloped, inadequately drained, and presents hazards to health and property, divide that area on a logical basis of division into such number of defined drainage areas as are required to effect needed drainage.  In defining such drainage areas the sewerage and water board shall fix the boundaries of each so as to include all land which, based on sound engineering principles, logically forms part of such area, should be drained at the same time and will be served by the drainage improvements planned for the area.  The drainage of all such defined drainage areas within the said Area A shall be carried out under the provisions of and in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. 33:4106 to La. Rev. Stat. 33:4120, inclusive, of this Part.

B.  Whenever the sewerage and water board is prepared to drain any such defined drainage area, the board shall cause a plan for the drainage of the defined area to be made, accurately designating the boundaries of the area to be drained and describing in detail the canals and other drainage improvements, except subsurface drainage (which is otherwise provided for by law), designed for the drainage of said area.  The plan shall include drainage improvements which have already been constructed with designed capacity to serve the newly defined drainage area in addition to other areas, and may include drainage improvements to be constructed with designed capacity to serve other areas in addition to the defined drainage area.  The proportion of the capacity of such drainage improvements which is intended to serve the defined drainage area shall be set forth in the plan.  All references in La. Rev. Stat. 33:4106 to 33:4120 of this Part to cost, probable cost, or estimated cost of the drainage works or improvements shall, with respect to drainage works or improvements which are designed to serve other areas as well as the defined drainage area, including those already constructed, mean only the proportion of the cost applicable to that part of the capacity of such drainage works or improvements which is designed to serve the defined drainage area.

C.  The sewerage and water board, by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of all members constituting said board, shall appoint a board of six appraisers to assess the benefits which would accrue to each lot, acre or tract of land according to ownership within the defined drainage area as a result of the drainage improvements, including new canals and the covering of existing canals, provided in the plan.  The appraisers shall be residents of Louisiana, over the age of thirty years, shall not own land in the proposed drainage area nor be related within the fourth degree of consanguinity to any person owning land in such area, shall not be an employee, officer, stockholder or bondholder of any corporation owning land in the proposed drainage area, and shall not be paid public officials or employees.  At least four of the appraisers shall be licensed realtors within a minimum of ten years experience each in the real estate business in Orleans Parish, and two shall hold degrees as civil engineers.  Two of the realtors and one engineer shall be appointed by the sewerage and water board from names submitted by the New Orleans Chamber of Commerce.  The chief engineer of the sewerage and water board or one of his assistants shall accompany the appraisers at all times and render his opinion in writing when so requested by them.  The appraisers shall elect one of their number as chairman and the secretary of the sewerage and water board shall be ex officio secretary of the board of appraisers.  A majority of the appraisers shall constitute a quorum and shall control the action of the board of appraisers on all questions.

D.  The board of appraisers shall complete their work and file a written report thereof with the sewerage and water board within such time, prior to the deposit of the plan in the office of the recorder of mortgages, as may be specified by the board.  The appraisers shall be paid a reasonable fee and reimbursed for necessary expenses.

E.  A copy of the plan for the drainage of the defined area and the report of the board of appraisers shall be deposited in the office of the recorder of mortgages of the parish of Orleans.  When such plan and report shall have been deposited in the office of the recorder of mortgages, the sewerage and water board may, by the vote of three-fourths of all members constituting said board, adopt a resolution declaring that the sewerage and water board will bear a stated percentage of the cost of such works equal to the following: one percent of the assessed valuation of the real property located in the defined drainage area, as shown by the books of the assessor for the district at the time the plan is recorded in the mortgage office for the parish of Orleans, multiplied by the number of years during which the owner may pay his proportion of the cost in annual installments, as provided in the resolution of the board; for example, if ten years, multiply by ten, or a total contribution equal to ten percent of such assessed valuation; provided the proportion to be contributed by the sewerage and water board shall not exceed twenty percent of the total cost of the proposed improvements; and the remaining costs will be assessed against the owners of land in the defined drainage areas, in proportion to the benefits assessed by the board of appraisers as the same may be modified by the sewerage and water board or by the court.

F.  Said resolution of the sewerage and water board shall state that the sewerage and water board will meet on a date fixed by said resolution for the purpose of hearing protests against the carrying out of the drainage plan for the defined area, at which hearing any owner of land in the defined area may appear in person or by attorney, and will be heard by the sewerage and water board with respect to any provision of the drainage plan, including objections to the inclusion of his land in the defined drainage area for lack of benefit to said lands or for any other reason.  Said resolution shall direct the publication of a notice of said hearing in two daily newspapers published in the city of New Orleans at least once a week for four successive weeks, the first publication to be made not less than thirty days prior to the date fixed for said hearing, which notice shall declare the intention of the sewerage and water board to drain the area defined by the resolution of said board; describe such area by metes and bounds; state that the plan of the drainage improvements and report of the board of appraisers has been deposited in the office of the recorder of mortgages of Orleans Parish; estimate the probable cost of the drainage works provided in the plan; state the percentage of the cost of such drainage works, which will be borne by the sewerage and water board and that the remaining percentage of such costs will be assessed upon the owners of land in the drainage area in proportion to the benefits assessed by the board of appraisers in their report as the same may be modified by the sewerage and water board or by the court; specify the time and place at which the sewerage and water board will meet for the purpose of hearing all objections of the owners of land in the drainage area to the construction of the improvements and the levy of said assessments on the lands in said area; and state that to be considered at said hearing objections must be in writing and filed in triplicate with the secretary of the sewerage and water board at least ten full calendar days prior to the date set for the hearing.  The secretary of the sewerage and water board shall mail a copy of said notice not less than twenty days prior to the date fixed for the hearing to all owners of property and lands in the drainage area whose names and addresses are known or may be ascertained with reasonable diligence, and said secretary shall file with the sewerage and water board, prior to the hearing, his certificate evidencing compliance with this direction.  Said resolution shall take effect upon the adoption by a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to the council of the city of New Orleans of a resolution approving it.

Added by Acts 1976, No. 167, §1; Acts 2010, No. 681, §1.