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Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes 15:745.2

  • Partnership: A voluntary contract between two or more persons to pool some or all of their assets into a business, with the agreement that there will be a proportional sharing of profits and losses.

            A. The “Offender Reentry Support Pilot Program” is hereby created and established within the Pointe Coupee Sheriff’s Office.

            B. The program shall consist of all of the following components:

            (1) An Offender Rehabilitation and Accountability Plan that is specific to each offender housed at the Pointe Coupee Detention Center and provides for all of the following:

            (a) Engages the offender personally in the transition to release, sets clear and defined goals and expectations, and affords access to programs and services that will meet the individual’s assessed risks and needs.

            (b) Assists the offender in resolving any behavioral issues he may have, including access to counseling for substance abuse, anger and aggression, antisocial behavior, cognitive deficits, domestic violence, and lack of parenting skills all as needed by the offender.

            (c) Assesses the offender throughout incarceration to determine progress and achievement of the goals and expectations established for that offender.

            (d) Introduces the offender to stakeholders in the community where the offender will be returning upon release to reinforce law-abiding and responsible behavior.

            (2) An education and job skills training plan specific to each offender housed at the Pointe Coupee Detention Center. Education and training provided within this plan shall be developed in partnership with employers and educational institutions within Pointe Coupee Parish, and any other appropriate parishes, to ensure that the types of instruction provided aligns with the needs of employers in the region that are willing to hire ex-offenders. When possible and appropriate, transitional on-the-job training should occur prior to release from incarceration.

            (3) An employment preparation plan that, prior to release, will provide the offender with skills training that addresses proper work ethic, communication, attitude, personal responsibility, and workplace culture. If required, the offender shall receive instruction in completing computerized applications, assistance with resume development, or assistance in job searches. The Louisiana Workforce Commission shall assist the Pointe Coupee Sheriff’s Office in providing these services.

            (4) A post-release support plan that will provide each ex-offender a single point of contact for assistance with the needs and challenges that are encountered after being discharged from the detention center. This assistance shall be made available to the ex-offender for a period of twelve months following release. Support provided shall include, at a minimum and as needed, help in obtaining the following:

            (a) Necessary identification documents.

            (b) Housing.

            (c) Transportation.

            (d) Substance abuse treatment.

            (e) Family and domestic violence counseling.

            (f) Parenting.

            (g) Health care.

            (h) Child care.

            (i) Insurance.

            C. The sheriff is hereby authorized to research potential funding sources for this pilot program and obtain funds from any private, federal, state, and local sources available for such initiatives as are developed and undertaken by the program. Such funds shall be used exclusively for the purposes of the program.

            D. Within twenty-four months following initial implementation of the “Offender Reentry Support Pilot Program”, the sheriff shall submit to the House Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice and the Senate Committee on Judiciary C a comprehensive report regarding the implementation of the pilot program, funding obtained for its implementation, the progress of offenders and ex-offenders under the program, and a recommendation for continuation, expansion, or termination of the program. The sheriff shall provide an additional report to the committees listed in this Subsection prior to the 2018 Regular Session and thereafter as the committees require.

            Acts 2014, No. 342, §1; Acts 2016, No. 150, §1.