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Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes 23:1200.9

  • Statement: includes but is not limited to any notice, statement, proof of loss, bill of lading, receipt for payment, invoice, account, estimate of property damages, bill for services, diagnosis, prescription, hospital or doctor records, test results, X-rays, or other evidence of loss, injury, or expense. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 23:1200.2

A.  The commissioner of insurance shall employ such examiners, auditors, accountants, actuaries, attorneys, and clerical or other assistants as are necessary to conduct the examination and to compile and prepare a report thereon, and the compensation for such examination shall be fixed according to the time actually devoted to the work of conducting the examination and compiling the report thereon as now required by law.  Such compensation shall always be reasonable and commensurate with the value of the services performed.

B.  Upon completion of the examination of any group self-insurance fund or at stated periods during such examinations, the commissioner of insurance shall forward to the group self-insurance fund a statement showing the amount of expenses incurred in such examination to the date of such statement.  Whereupon, the group self-insurance fund shall pay the amount so shown to the commissioner of insurance.  Upon receipt of such payment the commissioner of insurance shall deposit same in an account styled “commissioner of insurance, revolving fund account”, and withdrawals from said account shall be made by the commissioner of insurance for the purpose of payment to examiners, auditors, accountants, actuaries, attorneys, and clerical or other assistants of their salaries and necessary expenses incurred in the conduction of such examination.

Acts 2010, No. 794, §2.