31 CFR 7.1 – Purpose
Provisions defining the right, title, and interest of the Government in and to an invention made by a Government employee under various circumstances and the duties of Government agencies with respect thereto are set forth in Executive Order 10096, 15 FR 389, as amended (35 U.S.C. § 266 note). Further definition of the circumstances under which the Government will acquire the right to a patent in such an invention or a nonexclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free license in the invention, and the procedures for the determination of these interests, are set forth in the regulations issued under that Executive order by the Patent Office, 37 CFR part 100. The purpose of this part 7 is to implement for the Treasury Department the foregoing Executive order and regulations of the Patent Office by (a) bringing to the attention of Treasury employees the law and procedure governing their rights to, and interest in, inventions made by them, (b) defining responsibility within the Department for making the necessary determinations, and, (c) establishing internal procedures for action in conformity with the Executive order and the Patent Office regulations.