47 CFR 43.01 – Applicability
(a) The sections in this part include requirements which have been promulgated under authority of sections 211 and 219 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, with respect to the filing by communication common carriers and certain of their affiliates of periodic reports and certain other data, but do not include certain requirements relating to the filing of information with respect to specific services, accounting systems and other matters incorporated in other parts of this chapter.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, carriers becoming subject to the provisions of the several sections of this part for the first time, shall, within thirty (30) days of becoming subject, file the required data as set forth in the various sections of this part.
(c) Carriers becoming subject to the provisions of §§ 43.21 and 43.43 for the first time, because their annual operating revenues equal or exceed the indexed revenue threshold for a given year, shall begin collecting data pursuant to such provisions in the calendar year following the publication of that indexed revenue threshold in the