(a) The ASD(R&FM) under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R) shall:

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(1) Establish, in accordance with DoD Instruction 5105.18, “DoD Intergovernmental and Intragovernmental Committee Management Program” (available at http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/510518p.pdf), a DoD Coordinating Committee to recommend policies regarding the provision of early intervention and special education services.

(2) Ensure the development, implementation and administration of a system of services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families and children with disabilities; and provide compliance oversight for early intervention and special education in accordance with DoD Directive 5124.02, “Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R))” (available at http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/512402p.pdf); 20 U.S.C. §§ 921932; the applicable statutory provision of the IDEA; 10 U.S.C. § 2164; DoD Directive 1342.20 and implementing guidance authorized by this part.

(3) Oversee DoD Component collaboration on the provision of services and transition support to infants, toddlers, and school-aged children.

(4) Develop a DoD-wide comprehensive child-find system to identify eligible infants, toddlers, and children ages birth through 21 years, inclusive, who may require early intervention or special education services, in accordance with the IDEA.

(5) Develop and provide guidance as necessary for the delivery of services for children with disabilities and for the protection of procedural rights consistent with the IDEA and implementing guidance authorized by this part.

(6) Coordinate with the Secretaries of the Military Departments to ensure that their responsibilities, as detailed in paragraph (f) of this section, are completed.

(7) Direct the development and implementation of a comprehensive system of personnel development (CSPD) for personnel serving infants and toddlers with disabilities and children with disabilities, and their families.

(8) Develop requirements and procedures for compiling and reporting data on the number of eligible infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families in need of EIS and children in need of special education and related services.

(9) Require DoDEA schools provide educational information for assignment coordination and enrollment in the Services’ Exceptional Family Member Program or Special Needs Program consistent with DoD Instruction 1315.19, “Authorizing Special Needs Family Members Travel Overseas at Government Expense” (available at http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/131519p.pdf).

(10) Identify representatives to serve on the Department of Defense Coordinating Committee on Early Intervention, Special Education, and Related Services (DoD-CC).

(11) Ensure delivery of appropriate early intervention and educational services to eligible infants, toddlers, and children, and their families as appropriate pursuant to the IDEA and this part through onsite monitoring of special needs programs and submission of an annual compliance report.

(b) The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (ASD(HA)), under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R), shall:

(1) Advise the USD(P&R) and consult with the General Counsel of the Department of Defense (GC, DoD) regarding the provision of EIS and related services.

(2) Oversee development of provider workload standards and performance levels to determine staffing requirements for EIS and related services. The standards shall take into account the provider training needs, the requirements of this part, and the additional time required to provide EIS and related services in schools and the natural environments, and for the coordination with other DoD Components and other service providers, indirect services including analysis of data, development of the IFSP, transition planning, and designing interventions and accommodations.

(3) Establish and maintain an automated data system to support the operation and oversight of the Military Departments’ delivery of EIS and related services.

(4) Assign geographical areas of responsibility for providing EIS and related services under the purview of healthcare providers to the Military Departments. Periodically review the alignment of geographic areas to ensure that resource issues (e.g., base closures) are considered in the cost-effective delivery of services.

(5) Establish a system for measuring EIS program outcomes for children and their families.

(6) Resolve disputes among the DoD Components providing EIS.

(c) The Director, Defense Health Agency (DHA), under the authority, direction, and control of the ASD(HA), shall identify representatives to serve on the DoD-CC.

(d) The Director, DoD Education Activity (DoDEA), under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R), and through the ASD(R&FM), in accordance with DoD Directive 5124.02, shall ensure that:

(1) Children who meet the enrollment eligibility criteria of 20 U.S.C. §§ 921932 or 10 U.S.C. § 2164 are identified and referred for evaluation if they are suspected of having disabilities, and are afforded appropriate procedural safeguards in accordance with the IDEA and implementing guidance authorized by this part.

(2) Children who meet the enrollment eligibility criteria of 20 U.S.C. §§ 921932 or 10 U.S.C. § 2164 shall be evaluated in accordance with the IDEA and implementing guidance authorized by this part, as needed. If found eligible for special education and related services, they shall be provided a FAPE in accordance with an IEP, with services delivered in the least restrictive environment and procedural safeguards in accordance with the requirements of the IDEA and implementing guidance authorized by this part.

(3) Records are maintained on the special education and related services provided to children in accordance with this part, pursuant to 32 CFR part 310.

(4) Related services as prescribed in an IEP for a child with disabilities enrolled in a DoDEA school in the United States, its territories, commonwealths, or possessions are provided by DoDEA.

(5) Transportation is provided by DoDEA in overseas and domestic areas as a related service to children with disabilities when transportation is prescribed in a child’s IEP. The related service of transportation includes necessary accommodations to access and leave the bus and to ride safely on the bus and transportation between the child’s home, the DoDEA school, or another location, as specified in the child’s IEP.

(6) Appropriate personnel participate in the development and implementation of a CSPD.

(7) Appropriate written guidance is issued to implement the requirements pertaining to special education and related services under 20 U.S.C. §§ 921932, 10 U.S.C. § 2164, and the IDEA.

(8) Activities to identify and train personnel to monitor the provision of services to eligible children with disabilities are funded.

(9) DoDEA schools that operate pursuant to 20 U.S.C. §§ 921932 and 10 U.S.C. § 2164 conduct child-find activities for all eligible children;

(10) A free appropriate public education (FAPE) and procedural safeguards in accordance with IDEA and this part available to children with disabilities who are entitled to enroll in DoDEA schools under the enrollment eligibility criteria of 20 U.S.C. §§ 921932 or 10 U.S.C. § 2164. However, a FAPE, or the procedural safeguards prescribed by the IDEA and this part, shall NOT be available to such children, if:

(i) The sponsor is assigned to an overseas area where a DoDEA school is available within the commuting area of the sponsor’s assignment, but the sponsor does not elect to enroll his or her child in a DoDEA school for reasons other than DoDEA’s alleged failure to provide a FAPE; or

(ii) The sponsor is assigned in the United States or in a U.S. territory, commonwealth, or possession and the sponsor’s child meets the eligibility requirements for enrollment in a DoDEA school, but the sponsor does not elect to enroll the child in a DoDEA school for reasons other than DoDEA’s alleged failure to provide a FAPE.

(11) The educational needs of children with and without disabilities are met comparably, in accordance with § 57.6(b) of this part.

(12) Educational facilities and services (including the start of the school day and the length of the school year) operated by DoDEA for children with and without disabilities are comparable.

(13) All programs providing special education and related services are monitored for compliance with this part and with the substantive rights, protections, and procedural safeguards of the IDEA and this part at least once every 3 years.

(14) A report is submitted to the USD(P&R) not later than September 30 of each year certifying whether all schools are in compliance with the IDEA and this part, and are affording children with disabilities the substantive rights, protections, and procedural safeguards of the IDEA.

(15) Transition assistance is provided in accordance with IDEA and this part to promote movement from early intervention or preschool into the school setting.

(16) Transition services are provided in accordance with IDEA and this part to facilitate the child’s movement into different educational settings and post-secondary environments.

(e) The GC, DoD shall identify representatives to serve on the DoD-CC.

(f) The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall:

(1) Establish educational and developmental intervention services (EDIS) to ensure infants and toddlers with disabilities are identified and provided EIS where appropriate, and are afforded appropriate procedural safeguards in accordance with the requirements of the IDEA and implementing guidance authorized by this part.

(2) Staff EDIS with appropriate professional staff, based on the services required to serve children with disabilities.

(3) Provide related services required to be provided by a Military Department in accordance with the mandates of this part for children with disabilities. In the overseas areas served by DoDEA schools, the related services required to be provided by a Military Department under an IEP necessary for the student to benefit from special education include medical services for diagnostic or evaluative purposes; social work; community health nursing; dietary, audiological, optometric, and psychological testing and therapy; occupational therapy; and physical therapy. Transportation is provided as a related service by the Military Department when it is prescribed in a child’s IFSP for an infant or toddler birth up to 3 years of age, inclusive, with disabilities. Related services shall be administered in accordance with guidance issued pursuant to this part, including guidance from the ASD(HA) on staffing and personnel standards.

(4) Issue implementing guidance and forms necessary for the operation of EDIS in accordance with this part.

(5) Provide EIS to infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families, and related services to children with disabilities as required by this part at the same priority that medical care is provided to active duty military members.

(6) Provide counsel from the Military Department concerned or request counsel from the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) to represent the Military Department in impartial due process hearings and administrative appeals conducted in accordance with this part for infants and toddlers birth up to 3 years of age, inclusive, with disabilities who are eligible for EIS.

(7) Execute Departmental responsibilities under the Exceptional Family Member program (EFMP) prescribed by DoD Instruction 1315.19.

(8) Train command personnel to fully understand their legal obligations to ensure compliance with and provide the services required by this part.

(9) Fund activities to identify and train personnel to monitor the provision of services to eligible children with disabilities.

(10) Require the development of policies and procedures for providing, documenting, and evaluating EDIS, including EIS and related services provided to children receiving special education in a DoDEA school.

(11) Maintain EDIS to provide necessary EIS to eligible infants and toddlers with disabilities and related services to eligible children with disabilities in accordance with this part and the substantive rights, protections, and procedural safeguards of the IDEA, § 57.6(a) and § 57.6(c) of this part.

(12) Implement a comprehensive, coordinated, inter-component, community-based system of EIS for eligible infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families using the procedures established in § 57.6(a) of this part and guidelines from the ASD(HA) on staffing and personnel standards.

(13) Provide transportation for EIS pursuant to the IDEA and this part.

(14) Provide transportation for children with disabilities pursuant to the IDEA and this part. The Military Departments are to provide transportation for a child to receive medical or psychological evaluations at a medical facility in the event that the local servicing military treatment facility (MTF) is unable to provide such services and must transport the child to another facility.

(15) Require that EDIS programs maintain the components of an EIS as required by the IDEA and this part, to include:

(i) A comprehensive child-find system, including a system for making referrals for services that includes timelines and provides for participation by primary referral sources, and that establishes rigorous standards for appropriately identifying infants and toddlers with disabilities for services.

(ii) A public awareness program focusing on early identification of infants and toddlers with disabilities to include:

(A) Preparation of information materials for parents regarding the availability of EIS, especially to inform parents with premature infants or infants with other physical risk factors associated with learning or developmental complications.

(B) Dissemination of those materials to all primary referral sources, especially hospitals and physicians, for distribution to parents.

(C) A definition of developmental delay, consistent with § 57.6(g) of this part, to be used in the identification of infants and toddlers with disabilities who are in need of services.

(D) Availability of appropriate EIS.

(iii) A timely, comprehensive, multidisciplinary evaluation of the functioning of each infant or toddler and identification of the needs of the child’s family to assist appropriately in the development of the infant or toddler.

(iv) Procedures for development of an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) and coordination of EIS for families of eligible infants and toddlers with disabilities.

(v) A system of EIS designed to support infants and toddlers and their families in the acquisition of skills needed to become functionally independent and to reduce the need for additional support services as toddlers enter school.

(vi) A central directory of information on EIS resources and experts available to military families.

(16) Implement a comprehensive system of personnel development consistent with the requirements of the IDEA.

(17) Require that EDIS participate in the existing MTF quality assurance program, which monitors and evaluates the medical services for children receiving such services as described by this part. Generally accepted standards of practice for the relevant medical services shall be followed, to the extent consistent with the requirements of the IDEA including provision of EIS in a natural environment, to ensure accessibility, acceptability, and adequacy of the medical portion of the program provided by EDIS.

(18) Require transition services to promote movement from early intervention, preschool, and other educational programs into different educational settings and post-secondary environments.

(19) Direct that each program providing EIS is monitored for compliance with this part, and the substantive rights, protections, and procedural safeguards of the IDEA, at least once every 3 years.

(20) Submit a report to the USD(P&R) not later than September 30 of each year stating whether all EDIS programs are in compliance with this part and are affording infants and toddlers the substantive rights, protections, and procedural safeguards of the IDEA, as stated in § 57.6(f) of this part.

(21) Compile and report EDIS workload and compliance data using the system established by the ASD(HA) as stated in § 57.6(f).

(g) The Director, DOHA, under the authority, direction, and control of the GC, DoD/Director, Defense Legal Services Agency, shall:

(1) Ensure impartial due process hearings are provided in accordance with the IDEA and implementing guidance authorized by this part with respect to complaints related to special education and related services arising under the IDEA.

(2) Ensure DOHA Department Counsel represents DoDEA in all due process proceedings arising under the IDEA for children age 3 through 21 who are eligible for special education and related services.

(3) Ensure DOHA Department Counsel, upon request by a Military Department, represents the Military Department in due process proceedings arising under the IDEA for infants and toddlers birth up to 3 years of age with disabilities who are eligible for EIS.

(4) Ensure the DOHA Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution (CADR) maintains a roster of mediators qualified in special education disputes and, when requested, provides a mediator for complaints related to special education and related services arising under the IDEA.