40 CFR 52.750 – Original identification of plan section
(a) This section identified the original “Air Quality Implementation Plan for the State of Illinois” and all revisions submitted by Illinois that were Federally-approved prior to June 1, 2017.
(b) The plan was officially submitted on January 31, 1972.
(c) The plan revision listed below were submitted on the dates specified.
(1) The role of the City of Chicago as a local agent was defined in a letter from the State Environmental Protection Agency on March 13, 1972.
(2) Copies of the Illinois Pollution Control Board Regulations, Chapter 2, Parts I, II and III were submitted May 4, 1972, by the Governor.
(3) A document describing the role of the Chicago Department of Environmental Control was submitted July 28, 1972, by the State Environmental Protection Agency.
(4) Copies of the revisions to the State air episode regulations were submitted on August 29, 1972, by the Governor.
(5) Compliance schedules submitted on March 13, 1973, by the Pollution Control Board.
(6) Compliance schedules submitted on April 3, 1973, by the Pollution Control Board.
(7) Transportation control plan submitted on April 17, 1973, by the Pollution Control Board.
(8) Compliance schedules submitted on May 3, 1973, by the Pollution Control Board.
(9) Compliance schedules submitted on June 15, 1973, by the Pollution Control Board.
(10) Compliance schedules submitted on August 7, 1973, by the Pollution Control Board.
(11) Information concerning the coal ban in the Chicago area was submitted on October 22, 1973, by Governor Walker.
(12) On July 22, 1976, the Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted revised emergency episode regulations.
(13) On November 29, 1977, the Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted grain handling and drying emission limitations as revisions to Rule 203.
(14) Revision consisting of an Illinois Pollution Control Board Order issued on July 20, 1978 to Commonwealth Edison Company, Christian County, Illinois and submitted on August 14, 1978 by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
(15) Revision consisting of an Illinois Pollution Control Board Order issued to Shell Oil Company’s Wood River refinery on December 14, 1978 by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
(16) On April 4, 1979, the State submitted its draft nonattainment area plan for all areas designated nonattainment as of March 3, 1978 and as revised on October 5, 1978. This submittal contained a request for extensions of the statutory attainment deadline for CO and 03. The submittal also included a vehicle emission inspection and maintenance program and a new source review plan. Although the State submittal also included the following provisions, U.S. EPA is taking no action to include them in the federally approved SIP at this time: the portions of Rules 101, 103 and 105 relating to the provisions addressing malfunctions, general requirements of the Clean Air Act which are not Part D requirements, and the provisions covering open burning, mobile source emission standards, diesel locomotive emission standards, sulfur dioxide emissions for certain fuel combustion sources located outside major metropolitan areas, compliance dates for organic emission limitations, particulate emissions from low carbon waste incinerators, and adoption of Federal New Source Performance Standards. In addition, U.S. EPA is not rulemaking at this time on those portions of the following rules which contain specified changes made between the publication of the notice of proposed rulemaking and the final rulemaking action:
(i)-(iii) [Reserved]
(iv) The new materials in Section 4.11 of the Rules for Issuance of Permits to New or Modified Air Pollution Sources;
(v) The addition of a definition of “reconstruction” in Section 4.7 of the Rules for Issuance of Permits;
(vi) The procedure allowing external offsets contained in Section 10 of the Rules for Issuance of Permits.
(17) On August 29, 1979, the State submitted additional information and clarification for the nonattainment area plan in response to USEPA’s July 2, 1979 notice of proposed rulemaking.
(18) On September 20, 1979, the State submitted a summary of public hearing comments on the plan.
(19) On October 30, 1979, the State submitted copies of Illinois Pollution Control Board final orders for control of VOC emissions from stationary sources (Rule 205), sources of fugitive particulate (Rule 203(f)), and particulate emissions from iron and steel sources (Rule 203(d)).
(20) On December 20, 1979, the State submitted a letter containing the dates that most of the regulatory and nonregulatory portions of the nonattainment area plans were finally adopted by the Illinois Pollution Control Board. Rule 205 containing RACT controls for stationary sources of VOC was effective in the State on July 18, 1979. Rule 203(f) governing fugitive dust emissions was effective in the State on September 18, 1979.
(21) On January 25, 1980, the State submitted a copy of finally enacted “Rules for the Issuance of Permits to New or Modified Air Pollution Sources Affecting Nonattainment Areas.” Sections 5.1(a)(2)(ii) and 5.1(a)(2)(iii) of these rules were reserved by the State. The effective date of these Rules was January 16, 1980.
(22) On March 21, 1979, the State of Illinois submitted to the USEPA revised regulations for control of sulfur dioxide emissions. On September 19, 1979, the State submitted additional information on these revised regulations to the USEPA.
(23) On January 17, 1980 and on February 7, 1980 the State submitted further information and clarifications to Rule 204.
(24) On September 19, 1979, the State of Illinois submitted a revision to Rule 204(e)(1) for the Commonwealth Edison Company. The revision approves an emission limitation of 105,162 lbs SO
(25) On April 30, 1980, the State submitted revisions to the transportation control plan for northeast Illinois (Chicago).
(26) On December 20, 1979, the State of Illinois submitted a revision to provide for modification of the existing air quality surveillance network.
(27) On January 8, 1980, the State submitted an Opinion and Final Order of the Pollution Control Board (dated November 19, 1979) which deletes Rule 206(d) of Chapter 2 from the Illinois Air Pollution Control Regulations.
(28) On September 18, 1979, the State submitted a Final Order of the Pollution Control Board (dated April 12, 1979) which amended Rule 205(g)(1) of Chapter 2 of the Illinois Air Pollution Control Regulations.
(29) On July 21, 1981, the State submitted Volume 9 Lead, of the Illinois State Implementation Plan for Air Pollution Control for incorporation in the Illinois State Implementation Plan. This plan covers all areas in Illinois except for Granite City in the St. Louis Interstate AQCR.
(30) On July 29, 1980, the State submitted a May 29, 1980, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board granting a variance from the requirements Rule 203(d)(8)(B) of Chapter 2 of the Air Pollution Control Regulations to Continental Grain Company’s grain elevator located in Crossville, White County, Illinois. This variance expired July 1, 1980.
(31) On April 4, 1980, the State submitted a November 29, 1979, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board (IPCB) and Supplementary IPCB Orders dated January 24, 1980, and February 7, 1980. These Orders grant 13 Caterpillar Tractor Company boilers a variance from the requirements of IPCB (A), Rule 203(g)(1)(C)(i) and/or Rule 203(g)(1)(D) which regulate particulate emissions from new and existing sources. No action is taken at this time on variance provisions for Mapleton facility boilers #2, 3, 4, and 5. This variance expired on October 8, 1981.
(32) On August 31, 1981, the State of Illinois submitted a revision to the Illinois State Implementation Plan in the form of a July 9, 1981, Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board (R-77-15). This Order creates Rule 204(c)(1)(E) which establishes sulfur dioxide (SO
(33) On August 20, 1980, and March 20, 1981, the State submitted additional information on the transportation control plans for the Northeast Illinois (Chicago) Area.
(34) On October 15, 1980, the State submitted additional information on the transportation control plans for the Peoria Metropolitan Area.
(35) On April 1, 1981, the State submitted additional information on the transportation control plans for the St. Louis Metropolitan (Illinois) Area.
(36) On December 10, 1980, the State submitted a July 24, 1980, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board and a September 18, 1980, Order of the Board granting Bunge Corporation’s Cairo, Illinois soybean processing plant and grain elevator variance from Illinois Pollution Control Board’s particulate emission standards under Rules 203(g)(1)(D) and 103(b)(1) of Chapter 2 of the Air Pollution Control Regulations through October 15, 1981.
(37) On July 17, 1980, the State submitted an April 3, 1980, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board adopting a December 13, 1979, Proposed Opinion and Order of the Board which exempted certain small explosive waste incinerators from the requirements of Rule 203(e) Particulate Emission Standards and Limitations for incinerators and Rule 206(b) Carbon Monoxide Emissions Standards and Limitations for incinerators.
(38) On May 10, 1982, the State submitted a February 4, 1982, Illinois Pollution Control Board Opinion and Order (PCB 81-184) granting a variance from the requirements of Rules 205(m)(1)(B) and 204(n)(1)(G) of Chapter 2 of the Air Pollution Control Regulations to the Lyon Metal Products, Incorporated, Montgomery, Illinois facility. This variance expires on May 31, 1985.
(39) On October 1, 1981, the State submitted a report in satisfaction of the Total Suspended Particulate Control Strategy approval condition in which the State agreed to conduct an analysis of the potential air quality impact from storage piles with uncontrolled emissions of less than 50 tons per year, to submit the results of any analysis to EPA, to submit any necessary regulations to the Illinois Pollution Control Board, and promulgate and submit any necessary regulations to EPA. This report concluded that no further regulations were needed.
(40) EPA Study Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Solvent Cleaning Operations in the State of Illinois (EPA 905/4-80-008) was prepared to satisfy the Ozone Control Strategy approval condition in which the State agreed to conduct a study to demonstrate that the three pound per hour, 15 pound per day exemption for solvent metal cleaners contained in Rule 205(k) represents RACT, to submit the results of the study to EPA, to submit the necessary regulations to the Illinois Pollution Control Board and promulgate and submit any necessary regulations to EPA. The State reviewed this report and in a February 11, 1981, letter to EPA noted their agreement with the findings of the report and indicated that because there was no need for further regulations, this condition is satisfied.
(41) On December 7, 1981, the State submitted a October 8, 1981, Illinois Pollution Control Board Final Order (R79-11). This Final Order amends Rule 203(g)(1) by adding subsection (E).
(42) On January 4, 1983, the State submitted a revision to the Illinois State Implementation Plan in the form of an October 27, 1982, Illinois Pollution Control Board (IPCB) Opinion and Order (PCB 82-88). This Opinion and Order grants a variance from the requirements of Rule 203(a) of Chapter 2 of the Air Pollution Control Regulations to a proposed fluidized bed combustion boiler at B.F. Goodrich’s Henry County, Illinois facility. This variance continues until October 1, 1987, or until the facility is no longer subject to Rule 206(a), whichever comes first.
(43) On July 29, 1982, the State submitted a revision to the Illinois State Implementation Plan in the form of a May 28, 1981, Illinois Pollution Control Board (IPCB) Final Opinion of the Board (R78-17). This Final Opinion deletes Rule 204(c)(1)(D) and the reference to it in Rule 204(h) from the IPCB Air Pollution Control Regulations.
(44) On March 17, 1983, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) submitted a revision to its ozone SIP for Chrysler’s Belvidere facility. The revision request contains an alternative compliance time schedule with interim emission limitations which is in the form of a variance for prime coating and prime surface coating operations. Final compliance is changed from December 31, 1982 to December 31, 1987.
(45) On August 19, 1983, the State of Illinois submitted a revision to the Illinois State Implementation Plan in the form of a July 26, 1983, Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board (R82-12). This Order creates Rule 313 which establishes 1.5 micrograms per cubic meter, maximum arithmetic mean, averaged over a calendar quarter as the State’s ambient air quality standard for lead. The Board also adopted, as part of Rule 313, a measurement method for determining compliance with the standard.
(46) On August 15, 1983, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a May 19, 1983, Opinion and Order (PCB-82-147) of the Illinois Pollution Control Board (IPCB) granting Del Monte Corporation’s Can Manufacturing Plant No. 115 located in Rochelle, Ogle County, Illinois, a variance from the IPCB volatile organic compound emission standards under Rule 205(n)(1)(B)(i) and Rule 205(n)(1)(B)(vi) of Chapter 2: Air Pollution Regulations. The variance expires on December 31, 1984.
(47) On March 24, 1983, and May 3, 1983, the State submitted information that indicated that a February 21, 1980 (45 FR 11472), conditional approval of the incorporation of a revised Part D sulfur dioxide control strategy into the Illinois State Implementation Plan has been satisfied for Cincinnati, Pekin and Elm Grove Townships in Tazewell County and for Logan and Limestone Townships in Peoria County. This approval condition required that the SIP include a reanalysis of the Pekin, Illinois area; a submittal of the analysis results to USEPA; the proposal of any necessary regulations to the Illinois Pollution Control Board necessary to insure attainment and maintenance of the sulfur dioxide standard; and the promulgation of any necessary regulations. Any promulgated regulations must be submitted to USEPA.
(48)-(49) [Reserved]
(50) On May 3, 1983, the State requested that USEPA incorporate IPCB Rule 204 (f)(2) into the Illinois SIP. Rule 204(f)(2) was adopted by Illinois as part of a February 24, 1983, Order of the Board (R80-22). USEPA approves the incorporation of Rule 204(f)(2) as it pertains to Pekin Energy, a source in the Peoria major metropolitan area.
(51) On January 30, 1984, the State submitted Rule 204(f) as contained in a February 24, 1983, Order of the IPCB (R80-22) as it applies to sources in the Peoria Major Metropolitan area for incorporation in the SIP. USEPA approves the incorporation of Rule 204(f) into the SIP as it applies to all sources in Peoria and Tazewell Counties except Caterpillar Tractor Mapleton and East Peoria Plants. No action is taken on Rule 204(f) as it applies to the Chicago or St. Louis (Illinois—portion) Major Metropolitan Areas or on Rule 204(f) (1) and (2).
(52) [Reserved]
(53) On September 30, 1983, the State submitted a revision to the Illinois State Implementation Plan in the form of a lead plan to assure attainment and maintenance of the NAAQS in the Granite City area. The Illinois plan includes a discussion of air quality data measured since 1978, an emission inventory of three source categories capable of emitting lead, atmospheric modeling analyses and proposed necessary control strategies. On March 19, 1984, the State submitted five consent decrees entered by the State of Illinois with the Circuit Court for the Third Judicial Circuit of Madison County and filed March 16, 1984, for incorporation in the lead plan. These include People of the State of Illinois vs. Taracorp, Inc.; People of the State of Illinois vs. St. Louis Lead Recyclers; People of the State of Illinois vs. First Granite City National Bank; People of the State of Illinois, vs. Stackorp Inc.; and People of the State of Illinois vs. B.V. and G.V. Transport Company.
(54) [Reserved]
(55) On November 14, 1985, the State of Illinois submitted a negative declaration for natural gas/gasoline processing plants.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Letter dated November 14, 1985, from Michael J. Hayes, Manager, Division of Air Pollution Control, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
(56) On June 19, 1984, the State submitted Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Rule 252 entitled, “Rules for Governing Public Participation in the Air Pollution Permit Program for Major Source in Nonattainment Areas.”
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Rule 252 entitled, “Rule for Governing Public Participation in the Air Pollution Permit Program for Major Sources in Nonattainment Areas,” published on June 8, 1984.
(57)-(60) [Reserved]
(61) On March 15, 1984 and June 14, 1984 the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted commitments for satisfying several outstanding conditions to the sulfur dioxide [52.724(a)(1)] State Implementation Plan.
(62) On January 16, 1985, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a variance from Illinois Rule 206(a).
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) June 14, 1984, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board (IPCB), PCB 84-19. This is a variance from Illinois Rule 206(a) until June 14, 1987, for CO emissions from a fluidized bed combustion boiler at Midwest Solvents Company’s facility in Tazewell County, Illinois.
(63) On February 6, 1985, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) submitted a site-specific revision to its total suspended particulates State Implementation Plan for Villa Grove’s “Dump and Boot Pit” emissions in Champaign County, Illinois.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Pollution Control Board, Opinion and Order of the Board, PCB 84-53, Villa Grove’s “Dump and Boot Pit” site-specific TSP revision. This revision extends the compliance date for control requirements on these emissions until September 1, 1987, and was adopted on July 14, 1984.
(64) On May 13, 1985, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) submitted a variance from Illinois Rule 202(b) for a Brule pathological waste incinerator (BPWI) at NPWC’s facility located at the Great Lakes Naval Base, Great Lakes, Shields Township, Illinois, as a revision to its TSP SIP. Shields Township is an attainment area for both the primary and secondary national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for TSP.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board 84-156 adopted on March 22, 1985.
(65) Submitted from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) dated July 22, 1985, requesting an extended compliance schedule for Precision Coatings Incorporated (PCI) coating Machine Number 2.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Pollution Control Board Opinion and Order of the Board, PCB 84-117, which was adopted on February 20, 1985, and a modification to PCB 84-117 which was adopted on April 14, 1985.
(66) On March 27, 1985, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) submitted a site-specific revision to its Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan for Anderson Clayton Foods, Inc. (ACF), a variance from 35 Illinois Administrative Code (IAC) 216.121 which governs Carbon Monoxide emissions from the Fluidized Bed Combuster retrofitted boiler at ACF’s Jacksonville, Illinois facility. IAC 216.121 was incorporated in the Illinois SIP on May 31, 1972 (37 FR 10862), as Illinois Pollution Control Board Rule 206(a).
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Pollution Control Board Opinion and Order of the Board, PCB 84-147, which was adopted on January 24, 1985.
(67) On April 18, 1983, the State of Illinois submitted a 0.60 lb TSP/MMBTU emission limit for the City of Rochelle Municipal Steam Power Plant. On May 24, 1985, it submitted a revised modeling analysis.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Pollution Control Board Order (R78-15), Rule 203(g)(1)(C)(iii) which is dated February 24, 1983.
(68) On May 8, 1985, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a variance until December 31, 1987, from Illinois Rule 205(n)(1)(b)(v) and Rule 205(n)(1)(b)(vi), for American Can Corporation’s Hoopeston, Illinois facility in the form of a January 24, 1985, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board (PCB 84-106).
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) A January 24, 1985, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board (ICPB), PCB 84-106. This is a variance until December 31, 1987, for the coating reformulation programs at American Can Corporation’s Hoopeston facility located in Hoopeston, Illinois.
(69) On January 28, 1983, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a December 30, 1982, Illinois Pollution Control Board Order (R80-5). Illinois Pollution Control Board Rules 205(l) (4) through (10), 205(t) and 205(u) are approved.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Pollution Control Board Rules 205(l)(4) through (10), 205(t) and 205(u) as contained in December 30, 1982, Illinois Pollution Control Board Order R80-5.
(ii) Additional material. None.
(70) On February 13, 1986, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) submitted a revision to its ozone SIP for the Fedders-USA’s facility located in Effingham, Effingham County, Illinois. It grants Fedders-USA a compliance date extension for control requirements from October 1, 1982, to April 1, 1986, and provides for a legally enforceable compliance program.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) A January 9, 1986, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board (IPCB), PCB 83-47.
(71) On October 20, 1983, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a site-specific revision to Illinois’ sulfur dioxide plan for Illinois Power Company’s Baldwin Power Station. The revised SO
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Emission limits within Paragraph 1 of Illinois Pollution Control Board Final Order PCB 79-7, which was adopted September 8, 1983.
(72) [Reserved]
(73) On May 6, 1985, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, requested an extended compliance schedule for National Can Corporation’s Rockford facility.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Pollution Control Board, April 1, 1982, Opinion and Order of the Board, PCB 81-189 and a January 24, 1985, Opinion and Order PCB 84-108. These orders grant National Can Corporation (Rockford Plant) a variance from the existing VOC SIP requirements from December 31, 1982, until December 31, 1983, and from December 31, 1983, until December 31, 1985, respectively.
(74) On October 30, 1986, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a September 25, 1986, Final Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board R85-33 revises the State’s coke oven pushing and charging rules and recodifies some related rules.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board R85-33, which was adopted September 25, 1986.
(75)-(77) [Reserved]
(78) On January 28, 1983, June 25, 1987, August 21, 1987, September 28, 1987, October 2, 1987, December 22, 1987, January 8, 1988, March 29, 1988, and May 2, 1988 the State submitted stationary source control measures for incorporation in the ozone plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) The following sections of title 35, Environmental Protection; subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board of the Illinois Administrative Code, (June 1989): section 211.122 (definitions of bead-dipping; component; dry cleaning facility; external floating roof; gas service; green tire spraying; green tires; heavy liquid; liquid mounted seal; liquid service; pneumatic rubber tire manufacture; refinery unit, process unit, or unit; tread end cementing; undertread cementing; valves not externally regulated; vapor collection system; vapor mounted primary seal; volatile organic liquid; and volatile organic material) of subpart B (part 211); section 215.104 (definitions of continuous process; in vacuum service; material recovery section; open-ended valve; polystyrene plant; polystyrene resin; repaired; styrene devolatilizer unit; and styrene recovery unit) of subpart A (part 215); sections 215.124, 215.125, and 215.126 of subpart B (part 215); section 215.205 of subpart F (part 215); sections 215.240, 215.241, and 215.249 of subpart H (part 215); section 215.408 of subpart P (part 215); sections 215.420 through 215.431, 215.433, 215.434, 215.435, 215.437, and 215.438, all of subpart Q (part 215); section 215.453 of subpart R (part 215); sections 215.465 and 215.466 of subpart S (part 215); sections 215.520, 215.521, 215.525, 215.526, and 215.527 all of subpart V (part 215); sections 215.582, 215,583, and 215.584 of subpart Y (part 215); sections 215.607 through 215.613 of subpart Z (part 215); and sections 215.875, 215.877, 215.879, 215.881, 215.883, and 215.886 all of subpart BB (part 215) are approved.
(ii) Additional material. (79) On March 20, 1986, November 17, 1986, and July 1, 1987, Illinois submitted its vehicle inspection and maintenance plan for the Chicago and East St. Louis areas.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter II: Environmental Protection Agency, Part 276, Procedures To Be Followed in the Performance of Annual Inspections of Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emissions, Adopted at 10 Illinois Register 13954, effective August 13, 1986.
(ii) Additional material. (A) “Technical Procedures Memorandum—Enforcement” between the Illinois Secretary of State and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, as submitted by Michael J. Hayes, Manager, Division of Air Pollution Control on July 1, 1987.
(80) [Reserved]
(81) On April 6, 1990, and May 4, 1990, Illinois submitted a regulation which reduced the maximum allowable volatility for gasoline sold in Illinois during July and August 1990 to 9.5 pounds per square inch.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 35: Environmental protection, Subtitle B: Air pollution, Chapter I: Pollution control board, Part 215, Organic material emission standards and limitations, § 215.585, Gasoline volatility standards, Adopted at 14 Illinois register 6434, effective April 11, 1990.
(82)-(83) [Reserved]
(84) On September 18, 1991, and November 18, 1991, the State submitted documents intended to satisfy federal requirements for an operating permit program which can issue federally enforceable operating permits.
(i) Incorporation in reference. (A) Public Act 87-555, an Act to amend the Environmental Protection Act by changing section 9.1, effective September 17, 1991. (Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1009.1) par. 1009.1(a), (b), (c), (d) and (f).
(85) On March 24, 1988, the State submitted rules for issuance of construction permits to new and modified air pollution sources located in or affecting nonattainment areas (New Source Review rules).
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35 Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Part 203: Major Stationary Sources.
(86) On February 8, 1991, the State submitted revisions to its sulfur dioxide measurement methodology.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Part 214 Sulfur Limitations, Subpart A: General Provisions, section 214.101 Measurement Methods. Adopted December 20, 1990, effective January 15, 1991.
(87) On March 13, 1985, the State submitted revisions to its sulfur dioxide limitations.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Part 214 Sulfur Limitations, Subpart C: Existing Solid Fuel Combustion Emission Sources, Section 214.141 Sources Located in Metropolitan Areas, through paragraph (a) only, effective March 28, 1983; Subpart F: Alternative Standards for Sources Inside Metropolitan Areas, Section 214.201 Alternative Standards for Sources in Metropolitan Areas and Section 214.202 Dispersion Enhancement Techniques, effective March 28, 1983.
(88) On June 9, 1986, the State submitted revisions to its sulfur dioxide limitations in the form of a April 24, 1986, opinion and order of the Illinois Pollution Board in proceeding R84-28.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board Part 214 Sulfur Limitations, Subpart C: Existing Solid Fuel Combustion Emission Sources, § 214.141 Sources Located in Metropolitan Areas, paragraphs b), c) and d), and Subpart X: Utilities, § 214.560 Scope and § 214.561 E.D. Edwards Electric Generating Station effective May 20, 1986.
(89) On March 17, 1989, and August 28, 1990, the State of Illinois submitted a revision to the Illinois State Implementation Plan. The revision is contained in subpart J, § 201.281 and subpart L, §§ 201.401-.408 of part 210 of title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code. This revision provides a legally enforceable procedure for continuously monitoring and recording emissions to determine the status of compliance of certain stationary source categories and complies with 40 CFR 51.214 and part 51, appendix P. The rules were adopted by the Illinois Pollution Control Board on December 15, 1988, published (13 Ill. Reg. 2066) and became effective February 3, 1989. The rules were corrected for an omission, published on November 15, 1989, (13 Ill Reg. 19444), and became effective December 5, 1989. In a November 18, 1991, letter from Bharat Mathur, then Manager, Division of Air Pollution Control, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) to Stephen Rothblatt, Chief, Regulation Development Branch, Region 5, USEPA, Illinois committed to notify USEPA of any pending construction or operating permit application during the 30 day public comment period which is part of Illinois’ permit issuance process (Section 203.150). This commitment is part of the administrative record of USEPA’s approval of the Illinois’ operating permit program for the purpose of issuing federally enforceable operating permits at 40 CFR 52.720 (c) (84) and 52.737 on December 17, 1992 (57 FR 59928). USEPA may deem a permit not federally enforceable if monitoring provisions do not comply with the requirements of 40 CFR 51.214, part 51, appendix P or § 51.165.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 35: Environmental Protection; Subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter I: Pollution Control Board; Subchapter a: Permits and General Provisions; Part 201: Permits and General Provisions, Subpart J: Monitoring and Testing, Section 201.281; and Subpart L: Continuous Monitoring, Sections 201.401 through 201.408, adopted at Ill. Reg. 2066, effective February 3, 1989.
(90) On June 11, 1991, Illinois submitted regulations concerning the emission of volatile organic compounds from pharmaceutical manufacturing.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter C: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 215: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations, Subpart T: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Subpart A: General Provisions: Amendments to sections 215.102 and 215.105 and Creation of section 215.108. Adopted at 15
(B) Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter C: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions. Adopted at 15
(91) [Reserved]
(92) On June 4, 1992, the State submitted particulate matter regulations adopted as part of Pollution Control Board Proceeding R91-35. These regulations concern particulate matter ambient limits and episode regulations.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board
(A) Part 212 Visible and Particulate Matter Emissions: Section 212.113 Incorporations by Reference; section 212.424 Fugitive Particulate Matter Control for the Portland Cement Manufacturing Plant and Associated Quarry Operations located in LaSalle County, South of the Illinois River; section 212.443 Coke Plants; section 212.445 Blast Furnace Cast Houses; adopted at 16 Illinois Register 8204, effective May 15, 1992.
(B) Part 243 Air Quality Standards: Section 243.108 Incorporations by Reference; section 243.120 PM
(C) Part 244 Episodes: Section 244.101 Definitions; section 244.106 Monitoring; section 244.107 Determination of Areas Affected; section 244.121 Local Agency Responsibilities; section 244.161 Advisory Alert and Emergency Levels; section 244.162 Criteria for Declaring and Advisory; section 244.163 Criteria for Declaring a Yellow Alert; section 244.166 Criteria for Terminating Advisory, Alert and Emergency; section 244.167 Episode Stage Notification; section 244.168 Contents of Episode Stage Notification; section 244.169 Actions During Episode Stages Adopted; section 244 appendix D; adopted at 16 Illinois Register 8191, effective May 15, 1992.
(93) On September 30, 1992, the State submitted rules regulating volatile organic compound emissions from gasoline dispensing facilities’ motor vehicle fuel operations.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Administrative Code, title 35 Environmental Protection, subtitle B: Air Pollution, chapter I: Pollution Control Board part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area; subpart Y: Gasoline Distribution; § 218.583 Gasoline Dispensing Facilities—Storage Tank Filling Operations, amended at 16 Illinois Register 13864 effective August 24, 1992, and; § 218.586 Gasoline Dispensing Facilities—Motor Vehicle Fueling Operations, added at 16 Illinois Register 13864, effective August 24, 1992.
(B) [Reserved]
(ii) Additional materials. (A) Stage II Vapor Recovery SIP Program Description dated September 29, 1992.
(94) On July 30, 1986, the State submitted particulate boiler rules intended to replace rule 203(g)(1) which was vacated by the Courts. No action is taken on § 212.209 because the variance which it authorized has expired. On July 22, 1988, the State submitted opacity rules intended to replace rule 202(b) which had been vacated by the Courts. Also on July 22, 1988, the State submitted Illinois Pollution Control Board procedural rules for considering Air Adjusted Standard Procedures.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Illinois Administrative Code, Subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board; part 212 Visible and Particulate Matter Emissions; subpart E: Particulate Matter Emission from Fuel Combustion Emission Sources; §§ 212.201, 212.202, 212.203 and 212.204. Amended or added at 10 Ill Reg. 12637, effective July 9, 1986.
(B) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Illinois Administrative Code, Subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board; part 212 Visible and Particulate Matter Emissions; subpart B: Visible Emissions. Amended or added at 12 Ill. Reg 12492, effective July 13, 1988.
(C) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Illinois Administrative Code; Subtitle A: General Provisions; Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board; part 106: Hearings Pursuant to Specific Rules; subpart E: Air Adjusted Standards Procedures. Added at 12 Ill. Reg 12484, effective July 13, 1988.
(95) On October 16, 1991, and November 13, 1991, the State submitted particulate matter regulations adopted as part of Pollution Control Board Proceeding R91-6. These regulations concern particulate matter controls for LaSalle County, Illinois.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board.
(A) The addition of definitions for “Condensible PM-10”, “PM-10”, “Portland Cement Manufacturing Process Emission Source”, and the modification of the definition of “Portland Cement Process” to Part 211 Definitions and General Provisions: Section 211.122 Definitions; adopted at 15 Illinois Register 15673, effective October 14, 1991.
(B) Part 212 Visible and Particulate Matter Emissions: Section 212.110 Measurement Methods; the addition of an abbreviation for pounds per hour to Section 212.111 Abbreviations and Units; additions and deletions to Section 212.113 Incorporations by Reference including the addition and/or renumbering of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (h) and the deletion of paragraphs earlier numbered as (a) and (f); Section 212.423 Emission Limits for Portland Cement the Manufacturing Plant Located in LaSalle County, South of the Illinois River; adopted at 15 Illinois Register 15708, effective October 4, 1991.
(96) On November 12, 1992, the State of Illinois submitted a Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Assistance Program for incorporation in the Illinois State Implementation Plan as required by section 507 of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Included in the State’s submittal were a program description, newly adopted enabling legislation including new subsection 20 of section 39.5 of the Environmental Protection Act, Public Act 87-1213, and new subsection 46.13(a) of the Civil Administrative Code, Public Act 87-1177, and a May 4, 1992, State of Illinois, Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs (DCCA), Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Interagency Agreement defining the responsibilities of DCCA and IEPA in developing and implementing the Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program (Program).
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Subsection 20 of section 39.5 of the Environmental Protection Act adopted as Public Act 87-1213 signed into law on September 26, 1992, and effective upon signature.
(B) Subsection 46.13(a) of the Civil Administrative Code adopted as Public Act 87-1177 signed into law on September 21, 1992, and effective upon signature.
(ii) Other material. (A) Program description.
(B) May 4, 1992, Interagency Agreement between DCCA and IEPA defining the responsibilities of each agency in developing and implementing the program.
(97) On October 12, 1992, and June 2, 1993, the State of Illinois submitted a requested revision to the Illinois State Implementation Plan (SIP) intended to satisfy the requirements of section 182(a)(3)(B) of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1990. Included were State rules establishing procedures for the annual reporting of emissions of volatile organic material (VOM) and oxides of nitrogen (NO
(i) Update the AIRS Facility Subsystem using the annual emissions report data. The 1992 data will be updated by December 31, 1993, and subsequent updates will be made by July 1st of each year.
(ii) Retain annual emissions reports for at least three (3) years.
(iii) Develop and submit Emissions Statement Status Reports (ESSR) on a quarterly basis each year until all applicable sources have submitted the required annual emissions reports. The report will show the total number of facilities from which emission statement data was requested, the number of facilities that met the provisions, and the number of facilities that failed to meet the provisions. Sources that are delinquent in submitting their emissions statements will be individually listed if they emit 500 tons per year or more of VOM or 2500 tons per year or more of NO
(iv) All sources subject to the emission statement requirements must report, at a minimum, the information specified under subpart C of part 254 of chapter II of subtitle B of title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code.
(A) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter II: Environmental Protection Agency, Part 254: Annual Emissions Report, adopted at 17 Illinois Register 7782, effective May 14, 1993.
(B) Other material. June 2, 1993, commitment letter.
(98) On July 21, 1986, the State a submitted revision to its particulate matter regulations to incorporate an emission limit for continuous automatic stoking animal pathological waste incinerators.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Part 212 Visible and Particulate Matter Emissions, subpart D: Particulate Matter Emissions from Incinerators, section 212.185 Continuous Automatic Stoking Animal Pathological Waste Incinerators. Adopted December 18, 1986, added at 11 Ill. Reg. 1410, effective December 30, 1986.
(99) On January 4, 1989, the State submitted revisions to its sulfur dioxide rules.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 214 Sulfur Limitations, Subpart A: General Provisions, section 214.102 Abbreviations and Units. Amended at 12 Ill. Reg. 20778, effective December 5, 1988.
(B) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 214 Sulfur Limitations, Subpart A: General Provisions, section 214.104 Incorporations by Reference. Amended at 15 Ill. Reg. 1017, effective January 15, 1991.
(C) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 214 Sulfur Limitations, Subpart O: Petroleum Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Manufacturing, section 214.382 Petroleum and Petrochemical Processes. Amended at 12 Ill. Reg. 20778, effective December 5, 1988.
(100) On October 21, 1993, the State submitted definitions codified as part of the Illinois Administrative Code for incorporation in the Illinois State Implementation Plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 211 Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart A: General Provisions: Sections 211.101 and 211.102, Subpart B: Definitions, Sections 211.121, 211.130, 211.150, 211.170, 211.210, 211.230, 211.250, 211.290, 211.310, 211.330, 211.350, 211.370, 211.390, 211.410, 211.430, 211.450, 211.470, 211.490, 211.510, 211.530, 211.550, 211.570, 211.590, 211.610, 211.630, 211.650, 211.670, 211.690, 211.710, 211.730, 211.750, 211.770, 211.790, 211.810, 211.830, 211.850, 211.870, 211.890, 211.910, 211.930, 211.950, 211.970, 211.990, 211.1010, 211.1050, 211.1090, 211.1110, 211.1130, 211.1150, 211.1170, 211.1190, 211.1210, 211.1230, 211.1250, 211.1270, 211.1290, 211.1310, 211.1330, 211.1350, 211.1370, 211.1390, 211.1410, 211.1430, 211.1470, 211.1490, 211.1510, 211.1530, 211.1550, 211.1570, 211.1590, 211.1610, 211.1630, 211.1650, 211.1670, 211.1690, 211.1710, 211.1730, 211.1750, 211.1770, 211.1790, 211.1810, 211.1830, 211.1850, 211.1870, 211.1890, 211.1910, 211.1930, 211.1950, 211.1970, 211.1990, 211.2010, 211.2050, 211.2070, 211.2090, 211.2110, 211.2130, 211.2150, 211.2170, 211.2190, 211.2210, 211.2230, 211.2250, 211.2270, 211.2310, 211.2330, 211.2350, 211.2370, 211.2390, 211.2410, 211.2430, 211.2450, 211.2470, 211.2490, 211.2510, 211.2530, 211.2550, 211.2570, 211.2590, 211.2650, 211.2670, 211.2690, 211.2710, 211.2730, 211.2750, 211.2770, 211.2790, 211.2810, 211.2830, 211.2850, 211.2870, 211.2890, 211.2910, 211.2930, 211.2950, 211.2970, 211.2990, 211.3010, 211.3030, 211.3050, 211.3070, 211.3090, 211.3110, 211.3130, 211.3150, 211.3170, 211.3190, 211.3210, 211.3230, 211.3250, 211.3270, 211.3290, 211.3310, 211.3330, 211.3350, 211.3370, 211.3390, 211.3410, 211.3430, 211.3450, 211.3470, 211.3490, 211.3510, 211.3530, 211.3550, 211.3570, 211.3590, 211.3610, 211.3630, 211.3650, 211.3670, 211.3690, 211.3710, 211.3730, 211.3750, 211.3770, 211.3790, 211.3810, 211.3830, 211.3850, 211.3870, 211.3890, 211.3910, 211.3930, 211.3970, 211.3990, 211.4010, 211.4030, 211.4050, 211.4070, 211.4090, 211.4110, 211.4130, 211.4150, 211.4170, 211.4190, 211.4210, 211.4230, 211.4250, 211.4270, 211.4290, 211.4310, 211.4330, 211.4350, 211.4370, 211.4390, 211.4410, 211.4430, 211.4450, 211.4470, 211.4490, 211.4510, 211.4530, 211.4550, 211.4590, 211.4610, 211.4630, 211.4650, 211.4670, 211.4690, 211.4710, 211.4730, 211.4750, 211.4770, 211.4790, 211.4810, 211.4870, 211.4890, 211.4910, 211.4930, 211.4950, 211.4990, 211.5030, 211.5050, 211.5070, 211.5090, 211.5110, 211.5130, 211.5150, 211.5170, 211.5185, 211.5190, 211.5210, 211.5230, 211.5250, 211.5270, 211.5310, 211.5330, 211.5350, 211.5370, 211.5410, 211.5430, 211.5450, 211.5470, 211.5490, 211.5510, 211.5550, 211.5570, 211.5590, 211.5610, 211.5630, 211.5650, 211.5670, 211.5690, 211.5710, 211.5730, 211.5750, 211.5770, 211.5790, 211.5810, 211.5830, 211.5850, 211.5870, 211.5890, 211.5910, 211.5930, 211.5950, 211.5970, 211.5990, 211.6010, 211.6030, 211.6050, 211.6070, 211.6090, 211.6130, 211.6150, 211.6190, 211.6210, 211.6230, 211.6270, 211.6290, 211.6310, 211.6330, 211.6350, 211.6370, 211.6390, 211.6410, 211.6430, 211.6450, 211.6470, 211.6490, 211.6510, 211.6530, 211.6550, 211.6570, 211.6590, 211.6610, 211.6670, 211.6690, 211.6730, 211.6750, 211.6770, 211.6790, 211.6810, 211.6850, 211.6870, 211.6890, 211.6910, 211.6930, 211.6950, 211.6970, 211.6990, 211.7010, 211.7030, 211.7070, 211.7090, 211.7110, 211.7130, 211.7150, 211.7170, 211.7190, 211.7210, 211.7230, 211.7250, 211.7270, 211.7290, 211.7310, 211.7330, 211.7350.
These section were added at 17 Ill. Reg. 16504, effective September 27, 1993.
(101) On October 21, 1993, the state submitted volatile organic compound (VOC) control regulations for incorporation in the Illinois State Implementation for ozone.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area Subparts A, B, C, E, F, G, H, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z, AA, BB, and Section 218.
Appendix A, B, C, and D. These regulations were adopted at R91-7 at 15 Ill. Reg. 12231, effective August 16, 1991; amended in R91-23 at Ill. Reg. 13564, effective August 24, 1992; amended in R91-28 and R91-30 at 16 Ill. Reg. 13864, effective August 24, 1992; amended in R93-9 at 17 Ill. Reg. 16636, effective September 27, 1993. The specific adoption and effective dates of the rules incorporated by reference follow.
(1) Adopted at R91-7 at 15 Ill. Reg. 12231, effective August 16, 1991. Subpart A 218.108; Subpart C: 218.142; Subpart R: 218.442, 218.444, 218.448, 218.451; Subpart T: 218.484, 218.488; Subpart V: 218.526; Subpart X: 218.561, 218.563; Subpart Z: 218.607; Subpart AA: 218.625, 218.626 and 218.630.
(2) Amended in R93-9 at 17 Ill. Reg. 16636, effective September 27, 1993. Subpart A: 218.100, 218.101, 218.102, 218.103, 218.104, 218.105, 218.106, 218.107, 218.109, 218.110, 218.111, 218.112; Subpart B: 218.121, 218.122, 218.123, 218.124; Subpart C: 218.141, 218.143, 218.144; Subpart E: 218.181, 218.182, 218.183, 218.184, 218.186; Subpart F: 218.204, 218.205, 218.206, 218.207, 218.208, 218.209, 218.210, 218.211; Subpart G: 218.301, 218.302, 218.303, 218.304; Subpart H: 218.401, 218.402, 218.403, 218.404, 218.405; Subpart Q: 218.421, 218.422, 218.423, 218.424, 218.425, 218.426, 218.427, 218.428, 218.429; Subpart R: 218.441, 218.443, 218.445, 218.446, 218.447, 218.449, 218.450, 218.452; Subpart S: 218.461, 218.462, 218.463, 218.464; Subpart T: 218.480, 218.481, 218.482, 218.483, 218.485, 218.486, 218.487, 218.489; Subpart V: 218.525; Subpart W: 218.541; Subpart X: 218.562; Subpart Y: 218.581, 218.582, 218.583, 218.584, 218.585, 218.586; Subpart Z: 218.601, 218.602, 218.603, 218.608, 218.609, 218.610, 218.611; Subpart AA: 218.620, 218.621, 218.623, 218.624, 218.628, 218.636, 218.637; Subpart BB: 218.640, 218.642, 218.644, Section 218: Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D.
(3) Section 218.585 was repealed in 2013 and is removed without replacement; see paragraph (c)(201) of this section.
(B) Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 219: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for Metro East Area Subparts A, B, C, E, F, G, H, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z, AA, BB and Section 219 Appendix A, B, C, and D. These regulations were adopted at R91-8 at Ill. Reg. 12491, effective August 16, 1991; amended in R91-24 at 16 Ill. Reg. 13597, effective August 24, 1992; amended in R91-30 at 16 Ill. Reg. 13833, effective August 24, 1992, emergency amendment in R93-12 at Ill. Reg. 8295, effective May 24, 1993, for a maximum of 150 days, amended in R93-9 at 17 Ill. Reg. 16918, effective September 27, 1993 and October 21, 1993. The specific adoption and effective dates of the rules incorporated by reference follow.
(1) Adopted at R91-8 at 15 Ill. Reg. 12491, effective August 16, 1991: Subpart A: 219.103, 219.108; Subpart C: 219.142; Subpart R: 219.442, 219.444, 219.448, 219.451; Subpart T: 219.484, 219.488; Subpart V: 219.526; Subpart X: 219.561, 219.563; Subpart Z: 219.607; Subpart AA: 219.625, 219.626, 219.630.
(2) Amended in R93-9 at 17 Ill. Reg. 16918, effective September 27, 1993:
(3) Section 219.585 was repealed in 2013 and is removed without replacement; see paragraph (c)(201) of this section.
(102) On October 21, 1993 and March 4, 1994, the State submitted volatile organic compound control regulations for incorporation in the Illinois State Implementation Plan for ozone.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Sections 211.270, 211.1070, 211.2030, 211.2610, 211.3950, 211.4050, 211.4830, 211.4850, 211.4970, 211.5390, 211.5530, 211.6110, 211.6170, 211.6250, 211.6630, 211.6650, 211.6710, 211.6830, 211.7050. These sections were adopted on January 6, 1994, Amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 1253, and effective January 18, 1994.
(B) Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 218: Organic Material Emissions Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart PP: 218.927, 218.928; Subpart QQ: 218.947, 218.948; Subpart RR: 218.967, 218.968; Subpart TT: 218.987, 218.988; Subpart UU: 218.990. These sections were adopted on September 9, 1993, Amended at 17 Ill. Reg. 16636, effective September 27, 1993.
(C) Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 218: Organic Material Emissions Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart A: 218.106, 218.108, 218.112, 218.114; Subpart H: 218.402; Subpart Z: 218.602, 218.611; Subpart AA: 218.620, 218.623 (repealed); Subpart CC; Subpart DD; Subpart PP: 218.920, 218.926; Subpart QQ: 218.940, 218.946; Subpart RR: 218.960, 218.966; Subpart TT: 218.980, 218.986; Subpart UU: 218.991. These sections were adopted on January 6, 1994, Amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 1945, effective January 24, 1994.
(103) On February 11, 1993, Illinois submitted a site specific revision to its carbon monoxide State Implementation Plan for a General Motors Corporation iron foundry located adjacent to Interstate 74 at G Street in Vermilion County, Illinois.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Administrative Code; Title 35 Environmental Protection; Subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter I: Pollution Control Board; Subchapter C: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources; P 216: Carbon Monoxide Emissions; Subpart O: Primary and Fabricated Metal Products; Section 216.382 Exception, General Motors Ferris Foundry in Vermilion County. Added at 16 Illinois Register 18075, effective November 13, 1992.
(104) [Reserved]
(105) On February 7, 1994, the State submitted revisions intended to create a permit program for small sources. The purpose of these revisions is to lessen the permitting burden on small sources and the permitting authority by reducing the frequency and/or the requirement of operating permit renewal for sources emitting a total of less than 25 tons per year of regulated air pollutants. A permit obtained through these procedures is intended to continue as a legally binding State document until the source modifies its operations, withdraws its permit or becomes subject to a new applicable requirement. At that time, the State will determine whether the small source procedures continue to be appropriate and issue a revised small source permit or direct the source in following the correct permit procedures. Since small source permits are not subject to a public comment period or review by USEPA, they are not federally enforceable and cannot be used to limit sources’ potential to emit and thereby exempt them from the requirements of the title v operating permit program.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board.
(A) Subchapter a: Permits and General Provisions, Part 201: Permits and General Provisions.
(1) Subpart D: Permit Applications and Review Process, Section 201.162 Duration and Section 201.163 Joint Construction and Operating Permits. Amended at 17 Ill. Reg., effective December 7, 1993.
(2) Subpart E: Special Provisions for Operating Permits for Certain Smaller Sources, Section 201.180 Applicability, Section 201.181 Expiration and Renewal and Section 201.187 Requirement for a Revised Permit Added at 17 Ill. Reg., effective December 7, 1993.
(B) Subchapter C: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Section 211.5500 Regulated Air Pollutant. Adopted at 17 Ill. Reg., effective December 7, 1993.
(106) On November 23, 1994, the State submitted amended marine vessel loading rules which consisted of revised definitions, and revisions to the Ozone Control Plan for the Chicago and Metro-East St. Louis areas.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Sections 211.3480 Loading Event and 211.3660 Marine Vessel added at 18 Ill. Reg. 166769, effective October 25, 1994; Sections 211.3650 Marine Terminal, and 211.6970 Vapor Collection System, and Section 211.6990 Vapor Control System amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 16769, effective October 25, 1994.
(B) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart A; General Provisions, Sections 218.101 Savings Clause and 218.106 Compliance Dates amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 16392, effective October 25, 1994; Subpart GG: Marine Terminals, Sections 218.760 Applicability, 218.762 Control Requirements, 218.764 Compliance Certification, 218.766 Leaks, 218.768 Testing and Monitoring, and 218.770 Recordkeeping and Reporting added at 18 Ill. Reg. 16392, effective October 25, 1994; Appendix E: List of Affected Marine Terminals amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 16392, effective October 25, 1994.
(C) Part 219: Organic Material Emissions Standards and Limitations for the Metro-East Area, Subpart A; General Provisions, Sections 219.101 Savings Clause and 219.106 Compliance Dates amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 16415, effective October 25, 1994; Subpart GG: Marine Terminals, Sections 219.760 Applicability, 219.762 Control Requirements, 219.764 Compliance Certification, 219.766 Leaks, 219.768 Testing and Monitoring, and 219.770 Recordkeeping and Reporting added at 18 Ill. Reg. 16415, effective October 25, 1994.
(D) Part 219: Organic Material Emissions Standards and Limitations for the Metro-East Area, Appendix E: List of affected Marine Terminals amended at 20 Ill. Reg. 3848. Effective February 15, 1996.
(107) On October 25, 1994, Illinois submitted a regulation which requires gasoline dispensing operations in the Chicago and Metro-East St. Louis ozone nonattainment areas that have storage tanks of at least 575 gallons to install pressure/vacuum relief valves on storage tank vent pipes. Tanks installed before January 1, 1979, are exempt from the rule if they have a capacity of less than 2000 gallons, as are tanks that are equipped with floating roofs or equivalent control devices that have been approved by the State and USEPA.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 201 Permits and General Provisions, Section 201.302 Reports. Amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 15002. Effective September 21, 1994.
(B) Part 211 Definitions and General Provisions, Section 211.5060 Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valve. Added at 18 Ill. Reg. 14962. Effective September 21, 1994.
(C) Part 218 Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for Chicago Area, Section 218.583 Gasoline Dispensing Operations-Storage Tank Filling Operations. Amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 14973. Effective September 21, 1994.
(D) Part 219 Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for Metro East Area, Section 219.583 Gasoline Dispensing Operations-Storage Tank Filling Operations. Amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 14987. Effective September 21, 1994.
(108) On January 25, 1994, the State submitted a revision to its ozone State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Quantum Chemical Corporation’s facility located in Morris, Aux Sable Township, Grundy County, Illinois. It grants an adjusted standard from Parts 35 Illinois Administration Code (IAC) 218.966 and 218.986 as they apply to specific units or plants within this facility.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Pollution Control Board Final Opinion and Order, AS 92-14, adopted on October 7, 1993, and effective on October 7, 1993.
(109) On October 25, 1994, Illinois submitted a regulation that reduces the maximum allowable volatility for gasoline sold in the Metro-East St. Louis ozone nonattainment area, which includes Madison, Monroe, and St. Clair Counties, to 7.2 pounds per square inch Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) during the summer control period. On May 14, 1996, Illinois submitted an amendment to its RVP rule which changes the summer regulatory control period of the program. The summer control period for the Illinois RVP program is June 1 to September 15.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 219 Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for Metro East Area.
(A) Section 219.112 Incorporation by Reference. Amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 14987. Effective September 21, 1994.
(B) [Reserved]
(C) Section 219.585 Gasoline Volatility Standards. Amended at 20 Ill. Reg. 3848: Effective February 15, 1996.
(D) Section 219.585 was repealed in 2013 and is removed without replacement; see paragraph (c)(201) of this section.
(110) On September 26, 1994, the State of Illinois submitted a revision to its ozone State Implementation Plan for the J. M. Sweeney Company located in Cicero, Cook County, Illinois. It grants a compliance date extension from Stage II vapor control requirements (35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.586) from November 1, 1993, to March 31, 1995.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Pollution Control Board Final Opinion and Order, PCB 93-257, adopted on September 1, 1994, and effective on September 1, 1994. Certification dated 9/23/94 of Acceptance by J. M. Sweeney.
(111) On July 29, 1994, Illinois submitted regulations which require adoption and implementation of particulate matter contingency measures for Illinois’ four moderate particulate matter nonattainment areas. Sources in the nonattainment areas which emit at least 15 tons of particulate matter must submit two levels of contingency measures, which will then become Federally enforceable. Sources will be required to implement the contingency measures if an exceedance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Particulate Matter is measured, or if the United States Environmental Protection Agency finds that an area has failed to attain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board;
(A) Part 106 Hearings Pursuant to Specific Rules, Section 106.930—Applicability, Section 106.931—Petition for Review, Section 106.932—Response and Reply, Section 106.933—Notice and Hearing, Section 106.934—Opinion and Order. Amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 11579-11586. Effective July 11, 1994.
(B) Part 212 Visible and Particulate Matter Emissions, Section 212.700—Applicability, Section 212.701—Contingency Measure Plans, Submittal and Compliance Date, Section 212.702—Determination of Contributing Sources, Section 212.703—Contingency Measure Plan Elements, Section 212.704—Implementation, Section 212.705—Alternative Implementation. Added at 18 Ill. Reg. 11587-11606. Effective July 11, 1994.
(112) On March 28, 1995, the State of Illinois submitted a revision to its ozone State Implementation Plan for P & S, Incorporated’s facility located in Wood Dale, Du Page County, Illinois. It grants a compliance date extension from Stage II vapor control requirements (35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.586) from November 1, 1994 until April 1, 1996, or 60 days after notification to P & S, Incorporated that the roadway construction complicating the installation of Stage II equipment will be abandoned for any reason, whichever is sooner.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Pollution Control Board Final Opinion and Order, PCB 94-299, adopted on February 16, 1995, and effective on February 16, 1995. Certification dated March 1, 1995 of Acceptance by P & S, Incorporated.
(113) On April 27, 1995, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency requested a revision to the Illinois State Implementation Plan in the form of revisions to the State’s New Source Review rules for sources in the Chicago and metropolitan East St. Louis ozone nonattainment areas and are intended to satisfy Federal requirements of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1990. The State’s New Source Review provisions are codified at Title 35: Environmental Protection Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter a: Permits and General Provisions. Part 203 Major Stationary Sources Construction and Modification is amended as follows:
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subpart A: General Provisions, Section 203.101 Definitions, Section 203.107 Allowable Emissions, Section 203.110 Available Growth Margin, Section 203.112 Building, Structure and Facility, Section 203.121 Emission Offset, Section 203.122 Emissions Unit, Section 203.123 federally Enforceable, Section 203.126 Lowest Achievable Emission Rate, Section 203.128 Potential to Emit, Section 203.145 Volatile Organic Material, Section 203.150 Public Participation. Effective April 30, 1993.
(B) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subpart B: Major Stationary Sources in Nonattainment Areas, Section 203.201 Prohibition, Section 203.203 Construction Permit Requirement and Application, Section 203.206 Major Stationary Source, Section 203.207 Major Modification of a Source, Section 203.208 Net Emission Determination, Section 203.209 Significant Emissions Determination. Effective April 30, 1993.
(C) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subpart C: Requirements for Major Stationary Sources in Nonattainment Areas, Section 203.301 Lowest Achievable Emission Rate, Section 203.302 Maintenance of Reasonable Further Progress and Emission Offsets, Section 203.303 Baseline and Emission Offsets Determination, Section 203.306 Analysis of Alternatives. Effective April 30, 1993.
(D) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subpart H: Offsets for Emission Increases From Rocket Engines and Motor Firing, Section 203.801 Offsetting by Alternative or Innovative Means. Effective April 30, 1993. Published in the Illinois Register, Volume 17, Issue 20, May 14, 1993.
(114) On November 30, 1994, the State submitted an amended Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry Air Oxidation Process rule which consisted of extended applicability and tightened control measures to the Ozone Control Plan for the Chicago and Metro-East St. Louis areas.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart V; Air Oxidation Processes, Sections 218.520 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes, 218.522 Savings Clause, 218.523 Compliance, 218.524 Determination of Applicability, and 218.525 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes (Renumbered) at 18 Ill. Reg. 16972, effective November 15, 1994.
(B) Part 219: Organic Material Emissions Standards and Limitations for the Metro-East Area, Subpart V; Air Oxidation Processes, Sections 219.520 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes, 219.522 Savings Clause, 219.523 Compliance, 219.524 Determination of Applicability, and 219.525 Emission Limitations for Air Oxidation Processes (Renumbered) at 18 Ill. Reg. 17001, effective November 15, 1994.
(115) On May 5, 1995, and May 26, 1995, the State submitted an amended coating rule which consisted of a tightened applicability cut-off level for wood furniture coating operations to the Ozone Control Plan for the Chicago and Metro-East St. Louis areas.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart F; Coating Operations, Sections 218.208 Exemptions from Emission Limitations, Subsection (b), amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 6848, effective May 9, 1995.
(B) Part 219: Organic Material Emissions Standards and Limitations for the Metro-East Area, Subpart F; Coating Operations, Section 219.208 Exemptions from Emission Limitations, Subsection (b), amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 6958, effective May 9, 1995.
(116) On May 5, 1995, and May 26, 1995, the State submitted a rule for automotive/transportation and business machine plastic parts coating operations, which consisted of new volatile organic compound emission limitations to the Ozone Control Plan for the Chicago and Metro-East St. Louis areas.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B; Definitions, Sections 211.660 Automotive/Transportation Plastic Parts, 211.670 Baked Coatings, 211.820 Business Machine Plastic Parts, 211.1880 Electromagnetic Interference/Radio Frequency Interference Shielding Coatings, 211.1900 Electrostatic Prep Coat, 211.2360 Flexible Coatings, 211.2630 Gloss Reducers, 211.4055 Non-Flexible Coating, 211.4740 Plastic Part, 211.5480 Reflective Argent Coating, 211.5600 Resist Coat, 211.6060 Soft Coat, 211.6140 Specialty Coatings, 211.6400 Stencil Coat, 211.6580 Texture Coat, and 211.6880 Vacuum Metallizing, amended at 19 Ill. 6823, effective May 9, 1995.
(B) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart F; Coating Operations, Sections 218.204 Emission Limitations, Subsection (n) Plastic Parts Coating: Automotive/Transportation and (o) Plastic Parts Coating: Business Machine, 218.205 Daily-Weighted Average Limitations, Subsection (g), and 218.207 Alternative Emission Limitations, Subsection (i), amended at 19 Ill. 6848, effective May 9, 1995.
(C) Part 219: Organic Material Emissions Standards and Limitations for the Metro-East Area, Subpart F; Coating Operations, Section 219.204 Emission Limitations, Subsection (m) Plastic Parts Coating: Automotive/Transportation and (n) Plastic Parts Coating: Business Machine, 219.205 Daily-Weighted Average Limitations, Subsection (f), and 219.207 Alternative Emission Limitations, Subsection (h), amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 6958, effective May 9, 1995.
(117) On May 31, 1995, the State submitted amended lithographic printing rules which consisted of revised definitions, and revisions to the Ozone Control Plan for the Chicago and Metro-East St. Louis areas.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Sections 211.474 Alcohol, 211.560 As-Applied Fountain Solution, 211.2850 Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Line, 211.4065 Non-Heatset, 211.5980 Sheet-Fed added at 19 Ill. Reg. 6823, effective May 9, 1995.
(B) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart H; Printing and Publishing, Sections 218.405 Lithographic Printing: Applicability, 218.406 Provisions Applying to Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Prior to March 15, 1996, 218.407 Emissions Limitations and Control Requirements for Lithographic Printing Lines On and After March 15, 1996, 218.408 Compliance Schedule for Lithographic Printing on and After March 15, 1996, 218.409 Testing for Lithographic Printing On and After March 15, 1996, 218.410 Monitoring Requirements for Lithographic Printing, 218.411 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Lithographic Printing added at 19 Ill. Reg. 6848, effective May 9, 1995.
(C) Part 219: Organic Material Emissions Standards and Limitations for the Metro-East Area, Subpart H; Printing and Publishing, Sections 219.405 Lithographic Printing: Applicability, 219.406 Provisions Applying to Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Prior to March 15, 1996, 219.407 Emissions Limitations and Control Requirements for Lithographic Printing Lines On and After March 15, 1996, 219.408 Compliance Schedule for Lithographic Printing on and After March 15, 1996, 219.409 Testing for Lithographic Printing On and After March 15, 1996, 219.410 Monitoring Requirements for Lithographic Printing, 219.411 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Lithographic Printing added at 19 Ill. Reg. 6848, effective May 9, 1995.
(118) On October 24, 1994, the State submitted a site-specific revision to the State Implementation Plan establishing lubricant selection and temperature control requirements for Alumax Incorporated, Morris, Illinois facility’s hot and cold aluminum rolling mills, as part of the Ozone Control Plan for the Chicago area.
(i) Incorporation by reference. September 1, 1994, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board AS 92-13, effective September 1, 1994.
(119) On May 5, 1995, and May 26, 1995, the State submitted a revised rule tightening volatile organic compound emission limitations for certain surface coating operations in the Chicago and Metro-East St. Louis areas.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart F; Coating Operations, Sections 218.204 Emission Limitations, 218.205 Daily-Weighted Average Limitations, 218.207 Alternative Emission Limitations, 218.208 Exemptions From Emission Limitations, 218.210 Compliance Schedule, 218.212 Cross-line Averaging to Establish Compliance for Coating Lines, 218.213 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Cross-line Averaging Participating Coating Lines, 218.214 Changing Compliance Methods, 218 Appendix H Baseline VOM Content Limitations for Subpart F, Section 218.212 Cross-Line Averaging, amended at 19 Ill. 6848, effective May 9, 1995.
(B) Part 219: Organic Material Emissions Standards and Limitations for the Metro-East Area, Subpart F; Coating Operations, Sections 219.204 Emission Limitations, 219.205 Daily-Weighted Average Limitations, 219.207 Alternative Emission Limitations, 219.208 Exemptions From Emission Limitations, 219.210 Compliance Schedule, 219.212 Cross-line Averaging to Establish Compliance for Coating Lines, 219.213 Recordkeeping and Reporting for Cross-line Averaging Participating Coating Lines, 219.214 Changing Compliance Methods, 219 Appendix H Baseline VOM Content Limitations for Subpart F, Section 219.212 Cross-line Averaging, amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 6958, effective May 9, 1995.
(120) On May 5, 1995, and May 31, 1995, the State of Illinois submitted a rule for motor vehicle refinishing operations, which consisted of new volatile organic material (VOM) emission limitations to the Ozone Control Plan for the Chicago and Metro East St. Louis areas. This State Implementation Plan revision contains rules which establish VOM content limits for certain coatings and surface preparation products used in automobile and mobile equipment refinishing operations in the Chicago and Metro-East area, as well as requires these operations to meet certain equipment and work practice standards to further reduce VOM.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B; Definitions, Sections 211.240 Adhesion Promoter, 211.495 Anti-Glare/Safety Coating, 211.685 Basecoat/Clearcoat System, 211.1875 Elastomeric Materials, 211.3915 Mobile Equipment, 211.3960 Motor Vehicles, 211.3965 Motor Vehicle Refinishing, 211.5010 Precoat, 211.5061 Pretreatment Wash Primer, 211.5080 Primer Sealer, 211.5090 Primer Surfacer Coat, 211.6145 Specialty Coatings for Motor Vehicles, 211.6540 Surface Preparation Materials, 211.6620 Three or Four Stage Coating System, 211.6695 Topcoat System, 211.6720 Touch-Up Coating, 211.6860 Uniform Finish Blender, amended at 19 Ill. 6823, effective May 9, 1995.
(B) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart HH; Motor Vehicle Refinishing, Sections 218.780 Emission Limitations, 218.782 Alternative Control Requirements, 218.784 Equipment Specifications, 218.786 Surface Preparation Materials, 218.787 Work Practices, 218.788 Testing, 218.789 Monitoring and Record keeping for Control Devices, 218.790 General Record keeping and Reporting, 218.791 Compliance Date, 218.792 Registration, amended at 19 Ill. 6848, effective May 9, 1995.
(C) Part 219: Organic Material Emissions Standards and Limitations for the Metro-East Area, Subpart HH; Motor Vehicle Refinishing, Sections 219.780 Emission Limitations, 219.782 Alternative Control Requirements, 219.784 Equipment Specifications, 219.786 Surface Preparation Materials, 219.787 Work Practices, 219.788 Testing, 219.789 Monitoring and Record keeping for Control Devices, 219.790 General Record keeping and Reporting, 219.791 Compliance Date 219.792 Registration, amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 6958, effective May 9, 1995.
(D) Sections 218.792 and 219.792 were repealed in 2013 and are removed without replacement; see paragraph (c)(201) of this section.
(121) On May 23, 1995, and June 7, 1995, the State submitted volatile organic compound control regulations for incorporation in the Illinois State Implementation Plan for ozone.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Sections 211.695, 211.696, 211.5245, 211.6025. These sections were adopted on May 4, 1995, Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 7344, and effective May 22, 1995.
(B) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart V: 218.500, 218.501, 218.502, 218.503, 218.504, 218.505, 218.506. These sections were adopted on May 4, 1995, Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 7359, and effective May 22, 1995.
(C) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 219: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area, Subpart V: 219.500, 219.501, 219.502, 219.503, 219.504, 219.505, 219.506. These sections were adopted on May 4, 1995, Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 7385, and effective May 22, 1995.
(122) On June 26, 1995, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) submitted a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision containing the 1992 enhancements to the Illinois vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) program. Such enhancements were originally developed to meet the I/M performance standard as called for in the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA’s) proposed ‘post-1987’ I/M SIP policy and specified in the settlement agreement entered into by the parties in Wisconsin v. Reilly, Case No. 87-C-0395, E.D. Wis. The submittal includes authorizing legislation P.A. 86-1433, signed into law on September 12, 1990 and procedural rules published in the Illinois Register on June 26, 1992 at Volume 16, Issue #16.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) 35 Illinois Administrative Code 276; Sections 276.101, 276.102, 276.204, 276.206, 276.301, 276.303, 276.304, 276.307, 276.308, 276.309, 276.310, 276.311, 276.401, 276.402, 276.701, 276.702, and 276.703 amended or added at 16 Ill. Reg. 10230, effective June 15, 1992.
(ii) Other material. (A) Public Act 86-1433 adopted by the Illinois General Assembly on June 29, 1990, signed into law by Governor Edgar on September 12, 1990 effective September 12, 1990 (Sections 2,3, and 4) and January 1, 1991 (Section 1). (B) June 26, 1995 letter and attachments from the IEPA’s Bureau of Air Chief to the USEPA’s Regional Air and Radiation Division Director submitting Illinois’ revision to the ozone SIP.
(123) On May 5, 1995, May 26, 1995, and May 31, 1995, the State of Illinois submitted miscellaneous revisions to its Volatile Organic Material (VOM) Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) rules contained in 35 Illinois Administrative Code Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, and Part 219: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area. These amendments clarify certain applicability provisions, control requirements, and compliance dates contained within these regulations. Also included in these amendments is an exemption for certain polyethylene foam packaging operations from VOM RACT requirements.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart A: General Provisions, Section 218.106; Subpart T: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Section 218.480; Subpart DD: Aerosol Can Filling, Section 218.686; Subpart RR: Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Process, Section 218.966; Subpart TT: Other Emission Units, Section 218.980. Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 6848; effective May 9, 1995.
(B) Part 219: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area, Subpart T: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Section 219.480; Subpart TT: Other Emission Units, Section 219.980. Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 6958, effective May 9, 1995.
(124) The State of Illinois requested a revision to the Illinois State Implementation Plan (SIP). This revision is for the purpose of establishing and implementing a Clean-Fuel Fleet Program in the Chicago ozone nonattainment area, which includes Cook, DuPage, Grundy (Aux Sable and Goose Lake townships only), Kane, Kendall (Oswego township only), Lake, McHenry, and Will counties, to satisfy the federal requirements for a Clean Fuel Fleet Program to be part of the SIP for Illinois.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) 35 Illinois Administrative Code 241; Sections 241.101, 241.102, 241.103, 241.104, 241.110, 241.111, 241.112, 241.113, 241.114, 241.115, 241.130, 241.131, 241.140, 241.141, 241.142, 241. Appendix A, 241. Appendix B adopted in R95-12 at 19 Ill. Reg. 13265, effective September 11, 1995.
(ii) Other material. (A) September 29, 1995 letter and attachments from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Bureau of Air Chief to the USEPA’s Regional Air and Radiation Division Director submitting Illinois’ revision to the ozone SIP.
(125) On November 14, 1995 the State submitted requested revisions to the Illinois State Implementation Plan in the form of revisions to the definitions of Organic Material and Organic Materials, Organic Solvent, Petroleum Liquid and Volatile Organic Material (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) intended to exempt acetone from regulation as a VOC.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Section 211.4250 Organic Material and Organic Materials, Section 211.4260 Organic Solvent, Section 211.4610 Petroleum Liquid, Section 211.7150 Volatile Organic Material (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 15176, effective October 19, 1995.
(126) On November 15, 1995 the State submitted a requested revision to the Illinois State Implementation Plan in the form of a revision to the definition Volatile Organic Material (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) intended to exempt parachlorobenzotrifluoride and cyclic, branched or linear completely methylated siloxanes from the definition of VOM or VOC and thereby, from regulation as a VOC.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Section 211.7150 Volatile Organic Material (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 11066, effective July 12, 1995.
(127) On October 21, 1993, and May 26, 1995, Illinois submitted volatile organic compound control regulations for incorporation in the Illinois State Implementation Plan for ozone.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 219: Organic Material Emissions Standards and Limitations for Metro East Area, Subpart PP: 219.920, 219.923, 219.927, 219.928; Subpart QQ: 219.940, 219.943, 219.947, 219.948; Subpart RR: 219.960, 219.963, 219.967, 219.968; Subpart TT: 219.980, 219.983, 219.987, 219.988; and Subpart UU. These Subparts were adopted on September 9, 1993, Amended at 17 Ill. Reg. 16918, effective September 27, 1993.
(B) Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 219: Organic Material Emissions Standards and Limitations for Metro East Area, Subpart PP: 219.926; Subpart QQ: 219.946; Subpart RR: 219.966; and Subpart TT: 219.986. These Subparts were adopted on April 20, 1995, Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 6958, effective May 9, 1995.
(128) On November 30, 1994, the State submitted volatile organic compound control regulations for incorporation in the Illinois State Implementation Plan for ozone.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Sections 211.2300, 211.3695. These sections were adopted on October 20, 1994, Amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 16929, and effective November 15, 1994.
(B) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart B: 218.119, 218.120, 218.125, 218.127, 218.128, 218.129. These sections were adopted on October 20, 1994, Amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 16950, and effective November 15, 1994.
(C) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 219: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area, Subpart B: 219.119, 219.120, 219.125, 219.127, 219.128, 219.129. These sections were adopted on October 20, 1994, Amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 16980, and effective November 15, 1994.
(129) [Reserved]
(130) On June 29, 1995, the State of Illinois submitted a revision to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for the implementation of an enhanced motor vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) program in the Chicago and East St. Louis ozone nonattainment areas. This revision included the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Law of 1995 (625 ILCS 5/13B), P.A. 88-533, effective January 18, 1995; I/M regulations (R94-19 and R94-20) adopted on December 1, 1994, by the Illinois Pollution Control Board; February 29, 1996, Request-For-Proposals; April 22, 1996, letter of commitment; plus additional support documentation including modeling demonstration.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Vehicle Emissions Inspection Law of 1995 (625 ILCS 5/13B), Public Act 88-533, signed into law by Governor Edgar on January 18, 1995 effective January 18, 1995.
(B) 35 Illinois Administrative Code 240; Sections 240.101, 240.102, 240.104, 240.105, 240.106, 240.107, 240.124, 240.125, 240.151, 240.152, 240.153, 240.161, 240.162, 240.163, 240.164, 240.171, 240.Table A, 240.Table B amended or added in R94-19 at 18 Ill. Reg. 18228, effective December 14, 1994.
(C) 35 Illinois Administrative Code 240; Sections 240.172, 240.173 amended in R94-20 at 18 Ill. Reg. 18013, effective December 12, 1994.
(ii) Additional materials. (A) February 29, 1996, Request-For-Proposals submitted on April 22, 1996.
(B) April 22, 1996, letter of commitment and attachments from IEPA’s Bureau of Air Chief to the USEPA’s Regional Air and Radiation Division Director.
(131) On January 10, 1996, the State of Illinois submitted a site-specific State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision request for ozone, which extends the required deadline for the Rexam Medical Packaging Inc. facility in Mundelein, Lake County, Illinois (Rexam), to comply with 35 Illinois Administrative Code, part 218, subpart H, as it applies to its Inline Press Number No.105, Inline Press No. 111, Offline 32-inch Press, Offline 36-inch Press, and Offline 42-inch press. The compliance date is extended from March 15, 1995, until June 15, 1996, or upon submittal of the “certificate of compliance” required under section 218.404 of subpart H, whichever occurs first. The variance includes a compliance plan requiring the installation and use of a catalytic oxidizer to control emissions from Inline Press No. 105, Inline Press No. 111, Offline 32-inch Press, and Offline 42-inch Press. The Offline 36-inch Press is required to convert to water-based ink, or be controlled by the oxidizer if the press is not converted by March 1, 1996. The variance is contingent upon certain compliance milestone conditions.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Pollution Control Board Final Opinion and Order, PCB 95-99, adopted on October 19, 1995, and effective March 15, 1995. Certification of Acceptance dated November 29, 1996, by Rexam.
(132) On January 8, 1996, Illinois submitted a site-specific revision to the State Implementation Plan establishing lubricant selection and temperature control requirements for the hot and cold aluminum operations at Reynolds Metals Company’s McCook Sheet and Plate Plant in McCook, Illinois (in Cook County), as part of the Ozone Control Plan for the Chicago area.
(i) Incorporation by reference. September 21, 1995, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board AS 91-8, effective September 21, 1995.
(133) On July 23, 1996, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a site-specific State Implementation Plan revision request for the Chase Products Company’s Broadview (Cook County), Illinois facility located at 19th Street and Gardner Road, as part of the Ozone Control Plan for the Chicago area. The resulting revision revises the control requirements codified at 35 Illinois Administrative Code Part 218 Subpart DD Section 218.686 as they apply to the Chase Products Company’s Broadview facility.
(i) Incorporation by reference. May 16, 1996, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board AS 94-4, effective May 16, 1996.
(134) On May 5, 1995, and May 26, 1995, the State of Illinois submitted a State Implementation Plan revision request to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for reactor processes and distillation operation processes in the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry as part of the State’s control measures for Volatile Organic Material (VOM) emissions for the Chicago and Metro-East (East St. Louis) areas. VOM, as defined by the State of Illinois, is identical to “volatile organic compounds” (VOC), as defined by EPA. This plan was submitted to meet the Clean Air Act requirement for States to adopt Reasonably Available Control Technology rules for sources that are covered by Control Techniques Guideline documents. The EPA approves the State Implementation Plan revision request as it applies to Stepan Company’s Millsdale Facility.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B; Definitions, 211.980 Chemical Manufacturing Process Unit, 211.1780 Distillation Unit, 211.2365 Flexible Operation Unit, 211.5065 Primary Product.
(B) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart Q: Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer Manufacturing Plant, Sections 218.431 Applicability, 218.432 Control Requirements, 218.433 Performance and Testing Requirements, 218.434 Monitoring Requirements, 218.435 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements, 218.436 Compliance Date, 218 Appendix G, TRE Index Measurement for SOCMI Reactors and Distillation Units, amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 6848, effective May 9, 1995.
(135) On January 23, 1996, Illinois submitted a site-specific revision to the State Implementation Plan which relaxes the volatile organic material (VOM) content limit for fabricated product adhesive operations at Solar Corporation’s Libertyville, Illinois facility from 3.5 pounds VOM per gallon to 5.75 pounds VOM per gallon.
(i) Incorporation by reference. July 20, 1995, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, AS 94-2, effective July 20, 1995.
(136) On January 9, 1997, Illinois submitted a site-specific revision to the State Implementation Plan which grants a temporary variance from certain automotive plastic parts coating volatile organic material requirements at Solar Corporation’s Libertyville, Illinois facility.
(i) Incorporation by reference. September 5, 1996, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, PCB 96-239, effective September 13, 1996. Certificate of Acceptance signed September 13, 1996.
(137) Approval—On April 25, 1997, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a revision to the State Implementation Plan for general conformity rules. The general conformity rules enable the State of Illinois to implement the general conformity requirements in the nonattainment or maintenance areas at the State or local level in accordance with 40 CFR part 93, subpart B—Determining Conformity of General Federal Actions to State or Federal Implementation Plans.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 2: Environmental Protection Agency, Part 255 General Conformity: Criteria and Procedures. Adopted at 21 Ill. Reg. effective March 6, 1997.
(138) On May 5, 1995, and May 26, 1995, the State of Illinois submitted State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision requests for reactor processes and distillation operation processes in the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry as part of the State’s control measures for Volatile Organic Material emissions for the Metro-East (East St. Louis) area. This State Implementation Plan revision request is approved as it applies to Monsanto Chemical Group’s Sauget Facility.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B; Definitions, 211.980 Chemical Manufacturing Process Unit, 211.1780 Distillation Unit, 211.2365 Flexible Operation Unit, 211.5065 Primary Product, amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 6823, effective May 9, 1995.
(B) Part 219: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area, Subpart Q: Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer Manufacturing Plant, Sections 219.431 Applicability, 219.432 Control Requirements, 219.433 Performance and Testing Requirements, 219.434 Monitoring Requirements, 219.435 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements, 219.436 Compliance Date, 219.Appendix G, TRE Index Measurement for SOCMI Reactors and Distillation Units, amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 6958, effective May 9, 1995.
(139) On September 8, 1997, the State of Illinois submitted tightened volatile organic material rules for cold cleaning degreasing operations in the Chicago and the Metro-East ozone nonattainment areas.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Section 211.1885, amended at 21 Ill. 7695, effective June 9, 1997.
(B) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart E: Solvent Cleaning, Section 218.182, amended at 21 Ill. 7708, effective June 9, 1997.
(C) Part 219: Organic Material Emissions Standards and Limitations for the Metro-East Area, Subpart E: Solvent Cleaning, Section 219.182, amended at 21 Ill. 7721, effective June 9, 1997.
(140) On March 5, 1998, the State of Illinois submitted amended rules for the control of volatile organic material emissions from wood furniture coating operations in the Chicago and Metro-East (East St. Louis) ozone nonattainment areas, as a requested revision to the ozone State Implementation Plan. This plan was submitted to meet the Clean Air Act requirement for States to adopt Reasonably Available Control Technology rules for sources that are covered by Control Techniques Guideline documents.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B; Definitions, 211.1467 Continuous Coater, 211.1520 Conventional Air Spray, 211.6420 Strippable Spray Booth Coating, 211.7200 Washoff Operations, amended at 22 Ill. Reg. 3497, effective February 2, 1998.
(B) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart F: Coating Operations 218.204 Emission Limitations, 218.205 Daily-weighted Average Limitations, 218.210 Compliance Schedule, 218.211 Recordkeeping and Reporting, 218.215 Wood Furniture Coating Averaging Approach, 218.216 Wood Furniture Coating Add-On Control Use, 218.217 Wood Furniture Coating Work Practice Standards, amended at 22 Ill. Reg. 3556, effective February 2, 1998.
(C) Part 219: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area, Subpart F: Coating Operations 219.204 Emission Limitations, 219.205 Daily-weighted Average Limitations, 219.210 Compliance Schedule, 219.211 Recordkeeping and Reporting, 219.215 Wood Furniture Coating Averaging Approach, 219.216 Wood Furniture Coating Add-On Control Use, 219.217 Wood Furniture Coating Work Practice Standards, amended at 22 Ill. Reg. 3517, effective February 2, 1998.
(141) On November 14, 1995, May 9, 1996, June 14, 1996, and February 3, 1997, October 16, 1997, and October 21, 1997, the State of Illinois submitted State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision requests to meet commitments related to the conditional approval of Illinois’ May 15, 1992, SIP submittal for the Lake Calumet (SE Chicago), McCook, and Granite City, Illinois, Particulate Matter (PM) nonattainment areas. The EPA is approving the portion of the SIP revision request that applies to the Granite City area. The SIP revision request corrects, for the Granite City PM nonattainment area, all of the deficiencies of the May 15, 1992, submittal.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 212: Visible and Particulate Matter Emissions, Subpart A: General, Sections 212.107, 212.108, 212.109, 212.110; Subpart L: Particulate Matter from Process Emission Sources, Section 212.324; Subpart N: Food Manufacturing, Section 212.362; Subpart Q: Stone, Clay, Glass and Concrete Manufacturing, Section 212.425; Subpart R: Primary and Fabricated Metal Products and Machinery Manufacture, Sections 212.446, 212.458; Subpart S: Agriculture, Section 212.464. Adopted at 20 Illinois Register 7605, effective May 22, 1996.
(B) Joint Construction and Operating Permit: Application Number 95010005, Issued on October 21, 1997, to Granite City Division of National Steel Corporation.
(142) On May 5, 1995, and May 26, 1995, the State of Illinois submitted State Implementation Plan revision requests for reactor processes and distillation operations in the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry as part of the State’s control measures for Volatile Organic Material emissions for the Chicago and Metro-East (East St. Louis) areas. This plan was submitted to meet the Clean Air Act requirement for States to adopt Reasonably Available Control Technology rules for sources that are covered by Control Techniques Guideline documents.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B; Definitions, 211.980 Chemical Manufacturing Process Unit, 211.1780 Distillation Unit, 211.2365 Flexible Operation Unit, 211.5065 Primary Product, amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 6823, effective May 9, 1995.
(B) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart Q: Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer Manufacturing Plant, Sections 218.431 Applicability, 218.432 Control Requirements, 218.433 Performance and Testing Requirements, 218.434 Monitoring Requirements, 218.435 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements, 218.436 Compliance Date, 218.Appendix G, TRE Index Measurement for SOCMI Reactors and Distillation Units, amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 6848, effective May 9, 1995.
(C) Part 219: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area, Subpart Q: Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer Manufacturing Plant, Sections 219.431 Applicability, 219.432 Control Requirements, 219.433 Performance and Testing Requirements, 219.434 Monitoring Requirements, 219.435 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements, 219.436 Compliance Date, 219.Appendix G, TRE Index Measurement for SOCMI Reactors and Distillation Units, amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 6958, effective May 9, 1995.
(143) [Reserved]
(144) On September 3, 1997, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a temporary, site specific State Implementation Plan revision request for the D.B. Hess Company, Incorporated’s (DB Hess) lithographic printing operations located in Woodstock (McHenry County), Illinois. This variance took the form of a March 20, 1997, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board issued in PCB 96-194 (Variance—Air). The variance which will expire on March 30, 1999, grants DB Hess a variance from 35 Illinois Administrative Code Sections 218.407(a)(1)(C),(D),(E) and 218.411(b)(1), (2)and (3) for heatset web offset presses 3, 4, and 5 which are located at the Woodstock (McHenry County), Illinois facility.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) March 20, 1997, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board in PCB 96-194 (Variance—Air) which was effective on March 20, 1997 and expires on March 30, 1999.
(ii) The variance is subject to the following conditions (the dates specified indicate the latest start dates of compliance periods terminating on March 30, 1999, when presses 3, 4, and 5 must be replaced by complying presses or must be brought into compliance with the rules from which DB Hess seeks the variance):
(A) On or before March 20, 1997, the combined actual volatile organic material (VOM) emissions from all of the presses in the Woodstock plant shall not exceed 18 tons per year or 1.5 tons per month.
(B) On or before March 20, 1997, DB Hess shall use only cleaning solutions with VOM concentrations less than or equal to 30 percent by weight.
(C) On or before March 20, 1997, DB Hess shall use cleaning solutions on presses 3, 4, and 5 that have a VOM composite partial vapor pressure of less than 10 millimeters (mm) of Mercury (Hg) at 20 degrees Celsius. These cleaning solutions must comply with the requirements of 35 IAC 218.407(a)(4).
(D) On or before March 20, 1997, DB Hess shall store and dispose of all cleaning towels in closed containers.
(E) On or before May 5, 1997, DB Hess shall monitor presses 3, 4, and 5 pursuant to 35 IAC 218.410 (b), (c), and (e).
(F) On or before May 5, 1997, DB Hess shall use fountain solutions on presses 3, 4, and 5 that are less than 5 percent VOM by volume, as applied, and which contain no alcohol.
(G) On or before May 5, 1997, DB Hess shall prepare and maintain records pursuant to 35 IAC 218.411 (b), (c), and (d) for presses 3, 4, and 5 and must show compliance with the requirements of 35 IAC 218.407(a)(1) (C), (D), and (E) and with the requirements of 35 IAC 218.411(b) (1), (2), and (3) for these presses.
(H) On or before May 5, 1997, DB Hess shall submit quarterly reports to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (IEPA’s) Compliance and Systems Management Section demonstrating compliance with the terms of the Illinois Pollution Control Board Order.
(I) On or before March 30, 1998, DB Hess shall cease operation of press 3.
(J) On or before March 30, 1999, DB Hess shall either:
(1) Cease operation of presses 4 and 5, and notify the IEPA of such cessation; or
(2) Retrofit presses 4 and 5 or replace presses 4 and 5 in compliance with 35 IAC 218.407 (a)(1) (C), (D), and (E) and with 35 IAC 218.411(b) (1), (2), and(3). In this case:
(i) DB Hess must apply for and obtain necessary construction permits by March 30, 1998, or six months before retrofitting or replacing presses 4 and 5, whichever is earlier.
(ii) DB Hess must send monthly status reports, due the 15th day of each month, to the IEPA, covering the progress of the installation of the presses and control equipment and testing of the control equipment.
(K) On or before March 30, 1999, DB Hess shall cease operations at presses 3, 4, and 5 except for those presses for which it has obtained permits and installed controls, which have been tested and demonstrated to be in compliance with applicable rules.
(145) On September 16, 1998, the State of Illinois submitted amendments to Volatile Organic Material (VOM) rules affecting Illinois’ ozone attainment area (the area of the State not including the Chicago and Metro-East ozone nonattainment areas). The amendments contain various deletions of obsolete provisions, changes of some word usage to comport Part 215 with other Illinois VOM regulations, and the addition of certain exemptions from VOM coating requirements.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 215: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations; Subpart A: General Provisions, 215.104 Definitions, 215.109 Monitoring for Negligibly-Reactive Compounds; Subpart F: Coating Operations, 215.204 Emission Limitations for Manufacturing Plants, 215.205 Alternative Emission Limitations, 215.206 Exemptions from Emission Limitations, 215.207 Compliance by Aggregation of Emissions Units, 215.211 Compliance Dates and Geographical Areas, 215.212 Compliance Plan, and 215.214 Roadmaster Emissions Limitations (Repealed); Subpart Z: Dry Cleaners, 215.601 Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaners (Repealed), 215.602 Exemptions (Repealed), 215.603 Leaks (Repealed), 215.604 Compliance Dates and Geographical areas (Repealed), 215.605 Compliance Plan (Repealed), and 215.606 Exception to Compliance Plan (Repealed), amended at 22 Ill. Reg. 11427, effective June 19, 1998.
(146) On February 13, 1998, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) submitted a revision to the Illinois State Implementation Plan (SIP). This revision amends certain sections of the Clean-Fuel Fleet Program (CFFP) in the Chicago ozone nonattainment area to reflect that fleet owners and operators will have an additional year to meet the purchase requirements of the CFFP. The amendment changes the first date by which owners or operators of fleets must submit annual reports to IEPA from November 1, 1998 to November 1, 1999. In addition, this revision corrects two credit values in the CFFP credit program.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) 35 Illinois Administrative Code 241; Sections 241.113, 241.130, 241.140, 241.Appendix B.Table A, 241.Appendix B.Table D adopted in R95-12 at 19 Ill. Reg. 13265, effective September 11, 1995; amended in R98-8, at 21 Ill. Reg. 15767, effective November 25, 1997.
(ii) Other material. (A) February 13, 1998, letter and attachments from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Bureau of Air Chief to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Regional Air and Radiation Division Director submitting Illinois’ amendments to the Clean Fuel Fleet regulations as a revision to the ozone State Implementation Plan.
(147) On June 21, 1997, and December 9, 1998, the State of Illinois submitted regulations adopted by the Illinois Pollution Control Board and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and legislation adopted by the General Assembly and signed by the Governor related to Illinois’ vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) program. The purpose of these submittals was to change the existing program from a basic I/M program to a fully enhanced I/M program. These changes modify the program in both the Chicago and Saint Louis (Illinois Portion) Ozone nonattainment areas.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter k: Emission Standards and Limitations for Mobile sources, Part 240 Mobile Sources, Except for Section 240. Table C. Adopted at 22 Ill. Reg. 13723, effective July 13, 1998.
(B) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter k: Emission Standards and Limitations for Mobile sources, Part 240 Mobile Sources, Section 240. Table C. Corrected at 22 Ill. Reg. 21120, effective July 13, 1998.
(C) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter II: Environmental Protection Agency, Part 276 Procedures to be Followed in the Performance of Inspections of Motor Vehicle Emissions. Amended at 22 Ill. Reg. 18867, effective September 28, 1998.
(ii) Other materials. (A) Transmittal letters dated June 21, 1997, and December 9, 1998.
(B) Public Act 90-475, effective August 17, 1997. This Act amends the Illinois Environmental Protection Act by changing Sections 3.32, 3.78, 21, and 22.15 and adding Sections 3.78a and 22.38.
(148) On October 13, 1998, the State of Illinois submitted a site-specific State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision affecting Volatile Organic Material controls at Central Can Company (CCC), located in Chicago, Illinois. The SIP revision allows CCC to apply can coating control rules to pail coating operations limited to certain conditions.
(i) Incorporation by reference. August 6, 1998, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, AS 94-18, effective July 1, 1991.
(149) On September 17, 1998, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a site specific State Implementation Plan revision request for W.R. Grace and Company’s facility, which manufactures container sealants, lubricant fluids, and concrete additives, and is located at 6050 West 51st Street in Chicago, Illinois (Cook County). This rule revision is contained in R98-16, the July 8, 1998, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, and consists of new Section 218.940(h), which exempts W.R. Grace’s facility from the control requirements in 35 Illinois Administrative Code Part 218 Subpart QQ.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 218 Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart QQ: Miscellaneous Formulation Manufacturing Processes, Section 218.940 Applicability, paragraph (h) which was amended in R98-16 at 22 Ill. Reg. 14282, effective July 16, 1998.
(150) On November 14, 1995, May 9, 1996, June 14, 1996, February 1, 1999, and May 19, 1999, the State of Illinois submitted State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision requests to meet commitments related to the conditional approval of Illinois’ May 15, 1992, SIP submittal for the Lake Calumet (Southeast Chicago), McCook, and Granite City, Illinois, Particulate Matter (PM) nonattainment areas. The EPA is approving the SIP revision request as it applies to the Lake Calumet area. The SIP revision request corrects, for the Lake Calumet PM nonattainment area, all of the deficiencies of the May 15, 1992, submittal.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 212: Visible and Particulate Matter Emissions, Subpart A: General, Section 212.113; Subpart E: Particulate Matter from Fuel Combustion Sources, Section 212.210; Subpart K: Fugitive Particulate Matter, Sections 212.302, 212.309, and 212.316. Adopted at 20 Illinois Register 7605, effective May 22, 1996.
(B) Federally Enforceable State Operating Permit—Special: Application Number 98120091, Issued on May 14, 1999, to LTV Steel Company, Inc.
(151) On July 23, 1998, the State of Illinois submitted a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision that included certain “clean-up” amendments to the State’s permitting rules.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board.
(A) Subchapter A: Permits and General Provisions, Part 201: Permits and General Provisions.
(1) Subpart D: Permit Applications and Review Process, Section 201.152 Contents of Application for Construction Permit, 201.153 Incomplete Applications (Repealed), Section 201.154 Signatures (Repealed), Section 201.155 Standards for Issuance (Repealed), Section 201.157 Contents of Application for Operating Permit, Section 201.158 Incomplete Applications, Section 201.159 Signatures, 201.160 Standards for Issuance, Section 201.162 Duration, Section 201.163 Joint Construction and Operating Permits, and Section 201.164 Design Criteria. Amended at 22 Ill. Reg. 11451, effective June 23, 1998.
(2) Subpart E: Special Provisions for Operating Permits for Certain Smaller Sources, Section 201.180 Applicability (Repealed), Section 201.181 Expiration and Renewal (Repealed), Section 201.187 Requirement for a Revised Permit (Repealed), Repealed at 22 Ill. Reg. 11451, effective June 23, 1998.
(3) Subpart F: CAAPP Permits, Section 201.207 Applicability, Amended at 22 Ill. Reg. 11451, effective June 23, 1998.
(152) On February 5, 1998, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a requested revision to the Illinois State Implementation Plan. This revision provided additional exemptions from State of Illinois permit requirements codified by the State at Part 201 of Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code (35 IAC Part 201). The revision also added a definition of “Feed Mill” to Part 211 of 35 IAC (35 IAC Part 211).
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter C: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources.
(A) Part 211 Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Section 211.2285 Feed Mill. Added at 21 Ill. Reg. 7856, effective June 17, 1997.
(B) Part 201 Permits and General Conditions, Subpart C: Prohibitions, Section 201.146 Exemptions from State Permit Requirements. Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 7878, effective June 17, 1997.
(153) On July 9, 1999, the State of Illinois submitted a site-specific State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision affecting Volatile Organic Material control requirements at Sun Chemical Corporation (Sun) in Northlake, Illinois. The SIP revision changes requirements for 17 resin storage tanks operated by Sun. Specifically, the SIP revision exempts the 17 tanks from the bottom or submerged fill pipe requirements, provided that no odor nuisance exists at the Sun Northlake facility, and that the vapor pressures of materials stored in the tanks remain less the 0.5 pounds per square inch absolute at 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
May 20, 1999, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, AS 99-4, effective May 20, 1999.
(155) On May 21, 1999, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a temporary, site-specific revision to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for sulfur dioxide (SO
(i) Incorporation by reference. An April 15, 1999, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board in PCB 99-80 (Variance-Air), granting a variance from 35 IAC 214.141 for Boiler No. 2 at the Central Illinois Light Company’s E.D. Edwards Generating Station near Peoria, Illinois. The variance expires on February 28, 2002, unless CILCO applies to Illinois for a permanent SIP revision. If CILCO applies for a permanent SIP revision, and the IPCB allows CILCO Edwards’ variance to continue unamended through July 31, 2003, as stated in the Opinion and Order, then federal approval of the variance will continue until EPA approves alternate SO
(156) On May 8, 2001, the State submitted rules to control Oxides of Nitrogen emissions from electric generating units.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Title 35: Environmental Protection; Subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter I: Pollution Control Board; Subchapter C: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources; Part 217 Nitrogen Oxides Emissions; Subpart V: Electric Power Generation. Adopted at 25 Ill. Reg. 5914, effective April 17, 2001.
(157) On May 8, 2001, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted revisions to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 217, Subpart W: NO[x] Trading Program for Electrical Generating Units with a request that these rules be incorporated into the Illinois State Implementation Plan. On June 11, 2001, the Illinois EPA submitted Section 9.9(f) of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act as revised by Public Act 92-012 (formerly House Bill 1599) which was approved by both Houses of the Illinois General Assembly on June 7, 2001, approved by the Governor on June 22, 2001, and became effective on July 1, 2001. Section 9.9(f) requires a May 31, 2004 final compliance date for 35 Ill. Adm. Code 215, Subparts T, U and W. This compliance date replaces the compliance date contained in Section 217.756(d)(3).
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 217 Nitrogen Oxides Emissions, Subpart W: NO[x] Trading Program for Electrical Generating Units except for 217.756(d)(3) which has been superseded by Section 9.9(f) of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act. Added at 25 Ill. Reg. 128, January 25, 2001, effective December 26, 2000.
(B) Section 9.9(f) of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act. Adopted by both Houses of the Illinois General Assembly as part of Public Act 92-0012 (previously House Bill 1599) on May 31, 2001, approved by the Governor of Illinois on June 22, 2001, effective July 1, 2001.
(158) On December 16, 1997, Bharat Mathur, Chief, Bureau of Air, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, submitted rules for a cap and trade program regulating volatile organic compound emissions in the Chicago area. By letter dated August 23, 2001, the state requested that USEPA defer rulemaking on section 205.150(e), which exempts new and modified sources obtaining offsets under the trading program from the requirements for traditional, full year offsets.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35, Subtitle B, Chapter I, subchapter b, Part 205, entitled Emissions Reduction Market System, adopted November 20, 1997, effective November 25, 1997, except section 205.150(e).
(159) On April 9, 2001, David Kolaz, Chief, Bureau of Air, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, submitted rules regulating NO
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35, Subtitle B, Chapter I, subchapter c, Part 211, Definitions, sections 211.955, 211.960, 211.1120, 211.3483, 211.3485, 211.3487, 211.3780, 211.5015, and 211.5020, published at 25 Ill. Reg. 4582, effective March 15, 2001.
(B) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35, Subtitle B, Chapter I, subchapter c, Part 217, Subpart A, Section 217.104, Incorporations by Reference, published at 25 Ill. Reg. 4597, effective March 15, 2001.
(C) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35, Subtitle B, Chapter I, subchapter c, Part 217, Subpart T, Cement Kilns, sections 217.400, 217.400, 217.402, 217.404, 217.406, 217.408, and 217.410, published at 25 Ill. Reg. 4597, effective March 15, 2001.
(D) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35, Subtitle B, Chapter I, subchapter c, Part 211, Sections 211.4067 and 211.6130, published at 25 Ill. Reg. 5900, effective April 17, 2001.
(E) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35, Subtitle B, Chapter I, subchapter c, Part 217, Subpart U, NO
(ii) Additional material. (A) Letter dated June 18, 2001, from David Kolaz, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, to Cheryl Newton, United States Environmental Protection Agency.
(B) Letter dated September 20, 2001, from David Kolaz, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, to Bharat Mathur, United States Environmental Protection Agency.
(160) On March 21, 2001, Illinois submitted revisions to volatile organic compound rules for Formel Industries, Incorporated in Cook County, Illinois. The revisions consist of a January 18, 2001 Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board in the Matter of: Petition of Formel Industries, Inc. for an Adjusted Standard from 35 ILL. ADM. CODE 218.401(a),(b) and (c): AS 00-13 (Adjusted Standard Air). This Opinion and Order grants Formel Industries, Incorporated an adjusted standard to the Flexographic Printing Rule. The adjusted standard requirements include participation in a market-based emissions trading system, maintaining daily records, conducting trials of compliant inks, and reviewing alternate control technologies.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Volatile organic compound emissions limits contained in a January 18, 2001 Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board in the Matter of: Petition of Formel Industries, Inc. for an Adjusted Standard from 35 ILL. ADM. CODE 218.401(a), (b) and (c): AS 00-13 (Adjusted Standard-Air). This Opinion and Order was adopted by the Illinois Pollution Control Board on January 18, 2001. It became effective under State law on January 18, 2001.
(161) On March 28, 2001, Illinois submitted revisions to volatile organic compound rules for Bema Film Systems, Incorporated in DuPage County, Illinois. The revisions consist of AS 00-11, an adjusted standard to the Flexographic Printing Rule, 35 IAC 218.401 (a), (b), and (c). The adjusted standard requirements include reducing the allotment baseline for the Illinois market-based emissions trading system, maintaining daily records, conducting trials of compliant inks, and reviewing alternate control technologies.
(i) Incorporation by reference. AS 00-11, an adjusted standard from the Volatile Organic Compound emission limits for Bema Film Systems, Inc. contained in Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Regulations for the State of Illinois, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 218.401 (a), (b), and (c). Effective on January 18, 2001.
(ii) Other material. (A) November 14, 2001, letter from Dennis A. Lawler, Manager, Division of Air Pollution Control, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to Jay Bortzer, Chief, Regulation Development Section, Air and Radiation Division, USEPA, Region 5, indicating that the effective date of the adjusted standard for Bema Film Systems, Inc. AS 00-11, is January 18, 2001, the date that AS 00-11 was adopted by the Illinois Pollution Control Board.
(162) On March 28, 2001, Illinois submitted revisions to volatile organic compound rules for Vonco Products, Incorporated in Lake County, Illinois. The revisions consist of AS 00-12, an adjusted standard to the Flexographic Printing Rule, 35 IAC 218.401 (a), (b), and (c). The adjusted standard requirements include reducing the allotment baseline for the Illinois market-based emissions trading system, maintaining daily records, conducting trials of compliant inks, and reviewing alternate control technologies.
(i) Incorporation by reference. AS 00-12, an adjusted standard from the Volatile Organic Compound emission limits applicable to Vonco Products, Inc. contained in Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Regulations for the State of Illinois, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 218.401 (a), (b), and (c). Effective on January 18, 2001.
(ii) Other material. (A) November 14, 2001, letter from Dennis A. Lawler, Manager, Division of Air Pollution Control, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to Jay Bortzer, Chief, Regulation Development Section, Air and Radiation Division, USEPA, Region 5, indicating that the effective date of the adjusted standard for Vonco Products, Inc. AS 00-12, is January 18, 2001, the date that AS 00-12 was adopted by the Illinois Pollution Control Board.
(163) [Reserved]
(164) On October 9, 2001, the State of Illinois submitted new rules regarding emission tests.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) New rules of 35 Ill. Admin. Code Part 283, including sections 283.110, 283.120, 283.130, 283.210, 283.220, 283.230, 283.240, and 283.250, effective September 11, 2000, published in the Illinois Register at 24 Ill. Reg. 14428.
(B) Revised section 283.120 of 35 Ill. Admin. Code, correcting two typographical errors, effective September 11, 2000, published in the Illinois Register at 25 Ill. Reg. 9657.
(165) On April 8, 1999, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted revisions to particulate matter control requirements for rural grain elevators in Illinois. The revised requirements exempt rural grain elevators from certain particulate matter control requirements.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Revised grain elevator provisions in Section 9(f) of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act. Adopted by both Houses of the Illinois General Assembly as Public Act 89-491 (previously Senate Bill 1633) on April 25, 1996, approved by the Governor of Illinois on May 23, 1996, effective June 21, 1996.
(166) On November 6, 2001, the State of Illinois submitted revisions to its emission reporting rules, restructuring these rules and adding hazardous air pollutant emission reporting for sources in Illinois’ Emission Reduction Market System.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Revised rules of 35 Ill. Admin. Code Part 254, including new or amended sections 254.101, 254.102, 254.103, 254.120, 254.132, 254.134, 254.135, 254.136, 254.137, 254.138, 254.203, 254.204, 254.303, 254.306, and 254.501, effective July 17, 2001, retention of section 254.133, and the repeal of other previously approved sections of 35 Ill. Admin. Code 254. Amended or adopted at 25 Ill. Reg. 9856. Effective July 17, 2001.
(167) On August 31, 1998, Illinois submitted revisions to its major stationary sources construction and modification rules (NSR Rules) as a State Implementation Plan revision request. These revisions apply only in areas in Illinois that have been designated as being in serious or severe nonattainment with the national ambient air quality standards for ozone.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter A: Permits and General Provisions, Part 203 Major Stationary Sources Construction and Modification, Subpart B: Major Stationary Sources in Nonattainment Areas, Section 203.206 Major Stationary Source and Section 203.207 Major Modification of a Source; and, Subpart C: Requirements for Major Stationary Sources in Nonattainment Areas, Section 203.301 Lowest Achievable Emissions Rate. Amended in R98-10 at 22 Ill. Reg. 5674, effective March 10, 1998.
(168) On October 31, 2003, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted revisions to the Illinois State Implementation Plan for ozone. The submittal revises the definition for volatile organic material (VOM) or volatile organic compound (VOC) contained in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 211.7150 to incorporate an exemption for perchloroethylene (tetrachloroethylene); 3,3-dichloro-1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoropropane (HCFC-225ca); 1,3-dichloro-1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoropropane (HCFC-225cb); decafluoropentane (HFC 43-10mee); difluoromethane (HFC-32); ethylfluoride (HFC-161); 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane (HFC-236fa); 1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245ca); 1,1,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245ea); 1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245eb); 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245fa); 1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane (HFC-236ea); 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane (HFC-365mfc); chlorofluoromethane (HCFC-31); 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane (HCFC-123a); 1-chloro-1-fluoroethane (HCFC-151a); 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4-nonafluoro-4-methoxybutane (C
(181) On August 17, 2005 and January 29, 2008, Illinois submitted revised regulations that are consistent with 40 CFR 51.100(s)(1), as amended by 69 FR 69298. The compounds 1,1,1,2,2,3,3-heptafluoro-3-methoxypropane (n-C
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Section 211.7150: Volatile Organic Matter (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), Subsections 211.7150(a) and 211.7150(e). Effective January 16, 2008.
(182) On January 29, 2008, Illinois submitted revised regulations that are consistent with 40 CFR 51.100(s)(1), as amended by 72 FR 2193. The compound 1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5-decafluoro-3-methoxy-4-trifluoromethyl-pentane (HFE-7300) was added to the list of negligibly reactive compounds excluded from the definition of VOM in 35 IAC 211.7150(a).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Section 211.7150: Volatile Organic Matter (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), Subsection 211.7150(a). Effective January 16, 2008.
(183) On January 24, 2008, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a revision to its state implementation plan for the packaging production facility of CP-D Acquisition Company, LLC. The revision changes the source name from Cromwell-Phoenix, Incorporated, to CP-D Acquisition Company, LLC.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) November 20, 2003, Supplemental Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, AS 03-05, effective November 20, 2003.
(184) On October 23, 2007, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted revisions to its State implementation plan for the Oxides of Nitrogen (NO
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Sections: 211.740 Brakehorsepower; 211.1740 Diesel Engine; 211.1920 Emergency or Standby Unit; 211.3300 Lean-burn Engine; and 211.5640 Rich-burn Engine; effective September 25, 2007. (B) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 217: Nitrogen Dioxide Emissions, Subpart A: General Provisions, Sections: 217.101 Measurement Methods; 217.102 Abbreviation and Units; Subpart Q: Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines and Turbines, Sections 217.386 Applicability; 217.388 Control and Maintenance Requirements; 217.390 Emissions Averaging Plan; 217.392 Compliance; 217.394 Testing and Monitoring; 217.396 Recordkeeping and Reporting; and 217 Appendix G: Existing Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Affected by the NO
(ii) Additional material. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 217: Nitrogen Dioxide Emissions, Subpart A: General Provisions, Section 217.104 Incorporation by Reference; effective September 25, 2007.
(185) On December 7, 2009, Illinois submitted a rule for the sunset of the provisions of 35 IAC 217 Subpart W, regulating electric generating unit participation in the NO
(i) Incorporation by reference. The Illinois rule at 35 IAC 217.751, entitled “Sunset Provisions,” submitted on December 7, 2009, effective on November 2, 2009, is incorporated by reference.
(186) On July 17, 2009, Illinois submitted amendments to its pharmaceutical manufacturing rules for approval into its state implementation plan. These amendments consist of a site-specific rulemaking for certain of Abbott Laboratories’ (Abbott) tunnel dryers and fluid bed dryers.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart T: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Section: 218.480 Applicability, effective August 26, 2008.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Letter from Laurel L. Kroack, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, to Cheryl Newton, EPA, dated May 12, 2010, with attachments, that establishes how compliance with Abbott’s 20.6 tons VOC per year limit is determined as well as Abbott’s recordkeeping requirements.
(187) On October 25, 2010, Illinois submitted revised regulations that are consistent with 40 CFR 51.100(s)(1), as amended by 74 FR 3437. The compounds propylene carbonate and dimethyl were added to the list of negligibly reactive compounds excluded from the definition of VOC in 35 IAC 211.7150(a).
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Section 211.7150: Volatile Organic Matter (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), Subsection 211.7150(a). Effective January 11, 2010.
(188) On November 8, 2010, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a revision to its state implementation plan. The revision to the SIP allows an adjusted standard to the general rule, Use of Organic Material Rule, known as the eight pound per hour (8 lb/hr) rule, for volatile organic matter, for Royal Fiberglass Pools, Inc. manufacturing facility located in Dix, Illinois. The adjusted standard is that 35 Ill. Adm. Code 217.301 does not apply to VOM emissions from Royal’s Dix, Illinois facility. The facility is subject to emission limit requirements set forth in the MACT under 40 CFR 63 subpart WWWW finalized in 68 FR 19402, April 21, 2003.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) February 18, 2010, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, AS-09-04, effective February 18, 2010.
(189) On July 29, 2010, September 16, 2011 and September 29, 2011 Illinois submitted VOM RACT rules for the Chicago and Metro-East St. Louis 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas. These rules are consistent with the Control Technique Guideline documents issued by EPA in 2006, 2007 and 2008 and satisfy the RACT requirements of the Act. On February 28, 2011, Illinois EPA submitted a confirmation that the sewage treatment plant exemption in Subpart TT of Parts 218 and 219 does not apply to industrial wastewater. This clarification clearly establishes that VOM emissions from major non-CTG industrial wastewater operations are regulated by Subpart TT.
(i) Incorporation by reference. The following sections of Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, are incorporated by reference:
(A) Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Sections 211.1000, 211.1745, 211.1878, 211.1885, 211.2359, 211.2368, 211.2615, 211.2830, 211.2840, 211.2965, 211.3215, 211.3305, 211.3555, 211.3705, 211.3707, 211.4065, 211.5335, 211.5535, 211.5585, 211.5860, 211.5875, 211.5885, 211.6405, 211.6425, 211.6535, 211.7290; effective June 25, 2010.
(B) Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Sections 211.101, 211.102, 211.200, 211.233, 211.235, 211.260, 211.481, 211.492, 211.540, 211.715, 211.735, 211.820, 211.825, 211.880, 211.954, 211.965, 211.1128, 211.1455, 211.1560, 211.1565, 211.1655, 211.1700, 211.1872, 211.1876, 211.1877, 211.1880, 211.1882, 211.1883, 211.2040, 211.2055, 211.2210, 211.2310, 211.2320, 211.2360, 211.2369, 211.2415, 211.2525, 211.2622, 211.2825, 211.2955, 211.2956, 211.2958, 211.2960, 211.2980, 211.3095, 211.3120, 211.3240, 211.3505, 211.3665, 211.3760, 211.3775, 211.3785, 211.3820, 211.3925, 211.3961, 211.3966, 211.3967, 211.3968, 211.3969, 211.3975, 211.4052, 211.4080, 211.4220, 211.4285, 211.4455, 211.4540, 211.4735, 211.4760, 211.4765, 211.4768, 211.4769, 211.4895, 211.4900, 211.5012, 211.5061, 211.5062, 211.5075, 211.5090, 211.5400, 211.5520, 211.5550, 211.5800, 211.5890, 211.5985, 211.5987, 211.6012, 211.6015, 211.6017, 211.6020, 211.6063, 211.6065, 211.6400, 211.6427, 211.6460, 211.6585, 211.6640, 211.6670, 211.6690, 211.6720, 211.6740, 211.6780, 211.6825, 211.6885, 211.7220, 211.7240; effective September 14, 2010.
(C) Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Sections 211.493, 211.2200, 211.2358, 211.2800, 211.3985, 211.4460, 211.5140, 211.6587, 211.6635; effective July 27, 2011.
(D) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart F: Coating Operations, Section 218.218; effective March 23, 2010.
(E) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart E: Solvent Cleaning, Section 218.181, Subpart H: Printing and Publishing, Sections 218.403, 218.405, 218.406, 218.407, 218.408, 218.410, 218.412, 218.413, 218.416; effective June 25, 2010.
(F) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart A: General Provisions, Sections 218.106, 218.112, Subpart F: Coating Operations, Sections 218.205, 218.208, 218.210, 218.212, 218.219, Subpart II: Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Materials, Section 218.890, Subpart JJ: Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives, Section 218.900; effective September 14, 2010.
(G) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart A: General Provisions, Section 218.105, Subpart E: Solvent Cleaning, Section 218.187, Subpart F: Coating Operations, Sections 218.204, 218.207, 218.211, 218.217, Subpart H: Printing and Publishing, Sections 218.401, 218.402, 218.404, 218.409, 218.411, 218.415, 218.417, Subpart II: Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Materials, Sections 218.891, 218.892, 218.894, Subpart JJ: Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives, Sections 218.901, 218.902, 218.903, 218.904; effective July 27, 2011.
(H) Part 219: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area, Subpart F: Coating Operations, Section 219.218; effective March 23, 2010.
(I) Part 219: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area, Subpart E: Solvent Cleaning, Section 219.181, Subpart H: Printing and Publishing, Sections 219.402, 219.403, 219.405, 219.406, 219.407, 219.408, 219.410, 219.412, 219.413, 219.416; effective June 25, 2010.
(J) Part 219: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area, Subpart A: General Provisions, Sections 219.106, 219.112, Subpart F: Coating Operations, Sections 219.205, 219.208, 219.210, 219.212, 219.219, Subpart II: Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Materials, Section 219.890, Subpart JJ: Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives, Section 219.900; effective September 14, 2010.
(K) Part 219: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area, Subpart A: General Provisions, Section 219.105, Subpart E: Solvent Cleaning, Section 219.187, Subpart F: Coating Operations, Sections 219.204, 219.207, 219.211, 219.217, Subpart H: Printing and Publishing, Sections 219.401, 219.404, 219.409, 219.411, 219.415, 219.417, Subpart II: Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Materials, Sections 219.891, 219.892, 219.894, Subpart JJ: Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives, Sections 219.901, 219.902, 219.903, 219.904; effective July 27, 2011.
(ii) Additional material. On February 28, 2011, Illinois EPA submitted an email confirmation that the sewage treatment plant exemption in Subpart TT of Parts 218 and 219 does not apply to industrial wastewater.
(190) On June 10, 2011, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a revision to its state implementation plan. The revision to the SIP allows an adjusted standard to the general rule, Use of Organic Material Rule, known as the eight pound per hour (8 lb/hr) rule, for volatile organic matter, for Leisure Properties LLC/D/B/A Crownline Boats manufacturing facility located in West Frankfort, Illinois. The adjusted standard is that the facility takes an alternative standard of the emission limit requirements set forth in the MACT under 40 CFR part 63 subpart VVVV as published in 40 CFR Part 63 (§ 63.1200 to end) revised as of July 1, 2002.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) July 22, 2004, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, AS-04-01, (identified in error as July 22, 2002 in the document heading), effective July 22, 2004.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Letter from Laurel L. Kroack, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, to Cheryl Newton, EPA, dated September 2, 2011, identifying that due to an ownership change to Crownline Boats, the Board transferred the adjusted standard to Leisure Properties LLC D/B/A Crownline Boats, which is the successor to Crownline Boats, by Board order AS04-l, effective October 7, 2010.
(191) On September 14, 2012, Illinois submitted an amendment to its State Implementation Plan at 35 Illinois Administrative Code Part 223, which adds new consumer product categories and VOC limits for these products in Subpart B, and amends Subpart C to clarify applicability. 35 IAC Part 223 limits the amount of volatile organic compounds from consumer products and architectural and industrial maintenance coatings.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Illinois Administrative Code; Title 35: Environmental Protection; Subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter I: Pollution Control Board; Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitation for Stationary Sources; Part 223: Standards and Limitations for Organic material Emissions for Area Sources, effective May 4, 2012.
(B) Reserved.
(192) On June 24, 2011, Laurel Kroack, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, submitted Illinois’ regional haze plan to Cheryl Newton, Region 5, EPA. This plan includes a long-term strategy with emission limits for mandating emission reductions equivalent to the reductions from implementing best available retrofit technology and with emission reductions to provide Illinois’ contribution toward achievement of reasonable progress goals at Class I areas affected by Illinois. The plan specifically includes regulations establishing Multi-Pollutant Standards and Combined Pollutant Standards, along with letters from the affected electric utilities establishing the applicability and enforceability of the option that includes sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emission limits. The plan also includes permits establishing sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emission limits for three additional electric generating plants and two consent decrees establishing sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emission limits for two refineries.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following sections of Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 225, Control of Emissions from Large Combustion Sources, published at 33 IL Reg 10427, effective June 26, 2009, are incorporated by reference:
(1) Subpart B: Control Of Mercury Emissions From Coal-Fired Electric Generating Units, Section 225.233 Multi-Pollutant Standards (MPS), only subsections (a), (b), (e), and (g), Section 225.291 Combined Pollutant Standard: Purpose, Section 225.292 Applicability of the Combined Pollutant Standard, Section 225.293 Combined Pollutant Standard: Notice of Intent, Section 225.295 Combined Pollutant Standard: Emissions standards for NO
(2) Section 225.Appendix A Specified EGUs for Purposes of the CPS (Midwest Generation’s Coal-Fired Boilers as of July 1, 2006).
(B) Joint Construction and Operating Permit: Application Number 09090046, Issued on June 23, 2011, to City Water, Light & Power, City of Springfield.
(C) Joint Construction and Operating Permit: Application Number 09050022, Issued on June 24, 2011, to Kincaid Generation, LLC.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Letter from Guy Gorney, Midwest Generation to Dave Bloomberg, Illinois EPA, dated December 27, 2007, choosing to be subject to provisions of the Multi-Pollutant Standards that include emission limits for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
(B) Letter from R. Alan Kelley, Ameren, to Jim Ross, Illinois EPA, dated December 27, 2007, choosing to be subject to provisions of the Combined Pollutant Standards that include emission limits for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
(C) Letter from Keith A. McFarland, Dynegy, to Raymond Pilapil, Illinois EPA, dated November 26, 2007, choosing to be subject to provisions of the Combined Pollutant Standards that include emission limits for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
(193) On June 20, 2012, Illinois submitted an Adjusted Standard for the Greif Packaging, LLC facility located at 5 S 220 Frontenac Road in Naperville, DuPage County. This adjustment to the Standard at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.986(a) for Greif’s fiber drum manufacturing facility replaces the VOM capture and control requirements in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.986(a) with the control requirements in the Illinois Pollution Control Board’s April 5, 2012 Order.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) April 5, 2012 Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board (AS 2011-01), effective April 5, 2012.
(194) On November 14, 2011, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) submitted amendments to 35 Illinois Administrative Code 218.208 and 219.208. These sections add a “small container exemption” for pleasure craft surface coating operations in the Chicago and Metro-East St. Louis 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas. These exemptions are consistent with EPA volatile organic compound (VOC) reasonably available control technology (RACT) policy.
(i) Incorporation by reference. The following sections of Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, are incorporated by reference.
(A) Part 218: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart F: Coating Operations, Section 218.208 Exemptions From Emission Limitations; effective October 25, 2011.
(B) Part 219: Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area, Subpart F: Coating Operations, Section 219.208 Exemptions From Emission Limitations; effective October 25, 2011.
(195) On June 20, 2012, Illinois submitted an amendment to its State Implementation Plan at 35 Illinois Administrative Code part 243, which updates National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone, lead, and particulate matter while correcting various errors in the plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code; Title 35: Environmental Protection; Subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter I: Pollution Control Board; Subchapter l: Air Quality Standards And Episodes; Part 243: Air Quality Standards; Sections 243.101 Definitions, 243.104 Nondegradation, 243.107 Reference Conditions, 243.108 Incorporations by Reference, 243.120 PM
(196) On April 11, 2013, Illinois submitted a revision to 35 IAC Part 254, Annual Emissions Report. The revision amends the applicability provisions as they relate to greenhouse gases.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter II: Environmental Protection Agency; Part 254: Annual Emission Report, Section 254.102: Applicability, effective April 20, 2012.
(197) On July 3, 2013, Illinois submitted revised regulations that are consistent with 40 CFR 51.100(s)(1). The compound trans-1,3,3,3-tetra-flouropropene (HFO-1234ze) was added to the list of negligibly reactive compounds excluded from the definition of “Volatile Organic Material (VOM)” or “Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)” at 35 IAC 211.7150(a).
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection; Subtitle B: Air Pollution; ChapterI: Pollution Control Board; Subchapter C: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources; Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Section 211.7150: Volatile Organic Matter (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), Subsection 211.7150(a). Effective February 4, 2013.
(198) On January 9, 2014, Illinois submitted modifications to its Federally Enforceable State Operating Permits rules as a revision to the state implementation plan. The revision extends the maximum permit term of Federally Enforceable State Operating Permits from five years to ten years.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection; Subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter I: Pollution Control Board; Subchapter a: Permits and General Provisions; Part 201: Permits and General Provisions; Subpart D: Permit Applications and Review Process; Section 201.162: Duration; Subsection 201.162(a). Effective December 1, 2010.
(199) On January 8, 2014, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a revision to its state implementation plan. The revision to the SIP substitutes Latham Pool Products, d/b/a Viking Pools, for Royal Fiberglass Pools, Inc. as the holder of the adjusted standard to the general rule, Use of Organic Material Rule, known as the eight pound per hour (8 lb/hr) rule, for volatile organic matter that was granted to Royal Fiberglass Pools, Inc. manufacturing facility located in Dix, Illinois on February 18, 2010 by the Illinois Pollution Control Board. The adjusted standard affected by the name change provides that 35 Ill. Adm. Code 215.301 does not apply to VOM emissions from Viking Pools fiberglass pool manufacturing facility in Dix, Illinois. The facility is subject to emission limit requirements set forth in the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Reinforced Plastic Composites Production at 40 CFR 63, subpart WWWW, April 21, 2003.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Supplemental Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, AS 09-4, effective September 5, 2013.
(200) On November 29, 2012, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a request to revise Illinois’ vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) program to reflect changes that have been made to the program since EPA fully approved the I/M program on February 22, 1999.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter k: Emission Standards and Limitations for Mobile Sources, Part 240 Mobile Sources. Effective February 1, 2012.
(B) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter II: Environmental Protection Agency, Part 276 Procedures to be Followed in the Performance of Inspections of Motor Vehicle Emissions. Effective January 30, 2012.
(ii) Other materials.
(A) Transmittal letter dated November 29, 2012.
(B) Vehicle Emissions Inspection Law of 2005, as amended, 625 ILCS 5/13C (Public Act 94-526 enacted on August 10, 2005; Public Act 94-848 enacted on June 9, 2006; Public Act 97-106, enacted on July 14, 2011).
(C) Listing of Chicago and Metro-East St. Louis NAA Facility Closures (July 2012).
(201) On March 19, 2013, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a request to repeal the gasoline volatility standards at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 215.585, 218.585, and 219.585, including other related revisions to 35 Ill. Adm. Code Parts 211, 215, 218, and 219, to revise the motor vehicle refinishing equipment specifications at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.784 and 219.784, and to repeal the motor vehicle refinishing registration requirements at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.792 and 219.792.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 211, Definitions and General Provisions, Sections 211.101 Incorporations by Reference, 211.2870 Heavy Liquid, and 211.5510 Reid Vapor Pressure. Effective January 28, 2013.
(B) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 215, Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations, Sections 215.104 Definitions, and 215.105 Incorporation by Reference. Effective January 28, 2013.
(C) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 218, Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Sections 218.112 Incorporations by Reference, 218.128 Monitoring VOL Operations, and 218.784 Equipment Specifications. Effective January 28, 2013.
(D) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 219, Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area, Sections 219.112 Incorporations by Reference, 219.128 Monitoring VOL Operations, and 219.784 Equipment Specifications. Effective January 28, 2013.
(202) On June 10, 2014, Illinois submitted revised regulations that are consistent with 40 CFR 51.100(s)(1). The compounds (difluoromethoxy) (difluoro)methane (CHF
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection; Subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter I: Pollution Control Board; Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources; Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions; Subpart B: Definitions; Section 211.7150: Volatile Organic Material (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), effective November 27, 2013.
(203) On January 17, 2013, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a request to phase out Stage II vapor recovery standards at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.586 and to make other related revisions to 35 Ill. Adm. Code Parts 201, 218, and 219.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter a: Permits and General Provisions, Part 201, Permits and General Provisions, Subpart C: Prohibitions, Section 201.146, Exemptions from State Permit Requirements, and Subpart K: Records and Reports, Section 201.302, Reports, effective December 23, 2013.
(B) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 218, Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area, Subpart A: General Provisions, Section 218.112, Incorporations by Reference, Subpart Y: Gasoline Distribution, Section 218.583, Gasoline Dispensing Operations—Storage Tank Filling Operations and Section 218.586, Gasoline Dispensing Operations—Motor Vehicle Fueling Operations, effective December 23, 2013.
(C) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 219, Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area, Subpart A: General Provisions, Section 219.105, Test Methods and Procedures, and Section 219.112, Incorporations by Reference, Subpart Y: Gasoline Distribution, Section 219.583, Gasoline Dispensing Operations—Storage Tank Filling Operations, effective December 23, 2013.
(204) On December 2, 2013, Illinois submitted an amendment to its State Implementation Plan at 35 Illinois Administrative Code part 243, which updates Illinois air quality standards to reflect National Ambient Air Quality Standards for sulfur dioxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, lead, fine particulate matter, particulate matter, and carbon monoxide and incorporates Federal test procedures for these pollutants.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection; Subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter I: Pollution Control Board; Subchapter l: Air Quality Standards And Episodes; Part 243: Air Quality Standards; Sections 243.101 Definitions, 243.102 Scope, 243.103 Applicability, 243.105 Air Quality Monitoring Data Influenced by Exceptional Events, 243.107 Reference Conditions, 243.108 Incorporations by Reference, 243.120 PM
(205) On May 16, 2013, and August 18, 2014, Illinois submitted variances to its regional haze state implementation plan affecting the following Midwest Generation, LLC facilities: Crawford Generating Station (Cook County), Joliet Generating Station (Will County), Powerton Generating Station (Tazewell County), Waukegan Generating Station (Lake County), and Will County Generating Station (Will County).
(i) Incorporation by Reference. (A) Illinois Pollution Control Board Order PCB 12-121, adopted on August 23, 2012; Certificate of Acceptance, dated August 24, 2012, filed with the Illinois Pollution Control Board Clerk’s Office August 27, 2012.
(B) Illinois Pollution Control Board Order PCB 13-24, adopted on April 4, 2013; Certificate of Acceptance, dated May 16, 2013, filed with the Illinois Pollution Control Board Clerk’s Office May 17, 2013.
(206) On December 18, 2014, the state submitted a proposed revision to the Illinois SIP updating the definition of Volatile Organic Material (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) to exclude the chemical compound 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234yf), along with minor administrative revisions.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Section 211.7150 Volatile Organic Material (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), effective June 9, 2014.
(207) On September 3, 2014, Illinois submitted a variance to its regional haze state implementation plan affecting the electrical generating units (EGUs) included in the Ameren Multi-Pollutant Standard Group (Ameren MPS Group). The Ameren MPS Group consists of five facilities owned by Illinois Power Holdings, LLC (IPH) and two facilities owned by AmerenEnergy Medina Valley Cogen, LLC (Medina Valley). The IPH facilities included in the Ameren MPS Group and subject to the variance include: Coffeen Energy Center (Montgomery County), Duck Creek Energy Center (Fulton County), E.D. Edwards Energy Center (Peoria County), Joppa Energy Center (Massac County), and Newton Energy Center (Jasper County). The Medina Valley facilities included in the Ameren MPS Group and subject to the variance are the Meredosia Energy Center (Morgan County) and the Hutsonville Energy Center (Crawford County).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Illinois Pollution Control Board Order PCB 14-10, adopted on November 21, 2013; Certificate of Acceptance, filed with the Illinois Pollution Control Board Clerk’s Office December 20, 2013.
(208) On December 18, 2014, and April 23, 2015, Illinois submitted amendments to its State Implementation Plan at 35 Illinois Administrative Code part 243, which updates Illinois air quality standards to reflect National Ambient Air Quality Standards promulgated by EPA through December 17, 2013, and incorporates Federal test procedures for these pollutants.
(i) Incorporation by Reference. (A) Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection; Subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter I: Pollution Control Board; Subchapter I: Air Quality Standards And Episodes; Part 243: Air Quality Standards; Sections 243.107 Reference Conditions, 243.120 p.m.
(B) Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection; Subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter I: Pollution Control Board; Subchapter I: Air Quality Standards And Episodes; Part 243: Air Quality Standards; Section 243.108 Incorporation by Reference, effective June 9, 2014.
(209) On August 9, 2016, the state submitted a proposed revision to the Illinois SIP updating the definition of Volatile Organic Material (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) to exclude the chemical compound 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP), along with minor administrative revisions.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Station Sources, Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Section 211.7150 Volatile Organic Material (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), effective March 24, 2015.
- CF
3 )2 CFCF2 OCH3 ); 1-ethoxy-1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4-nonafluorobutane (C4 F9 OC2 H5 ); 2-(ethoxydifluoromethyl)-1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane ((CF3 )2 CFCF2 OC2 H5 ); and methyl acetate from the definition of VOM or VOC and thereby, from regulation as ozone precursors.(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emission Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions, Subpart B: Definitions, Section 211.7150 Volatile Organic Material (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), amended at 22 Illinois Register 11405, effective June 22, 1998.
(169) On June 20, 2003, Illinois submitted an Adjusted Standard for Ford Motor Company’s Chicago Assembly Plant. This Adjusted Standard from 35 Ill.Adm. Code 218.986 replaces those requirements with the control requirements in the Illinois Pollution Control Board’s November 21, 2002, Order.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) The Illinois Pollution Control Board’s November 21, 2002, Opinion and Order which granted the Ford Motor Company’s Chicago Assembly Plant an adjusted standard (AS 02-3) from 35 Ill. ADM. Code 218.986. The requirements in 35 Ill. ADM. Code 218.986 have been replaced by the requirements in the Illinois Pollution Control Board’s November 21, 2002, Order.
(170) On May 28, 2003, Illinois submitted an amendment to its leather coating rules for the Horween Leather Company’s Chicago leather manufacturing facility. This adds a test method in Section 218.112(a)(26) and a new Section 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.929. These amendments were incorporated in the Illinois Pollution Control Board’s February 20, 2003, Final Order R02-20.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 218 Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area.
(A) Subpart A: General Provisions, Section 218.112 Incorporations by Reference, (a) American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-9555, 26) ASTM D2099-00. Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. 7283, effective April 8, 2003.
(B) Subpart PP: Miscellaneous Fabricated Product Manufacturing Processes, Section 218.929 Cementable and Dress or Performance Shoe Leather. Added at 27 Ill. Reg. 7283, effective April 8, 2003.
(171) On July 29, 2003, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a site-specific revision to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for sulfur dioxide (SO
2 ) for the Central Illinois Light Company’s E.D. Edwards Generating Station, now known as AmerenEnergy Resources Generating Company, Edwards Power Plant, in Bartonville, Peoria County, Illinois.(i) Incorporation by reference.
Illinois Administrative Code Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter c: Emissions Standards and Limitations for Stationary Sources, Part 214: Sulfur Limitations, Subpart X: Utilities Section 214.561 E.D. Edwards Electric Generating Station which was amended at 27 Illinois Register 12101, effective July 11, 2003.
(172) On September 19, 2003, Illinois submitted a site-specific revision to the State Implementation Plan which relaxes the volatile organic material (VOM) content limit for the coating operations at Louis Berkman Company, d/b/a/ the Swenson Spreader Company’s Lindenwood, Ogle County, Illinois facility from 3.5 pounds VOM per gallon to a monthly average of 4.75 pounds VOM per gallon until May 7, 2008.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Order contained in a May 7, 1998, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, AS 97-5, effective May 7, 1998.
(173) On March 11, 2004, Illinois submitted an Adjusted Standard for Argonne National Laboratory’s degreasing operations. Pursuant to this Adjusted Standard from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.182, the applicable vapor pressure and other associated requirements of 35 Ill. Code 218.182 do not apply to cold cleaning involving the preparation of sample materials and associated apparatus used for research and development testing and analysis at Argonne. These revised requirements were adopted in the Illinois Pollution Control Board’s December 18, 2003, Adjusted Standard AS 03-4.
(i) Incorporation by reference. (A) The Illinois Pollution Control Board’s December 18, 2003, Opinion and Order which granted the Argonne National Laboratory’s degreasing operations an Adjusted Standard (AS 03-4) from 35 Ill. Code 218.182 for its cold cleaning involving the preparation of sample materials and associated apparatus used for research and development testing and analysis at Argonne.
(174) [Reserved]
(175) On January 4, 2006, Illinois submitted a site-specific State Implementation Plan revision for the Ford Motor Company (Ford) Chicago Assembly Plant. The revision allows Ford to discontinue use of its Stage II vapor recovery system and requires instead that Ford comply with federal onboard refueling vapor recovery regulations and other conditions.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) September 1, 2005, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, AS 05-5, effective September 1, 2005.
(176) On June 14, 2004, Illinois submitted revisions to volatile organic compound rules for Formel Industries, Incorporated in Cook County, Illinois. The revisions consist of withdrawing an adjusted standard to the Flexographic Printing Rule. Formel Industries has installed a control device and is complying with the Flexographic Printing Rule.
(i) Incorporation by reference. An April 15, 2004, Supplemental Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board AS 00-13, terminating Formel’s previously issued (January 18, 2001) adjusted standard from the Flexographic Printing Rule, effective April 15, 2004.
(177) On May 31, 2006, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a requested revision to the Illinois State Implementation Plan. This revision provides additional exemptions from State of Illinois permit requirements codified by the State at Part 201 of Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code (35 IAC Part 201).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter a: Permits and General Provisions, Part 201 Permits and General Provisions, Subpart C: Prohibitions, Section 201.146 Exemptions from State Permit Requirements paragraphs (hhh), (iii), (jjj), (kkk), and (lll). Amended at 30 Ill. Reg. 4901, effective March 3, 2006. (178) On September 14, 2007, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted rules and related material to address requirements under the Clean Air Interstate Rule. These rules mandate participation of electric generating units in EPA-run trading programs for annual emissions of sulfur dioxide, annual emissions of nitrogen oxides, and ozone season emissions of nitrogen oxides. These rules provide a methodology for allocating allowances to subject sources and require these sources to hold sufficient allowances to accommodate their emissions and to meet various monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements. EPA is approving the submitted provisions of Subparts A, C, D, and E of Part 225 of Title 35 of Illinois Administrative Code; EPA is deferring action on Subpart F.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Part 225: Control of Emissions from Large Combustion Sources, effective August 31, 2007, including Subpart A: General Provisions, Subpart C: Clean Air Act Interstate Rule (CAIR) SO
2 Trading Program, Subpart D: CAIR NOX Annual Trading Program, and Subpart E: CAIR NOX Ozone Season Trading Program.(179) On October 31, 2003, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted rules and related materials to address site-specific requirements for Cromwell-Phoenix, Incorporated, located in Alsip, Illinois. These rules establish an adjusted standard for the corrosion inhibiting packaging production facility of Cromwell-Phoenix, Incorporated located at this source site. These rules provide a site-specific adjusted standard for this source facility for volume 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code subpart F section 218.204(c). The adjusted standard gives the corrosion inhibiting paper coating lines at the Alsip facility an adjusted volatile organic material (volatile organic compounds) content limit for paper coatings, and places an annual limit on the volatile organic material emissions from the Alsip facility as a whole. The adjusted standard also establishes source administration and reporting requirements for Cromwell-Phoenix, Incorporated Alsip facility. EPA is approving this site-specific adjusted standard as a revision of the Illinois state implementation plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) September 18, 2003, Opinion and Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, AS 03-5, effective September 18, 2003.
(180) On January 10, 2007, Illinois submitted revisions to its rules for the Emission Reduction Market System. These revisions assure that sources in the Chicago area with potential emissions of VOC between 25 and 100 tons per year will remain subject to the program, irrespective of changes in the area’s ozone nonattainment classification or designation and any associated changes in whether such sources are defined to be major sources. EPA is again deferring action on section 205.150(e).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control Board, Subchapter b: Alternative Reduction Program, Part 205 Emissions Reduction Market System, Sections:
205.120 Abbreviations and Acronyms 205.130 Definitions 205.150 Emissions Management Periods (except for 205.150(e [↩]