40 CFR 1054.105 – What exhaust emission standards must my nonhandheld engines meet?
(a) Emission standards. Exhaust emissions from your engines may not exceed the emission standards in Table 1 to this section. Measure emissions using the applicable steady-state test procedures described in subpart F of this part.
Table 1 to § 1054.105—Phase 3 Emission Standards for Nonhandheld Engines (
Engine displacement class | HC + NO | Primary CO standard | CO standard for marine generator engines |
Class I | 10.0 | 610 | 5.0 |
Class II | 8.0 | 610 | 5.0 |
(b) Averaging, banking, and trading. You may generate or use emission credits under the averaging, banking, and trading (ABT) program for HC + NO
(1) 40.0 g/kW-hr for Class I engines with displacement below 100 cc.
(2) 16.1 g/kW-hr for Class I engines with displacement at or above 100 cc.
(3) 12.1 for Class II engines.
(c) Fuel types. The exhaust emission standards in this section apply for engines using the fuel type on which the engines in the emission family are designed to operate. You must meet the numerical emission standards for hydrocarbon in this section based on the following types of hydrocarbon emissions for engines powered by the following fuels:
(1) Alcohol-fueled engines: THCE emissions.
(2) Natural gas-fueled engines: NMHC emissions.
(3) Other engines: THC emissions.
(d) Useful life. Your engines must meet the exhaust emission standards in paragraph (a) of this section over their full useful life as described in § 1054.107.
(e) Applicability for testing. The emission standards in this subpart apply to all testing, including certification, production-line, and in-use testing.