42 CFR 412.316 – Geographic adjustment factors
(a) Local cost variation. CMS adjusts for local cost variation based on the hospital wage index value that is applicable to the hospital under subpart D of this part. The adjustment factor equals the hospital wage index value applicable to the hospital raised to the .6848 power and is applied to 100 percent of the Federal rate.
(b) Large urban location. For discharges occurring on or before September 30, 2007, CMS provides an additional payment to a hospital located in a large urban area equal to 3.0 percent of what would otherwise be payable to the hospital based on the Federal rate.
(1) For discharges occurring on or before September 30, 2004, the payment adjustment under this section is based on a hospital’s location for the purpose of receiving payment under § 412.63(a). The term “large urban area” is defined under § 412.63(c)(6).
(2) For discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2004, and before October 1, 2007, the definition of large urban areas under § 412.63(c)(6) continues be in effect for purposes of the payment adjustment under this section, based on the geographic classification under § 412.64, except as provided for in paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
(3) For purposes of this section, the geographic classifications specified under § 412.64 apply, except that, effective for discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2006, and before October 1, 2007, for an urban hospital that is reclassified as rural as set forth in § 412.103, the geographic classification is rural.
(c) Cost-of-living adjustment. CMS provides an additional payment to a hospital located in Alaska and Hawaii equal to [0.3152 × (the cost-of-living adjustment factor used to determine payments under subpart D of this part ? 1)] percent.