7 USC 1725 – Food Aid Consultative Group
(a) Establishment
There is established a Food Aid Consultative Group (hereinafter referred to in this section as the “Group”) that shall meet regularly to review and address issues concerning the effectiveness of the regulations and procedures that govern food assistance programs established and implemented under this subchapter, and the implementation of other provisions of this subchapter that may involve eligible organizations described in section 1722(d)(1) of this title.
(b) Membership
Terms Used In 7 USC 1725
- Administrator: means the Administrator of the Agency for International Development, unless otherwise specified in this chapter. See 7 USC 1732
- cooperative: means a private sector organization whose members own and control the organization and share in its services and its profits and that provides business services and outreach in cooperative development for its membership. See 7 USC 1732
- private voluntary organization: means a not-for-profit, nongovernmental organization (in the case of a United States organization, an organization that is exempt from Federal income taxes under section 501(c)(3) of title 26) that receives funds from private sources, voluntary contributions of money, staff time, or in-kind support from the public, and that is engaged in or is planning to engage in voluntary, charitable, or development assistance activities (other than religious activities). See 7 USC 1732
- Secretary: means the Secretary of Agriculture, unless otherwise specified in this chapter. See 7 USC 1732
The Group shall be composed of—
(1) the Administrator;
(2) the Under Secretary of Agriculture for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs;
(3) the Inspector General of the Agency for International Development;
(4) a representative of each private voluntary organization and cooperative participating in a program under this subchapter, or receiving planning assistance funds from the Agency to establish programs under this subchapter;
(5) representatives from African, Asian and Latin American indigenous non-governmental organizations determined appropriate by the Administrator;
(6) representatives from agricultural producer groups in the United States;
(7) representatives from the United States agricultural processing sector involved in providing agricultural commodities for programs under this chapter; and
(8) representatives from the maritime transportation sector involved in transporting agricultural commodities overseas for programs under this chapter.
(c) Chairperson
The Administrator shall be the chairperson of the Group.
(d) Consultations
(1) Consultation in advance of issuance of implementation regulations, handbooks, and guidelines
Not later than 30 days before a proposed regulation, handbook, or guideline implementing this subchapter, or a proposed significant revision to a regulation, handbook, or guideline implementing this subchapter, becomes final, the Administrator shall provide the proposal to the Group for review and comment. The Administrator shall consult and, when appropriate (but at least twice per year), meet with the Group regarding such proposed regulations, handbooks, guidelines, or revisions thereto prior to the issuance of such.
(2) Consultation regarding food aid quality efforts
The Administrator shall seek input from and consult with the Group on the implementation of section 1722(h) of this title.
(e) Chapter 10 of title 5
Chapter 10 of title 5 shall not apply to the Group.
(f) Termination
The Group shall terminate on December 31, 2023.