(a) Grants authorized

(1) In general

The Secretary is authorized, from the amount available to carry out this section under section 1161n-4 of this title in each fiscal year and in accordance with the provisions of this part—

(A) to award grants to institutions of higher education or consortia of such institutions that have not received a grant under this paragraph in the ten-year period preceding the date for which a grant under this section is requested to pay the Federal share of the cost of planning, establishing, expanding, or carrying out programs of cooperative education by such institutions or consortia of institutions; and

(B) to award grants to institutions of higher education that are operating an existing cooperative education program as determined by the Secretary to pay the Federal share of the cost of planning, establishing, expanding, or carrying out programs of cooperative education by such institutions.

(2) Program requirement

Cooperative education programs assisted under this section shall provide alternating or parallel periods of academic study and of public or private employment, giving students work experience related to their academic or occupational objectives and the opportunity to earn the funds necessary for continuing and completing their education.

(3) Amount of grants

(A) The amount of each grant awarded pursuant to paragraph (1)(A) to any institution of higher education or consortia of such institutions in any fiscal year shall not exceed $500,000.

(B)(i) Except as provided in clauses (ii) and (iii), the Secretary shall award grants in each fiscal year to each institution of higher education described in paragraph (1)(B) that has an application approved under subsection (b) in an amount that bears the same ratio to the amount reserved pursuant to section 1161n-1(a)(2) of this title for such fiscal year as the number of unduplicated students placed in cooperative education jobs during the preceding fiscal year by such institution of higher education (other than cooperative education jobs under section 1161n-3 of this title and as determined by the Secretary) bears to the total number of all such students placed in such jobs during the preceding fiscal year by all such institutions.

(ii) No institution of higher education shall receive a grant pursuant to paragraph (1)(B) in any fiscal year in an amount that exceeds 25 percent of such institution’s cooperative education program’s personnel and operating budget for the preceding fiscal year.

(iii) The minimum annual grant amount that an institution of higher education is eligible to receive under paragraph (1)(B) is $1,000 and the maximum annual grant amount is $75,000.

(4) Limitation

The Secretary shall not award grants pursuant to subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1) to the same institution of higher education or consortia of such institution in any one fiscal year.

(5) Uses

Grants awarded under paragraph (1)(B) shall be used exclusively—

(A) to expand the quality of and participation in a cooperative education program;

(B) for outreach to potential participants in new curricular areas; and

(C) for outreach to potential participants including underrepresented and nontraditional populations.

(b) Applications

Each institution of higher education or consortium of such institutions desiring to receive a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time and in such manner as the Secretary shall prescribe. Each such application shall—

(1) set forth the program or activities for which a grant is authorized under this section;

(2) specify each portion of such program or activities which will be performed by a nonprofit organization or institution other than the applicant, and the amount of grant funds to be used for such program or activities;

(3) provide that the applicant will expend, during the fiscal year for which the grant is awarded for the purpose of such program or activities, not less than the amount expended for such purpose during the previous fiscal year;

(4) describe the plans which the applicant will carry out to assure, and contain a formal statement of the institution’s commitment that assures, that the applicant will continue the cooperative education program beyond the five-year period of Federal assistance described in subsection (c)(1) at a level that is not less than the total amount expended for such program during the first year such program was assisted under this section;

(5) provide that, in the case of an institution of higher education that provides a two-year program that is acceptable for full credit toward a bachelor’s degree, the cooperative education program will be available to students who are certificate or associate degree candidates and who carry at least one-half of the normal full-time academic workload;

(6) provide that the applicant will—

(A) make such reports as may be necessary to ensure that the applicant is complying with the provisions of this section, including reports for the second and each succeeding fiscal year for which the applicant receives a grant with respect to the impact of the cooperative education program in the previous fiscal year, including—

(i) the number of unduplicated student applicants in the cooperative education program;

(ii) the number of unduplicated students placed in cooperative education jobs;

(iii) the number of employers who have hired cooperative education students;

(iv) the income for students derived from working in cooperative education jobs; and

(v) the increase or decrease in the number of unduplicated students placed in cooperative education jobs in each fiscal year compared to the previous fiscal year; and

(B) keep such records as may be necessary to ensure that the applicant is complying with the provisions of this part, including the notation of cooperative education employment on the student’s transcript;

(7) describe the extent to which programs in the academic disciplines for which the application is made have satisfactorily met the needs of public and private sector employers;

(8) describe the extent to which the institution is committed to extending cooperative education on an institution-wide basis for all students who can benefit;

(9) describe the plans that the applicant will carry out to evaluate the applicant’s cooperative education program at the end of the grant period;

(10) provide for such fiscal control and fund accounting procedures as may be necessary to ensure proper disbursement of, and accounting for, Federal funds paid to the applicant under this part;

(11) demonstrate a commitment to serving underserved populations at the institution; and

(12) include such other information as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this part.

(c) Duration of grants; Federal share

(1) Duration of grants

No individual institution of higher education may receive, individually or as a participant in a consortium of such institutions—

(A) a grant pursuant to subsection (a)(1)(A) for more than five fiscal years; or

(B) a grant pursuant to subsection (a)(1)(B) for more than five fiscal years.

(2) Federal share

The Federal share of a grant under subsection (a)(1)(A) may not exceed—

(A) 85 percent of the cost of carrying out the program or activities described in the application in the first year the applicant receives a grant under this section;

(B) 70 percent of such cost in the second such year;

(C) 55 percent of such cost in the third such year;

(D) 40 percent of such cost in the fourth such year; and

(E) 25 percent of such cost in the fifth such year.

(3) Special rule

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary may not waive the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2).

(d) Maintenance of effort

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Terms Used In 20 USC 1161n-2

  • Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
  • individual: shall include every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development. See 1 USC 8
  • Transcript: A written, word-for-word record of what was said, either in a proceeding such as a trial or during some other conversation, as in a transcript of a hearing or oral deposition.

If the Secretary determines that a recipient of funds under this section has failed to maintain the fiscal effort described in subsection (b)(3), then the Secretary may elect not to make grant payments under this section to such recipient.

(e) Factors for special consideration of applications

(1) In general

In approving applications under this section, the Secretary shall give special consideration to applications from institutions of higher education or consortia of such institutions for programs that show the greatest promise of success based on—

(A) the extent to which programs in the academic discipline with respect to which the application is made have satisfactorily met the needs of public and private sector employers;

(B) the strength of the commitment of the institution of higher education or consortium of such institutions to cooperative education as demonstrated by the plans and formalized institutional commitment statement which such institution or consortium has made to continue the program after the termination of Federal financial assistance;

(C) the extent to which the institution or consortium of institutions is committed to extending cooperative education for students who can benefit; and

(D) such other factors as are consistent with the purpose of this part.

(2) Additional special consideration

The Secretary shall also give special consideration to applications from institutions of higher education or consortia of such institutions that demonstrate a commitment to serving underserved populations attending such institutions.