(a) Delegation by President; rules and regulations; utilization of goods and services from private enterprise, and facilities and resources of Federal agencies when not competitive with private enterprise

The President may exercise any functions conferred upon him by this chapter through such agency or officer of the United States Government as he shall direct. The head of any such agency or such officer may from time to time promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out such functions, and may delegate authority to perform any such functions, including, if he shall so specify, the authority successively to redelegate any of such functions to any of his subordinates. In providing technical assistance under this chapter, the head of any such agency or such officer shall utilize, to the fullest extent practicable, goods and professional and other services from private enterprise on a contract basis. In such fields as education, health, housing, or agriculture, the facilities and resources of other Federal agencies shall be utilized when such facilities are particularly or uniquely suitable for technical assistance, are not competitive with private enterprise, and can be made available without interfering unduly with domestic programs.

(b) Eligibility of suppliers; debarment period; causes for debarment; conditions for reinstatement; periodic review

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Terms Used In 22 USC 2381

  • Agriculture: includes aquaculture and fisheries. See 22 USC 2403
  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • Fraud: Intentional deception resulting in injury to another.
  • officer: includes any person authorized by law to perform the duties of the office. See 1 USC 1
  • Services: include any service, repair, training of personnel, or technical or other assistance or information used for the purposes of furnishing nonmilitary assistance. See 22 USC 2403

The President shall issue and enforce regulations determining the eligibility of any person to receive funds made available under this chapter. A person may be suspended under such regulations for a temporary period pending the completion of an investigation and any resulting judicial or debarment proceedings, upon cause for belief that such person or an affiliate thereof probably has undertaken conduct which constitutes a cause for debarment; and, after an opportunity has been afforded to such person for a hearing, he may be debarred for an additional period, not to exceed three years. Among the causes for debarment shall be (1) offering or accepting a bribe or other illegal payment or credit in connection with any transaction financed with funds made available under this chapter; or (2) committing a fraud in the procurement or performance of any contract financed with funds made available under this chapter; or (3) acting in any other manner which shows a lack of integrity or honesty in connection with any transaction financed with funds made available under this chapter. Reinstatement of eligibility in each particular case shall be subject to such conditions as the President shall direct. Each person whose eligibility is denied or suspended under this subsection shall, upon request, be entitled to a review of his eligibility not less often than once every two years.