10 USC 4173 – Department of Defense Test Resource Management Center
(2) There shall be a Deputy Director of the Center, selected by the Secretary from among individuals who have substantial experience in the field of test and evaluation. The Deputy Director shall act for, and exercise the powers of, the Director when the Director is disabled or the position of Director is vacant.
(A) To review and provide oversight of proposed Department of Defense budgets and expenditures for—
(i) the test and evaluation facilities and resources of the Major Range and Test Facility Base of the Department of Defense; and
(ii) all other test and evaluation facilities and resources within and outside of the Department of Defense, other than budgets and expenditures for activities described in section 139(j) of this title.
(B) To review proposed significant changes to the test and evaluation facilities and resources of the Major Range and Test Facility Base, including with respect to the expansion, divestment, consolidation, or curtailment of activities, before they are implemented by the Secretaries of the military departments or the heads of the Defense Agencies with test and evaluation responsibilities and advise the Secretary of Defense and the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering of the impact of such changes on the adequacy of such test and evaluation facilities and resources to meet the test and evaluation requirements of the Department.
(C) To complete and maintain the quadrennial strategic plan required by subsection (d).
(D) To review proposed budgets under subsection (e) and submit reports and certifications required by such subsection.
(E) To administer the Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program and the program of the Department of Defense for test and evaluation science and technology.
(2) The Director shall have access to such records and data of the Department of Defense (including the appropriate records and data of each military department and Defense Agency) that are necessary in order to carry out the duties of the Director under this section.
(2) The quadrennial strategic plan shall include the following:
(A) An assessment of the test and evaluation requirements of the Department for the period covered by the plan.
(B) An identification of performance measures associated with the successful achievement of test and evaluation objectives for the period covered by the plan.
(C) An assessment of the test and evaluation facilities and resources that will be needed to meet current and future requirements for test and evaluation of the Department of Defense major weapon systems based on current and emerging threats.
(D) An assessment of the current state of the test and evaluation facilities and resources of the Department.
(E) An assessment of plans and business case analyses supporting any significant modification of the test and evaluation facilities and resources of the Department projected, proposed, or recommended by the Secretary of a military department or the head of a Defense Agency for such period, including with respect to the expansion, divestment, consolidation, or curtailment of activities.
(F) An itemization of acquisitions, upgrades, and improvements necessary to ensure that the test and evaluation facilities and resources of the Department are adequate to meet such requirements and satisfy such performance measures.
(G) An assessment of the budgetary resources necessary to implement such acquisitions, upgrades, and improvements.
(3) Upon completing a quadrennial strategic plan under paragraph (1), the Director shall submit to the Secretary of Defense a report on that plan. The report shall include the plan and a description of the review on which the plan is based.
(4) Not later than 60 days after the date on which the report is submitted under paragraph (3), the Secretary of Defense shall transmit to the Committee on Armed Services and Committee on Appropriations of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services and Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives the report, together with any comments with respect to the report that the Secretary considers appropriate.
(5)(A) In addition to the quadrennial strategic plan completed under paragraph (1), the Director of the Department of Defense Test Resource Management Center shall also complete an annual update to the quadrennial strategic plan.
(B) Each annual update completed under subparagraph (A) shall include the following:
(i) A summary of changes to the assessment provided in the most recent quadrennial strategic plan.
(ii) Comments and recommendations the Director considers appropriate.
(iii) Test and evaluation challenges raised since the completion of the most recent quadrennial strategic plan.
(iv) Actions taken or planned to address such challenges.
(2)(A) The Director of the Center shall review each proposed budget transmitted under paragraph (1) and shall, not later than January 31 of the year preceding the fiscal year for which such budgets are proposed, submit to the Secretary of Defense a report containing the comments of the Director with respect to all such proposed budgets, together with the certification of the Director as to whether such proposed budgets are adequate.
(B) The Director shall also submit, together with such report and such certification, an additional certification as to whether such proposed budgets provide balanced support for such quadrennial strategic plan.
(3) The Secretary of Defense shall, not later than March 31 of the year preceding the fiscal year for which such budgets are proposed, submit to Congress a report on those proposed budgets which the Director has not certified under paragraph (2)(A) to be adequate. The report shall include the following matters:
(A) A discussion of the actions that the Secretary proposes to take, together with any recommended legislation that the Secretary considers appropriate, to address the inadequacy of the proposed budgets.
(B) Any additional comments that the Secretary considers appropriate regarding the inadequacy of the proposed budgets.
(A) the Secretary or the head, as the case may be, submits to the Director a business case analysis for such modification; and
(B) the Director reviews such analysis and approves such modification.
(2) The Director shall submit to the Secretary of Defense an annual report containing the comments of the Director with respect to each business case analysis reviewed under paragraph (1)(B) during the year covered by the report.