(a) In general

(1) Population

In carrying out the program described in section 3058 of this title, the Assistant Secretary shall initially allot to each State, from the funds appropriated under section 3058a of this title for each fiscal year, an amount that bears the same ratio to the funds as the population of older individuals in the State bears to the population of older individuals in all States.

(2) Minimum allotments

(A) In general

After making the initial allotments described in paragraph (1), the Assistant Secretary shall adjust the allotments on a pro rata basis in accordance with subparagraphs (B) and (C).

(B) General minimum allotments

(i) Minimum allotment for States

No State shall be allotted less than one-half of 1 percent of the funds appropriated under section 3058a of this title for the fiscal year for which the determination is made.

(ii) Minimum allotment for territories

Guam, the United States Virgin Islands, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, shall each be allotted not less than one-fourth of 1 percent of the funds appropriated under section 3058a of this title for the fiscal year for which the determination is made. American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands shall each be allotted not less than one-sixteenth of 1 percent of the sum appropriated under section 3058a of this title for the fiscal year for which the determination is made.

(C) Minimum allotments for ombudsman and elder abuse programs

(i) Ombudsman program

No State shall be allotted for a fiscal year, from the funds appropriated under section 3058a of this title and made available to carry out subpart II of this part, less than the amount allotted to the State under section 3024 of this title in fiscal year 2000 to carry out the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman program under subchapter III.

(ii) Elder abuse programs

No State shall be allotted for a fiscal year, from the funds appropriated under section 3058a of this title and made available to carry out subpart III of this part, less than the amount allotted to the State under section 3024 of this title in fiscal year 2000 to carry out programs with respect to the prevention of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation under subchapter III.

(D) “State” defined

For the purposes of this paragraph, the term “State” does not include Guam, American Samoa, the United States Virgin Islands, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

(b) Reallotment

(1) In general

If the Assistant Secretary determines that any amount allotted to a State for a fiscal year under this section will not be used by the State for carrying out the purpose for which the allotment was made, the Assistant Secretary shall make the amount available to a State that the Assistant Secretary determines will be able to use the amount for carrying out the purpose.

(2) Availability

Any amount made available to a State from an appropriation for a fiscal year in accordance with paragraph (1) shall, for purposes of this part, be regarded as part of the allotment of the State (as determined under subsection (a)) for the year, but shall remain available until the end of the succeeding fiscal year.

(c) Withholding

If the Assistant Secretary finds that any State has failed to carry out this subchapter in accordance with the assurances made and description provided under section 3058d of this title, the Assistant Secretary shall withhold the allotment of funds to the State. The Assistant Secretary shall disburse the funds withheld directly to any public or nonprofit private institution or organization, agency, or political subdivision of the State submitting an approved plan containing the assurances and description.

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