Alabama Code 31-2-124. Commanders of National Guard troops may order closing of certain places and forbid sale of certain commodities
When any part of the National Guard of Alabama is in active service by order of the Governor or other civil authority to aid in the enforcement of the laws, in cases of insurrection, invasion, riot, or imminent threat thereof, or disaster, the commanding officers of such troops may order the closing of any places where intoxicating liquors, arms, ammunition, dynamite, or other explosives are sold, and forbid the selling, bartering, lending, or giving away of any of the commodities in the city, town, or village where the troops are on duty, or in the vicinity of such place, or for so long as any of the troops remain on duty in the vicinity. Such orders shall take effect whether any civil officer has issued a similar order or not, and the commanding officer of such troops may continue the prohibition in force until the departure of the troops, although the sheriff, mayor, or intendant of the county, city, town, or village may have prescribed an earlier or different date after which such selling, bartering, lending, or giving away shall be carried on.