(a) In this section, “development board” means the Texas Water Development Board.
(a-1) A district shall, not later than three years after the creation of the district or, if the district required confirmation, not later than three years after the election confirming the district’s creation, submit the management plan required under § 36.1071 to the executive administrator for review and approval.

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Terms Used In Texas Water Code 36.1072

  • Appeal: A request made after a trial, asking another court (usually the court of appeals) to decide whether the trial was conducted properly. To make such a request is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal." One who appeals is called the appellant.
  • in writing: includes any representation of words, letters, or figures, whether by writing, printing, or other means. See Texas Government Code 312.011
  • Person: includes corporation, organization, government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association, and any other legal entity. See Texas Government Code 311.005
  • Trial: A hearing that takes place when the defendant pleads "not guilty" and witnesses are required to come to court to give evidence.

(b) Within 60 days of receipt of a district’s management plan adopted under § 36.1071, readopted under Subsection (e) or (g) of this section, or amended under § 36.1073, the executive administrator shall approve the district’s plan if the plan is administratively complete. A management plan is administratively complete when it contains the information required to be submitted under § 36.1071(a) and (e). The executive administrator may determine whether conditions justify waiver of the requirements under § 36.1071(e)(4).
(c) Once the executive administrator has approved a district’s management plan:
(1) the executive administrator may not revoke but may require revisions to the approved management plan as provided by Subsection (g); and
(2) the executive administrator may request additional information from the district if the information is necessary to clarify, modify, or supplement previously submitted material, but a request for additional information does not render the management plan unapproved.
(d) A management plan takes effect on approval by the executive administrator or, if appealed, on approval by the development board.
(e) The district may review the plan annually and must review and readopt the plan with or without revisions at least once every five years. The district shall provide the readopted plan to the executive administrator not later than the 60th day after the date on which the plan was readopted. Approval of the preceding management plan remains in effect until:
(1) the district fails to timely readopt a management plan;
(2) the district fails to timely submit the district’s readopted management plan to the executive administrator; or
(3) the executive administrator determines that the readopted management plan does not meet the requirements for approval, and the district has exhausted all appeals to the Texas Water Development Board or appropriate court.
(f) If the executive administrator does not approve the district’s management plan, the executive administrator shall provide to the district, in writing, the reasons for the action. Not later than the 180th day after the date a district receives notice that its management plan has not been approved, the district may submit a revised management plan for review and approval. The executive administrator’s decision may be appealed to the development board. If the development board decides not to approve the district’s management plan on appeal, the district may request that the conflict be mediated. The district and the board may seek the assistance of the Center for Public Policy Dispute Resolution at The University of Texas School of Law or an alternative dispute resolution system established under Chapter 152, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, in obtaining a qualified impartial third party to mediate the conflict. The cost of the mediation services must be specified in the agreement between the parties and the Center for Public Policy Dispute Resolution or the alternative dispute resolution system. If the parties do not resolve the conflict through mediation, the decision of the development board not to approve the district’s management plan may be appealed to a district court in Travis County. Costs for the appeal shall be set by the court hearing the appeal. An appeal under this subsection is by trial de novo. The commission shall not take enforcement action against a district under Subchapter I until the latest of the expiration of the 180-day period, the date the development board has taken final action withholding approval of a revised management plan, the date the mediation is completed, or the date a final judgment upholding the board’s decision is entered by a district court. An enforcement action may not be taken against a district by the commission or the state auditor under Subchapter I because the district’s management plan and the approved regional water plan are in conflict while the parties are attempting to resolve the conflict before the development board, in mediation, or in court. Rules of the district continue in full force and effect until all appeals under this subsection have been exhausted and the final judgment is adverse to the district.
(g) A person with a legally defined interest in groundwater in a district, or the regional water planning group, may file a petition with the development board stating that a conflict requiring resolution may exist between the district’s approved management plan developed under § 36.1071 and the state water plan. If a conflict exists, the development board shall provide technical assistance to and facilitate coordination between the involved person or regional water planning group and the district to resolve the conflict. Not later than the 45th day after the date the person or the regional water planning group files a petition with the development board, if the conflict has not been resolved, the district and the involved person or regional planning group may mediate the conflict. The district and the involved person or regional planning group may seek the assistance of the Center for Public Policy Dispute Resolution at The University of Texas School of Law or an alternative dispute resolution system established under Chapter 152, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, in obtaining a qualified impartial third party to mediate the conflict. The cost of the mediation services must be specified in the agreement between the parties and the Center for Public Policy Dispute Resolution or the alternative dispute resolution system. If the district and the involved person or regional planning group cannot resolve the conflict through mediation, the development board shall resolve the conflict not later than the 60th day after the date the mediation is completed. The development board action under this provision may be consolidated, at the option of the board, with related action under § 16.053(p). If the development board determines that resolution of the conflict requires a revision of the approved management plan, the development board shall provide information to the district. The district shall prepare any revisions to the plan based on the information provided by the development board and shall hold, after notice, at least one public hearing at some central location within the district. The district shall consider all public and development board comments, prepare, revise, and adopt its management plan, and submit the revised management plan to the development board for approval. On the request of the district or the regional water planning group, the development board shall include discussion of the conflict and its resolution in the state water plan that the development board provides to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of representatives under § 16.051(e). If the groundwater conservation district disagrees with the decision of the development board under this subsection, the district may appeal the decision to a district court in Travis County. Costs for the appeal shall be set by the court hearing the appeal. An appeal under this subsection is by trial de novo.