§ 34-6-301 Short title
§ 34-6-302 Delegation of authority – “Parent” defined
§ 34-6-303 Execution of instrument providing for power of attorney – Affidavit detailing hardship – Procedure when one parent has legal custody
§ 34-6-304 Authority of caregiver – Enrollment in local education agency – Restitution to school district for fraudulent enrollment
§ 34-6-305 Revocation of power of attorney
§ 34-6-306 Termination of power of attorney
§ 34-6-307 Contravening decision by parent
§ 34-6-308 Liability for reliance on power of attorney
§ 34-6-309 Residence change
§ 34-6-310 No obligation to inquire or investigate

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Terms Used In Tennessee Code > Title 34 > Chapter 6 > Part 3 - Power of Attorney for Care of a Minor Child Act

  • Affidavit: A written statement of facts confirmed by the oath of the party making it, before a notary or officer having authority to administer oaths.
  • Code: includes the Tennessee Code and all amendments and revisions to the code and all additions and supplements to the code. See Tennessee Code 1-3-105
  • Commissioner: means the commissioner of commerce and insurance. See Tennessee Code 56-43-103
  • Commissioner: means the commissioner of commerce and insurance. See Tennessee Code 56-1-102
  • Court: means any court having jurisdiction to hear matters concerning guardians or conservators. See Tennessee Code 34-1-101
  • Foreign: when used without limitation, includes all companies formed by authority of any other state or government. See Tennessee Code 56-1-102
  • Guardian: A person legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of and managing the property of another person who because of age, intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his (her) own affairs.
  • Insurer: means any person who obtains a certificate of authority under this chapter. See Tennessee Code 56-43-103
  • Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
  • Legal insurance: means the assumption of a contractual obligation to provide specified legal services or reimbursement for legal expenses in consideration of a specified payment for an interval of time, regardless of whether the payment is made by the beneficiaries individually or by a third person for them, in such a manner that the total cost incurred by assuming the obligation is to be spread directly or indirectly among a group of persons. See Tennessee Code 56-43-103
  • Litigation: A case, controversy, or lawsuit. Participants (plaintiffs and defendants) in lawsuits are called litigants.
  • Minor: means any person who has not attained eighteen (18) years of age and who has not otherwise been emancipated. See Tennessee Code 34-1-101
  • Obligation: An order placed, contract awarded, service received, or similar transaction during a given period that will require payments during the same or a future period.
  • Person: means any individual, nonhuman entity or governmental agency. See Tennessee Code 34-1-101
  • Person: means any natural or artificial person including, but not limited to, an individual, partnership, association, trust or corporation. See Tennessee Code 56-43-103
  • Power of attorney: A written instrument which authorizes one person to act as another's agent or attorney. The power of attorney may be for a definite, specific act, or it may be general in nature. The terms of the written power of attorney may specify when it will expire. If not, the power of attorney usually expires when the person granting it dies. Source: OCC
  • Restitution: The court-ordered payment of money by the defendant to the victim for damages caused by the criminal action.
  • signed: includes a mark, the name being written near the mark and witnessed, or any other symbol or methodology executed or adopted by a party with intention to authenticate a writing or record, regardless of being witnessed. See Tennessee Code 1-3-105
  • State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the several territories of the United States. See Tennessee Code 1-3-105
  • written: includes printing, typewriting, engraving, lithography, and any other mode of representing words and letters. See Tennessee Code 1-3-105
  • Year: means a calendar year, unless otherwise expressed. See Tennessee Code 1-3-105