New Jersey Statutes 48:2-29.42. Third party designation to receive transmission of public utility service termination
The transmission to the third party designee of a copy of the termination of service notice shall be in addition to the original document transmitted to the ratepayer. The copy of the termination of service notice transmitted to the third party shall be governed by the same law and policy provisions which govern the notice being transmitted to the ratepayer.
Designation as a third party shall not constitute acceptance of any liability on the part of the third party for payment of the public utility bill.
The public utility shall notify every residential ratepayer annually in writing of the availability of the third party designee notice procedures and provide information on how the ratepayer can commence this procedure, except that notice need not be provided once a ratepayer has made a designation. A public utility may provide this required annual notice to its residential ratepayers in any manner that the public utility determines.