§ 333.27951 Short title
§ 333.27952 Purpose and intent
§ 333.27953 Definitions
§ 333.27954 Scope of act; unauthorized activities with marihuana and marihuana accessories; limitations; application of privileges, rights, immunities, and defenses under other marihuana laws; employer right
§ 333.27955 Lawful activities by person 21 years of age or older; terms, conditions, limitations, and restrictions; denial of custody or visitation prohibited
§ 333.27956 Adoption or enforcement of ordinances by municipality; marihuana establishment local license; annual fee; restrictions on transportation or other facilities prohibited
§ 333.27957 Implementation, administration, and enforcement by cannabis regulatory agency; powers and duties; agreement with Indian tribe; conflict of interest; liability; cooperation of department of state
§ 333.27958 Rules; limitations
§ 333.27959 License to operate a marihuana establishment; application; qualifications; issuance; disclosure
§ 333.27959a Operation of a marihuana establishment; approval; marijuana regulatory agency; notice of violation
§ 333.27960 Lawful activities by marihuana grower, processor, transporter, or retailer; limitations; contracts related to operation of marihuana establishments
§ 333.27961 Marihuana establishments; requirements; limitations
§ 333.27961a Direct sale or transfer of marihuana to minor or intoxicated individual; prohibition; right of action; indemnification; defenses; rebuttable presumption; damages; insurance coverage required; civ
§ 333.27962 Deduction of certain expenses from income
§ 333.27963 Imposition of excise tax; administration by department of treasury; exemptions
§ 333.27964 Marihuana regulation fund; creation; administration; allocation of expenditures
§ 333.27965 Violations; penalties
§ 333.27966 Failure to act by department; application to municipality
§ 333.27967 Construction of act; effect of federal law; severability

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Terms Used In Michigan Laws > Chapter 333 > Initiated Law 1 of 2018 - Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act

  • Affordable care act: means the patient protection and affordable care act, Public Law 111-148, as amended by the health care and education reconciliation act of 2010, Public Law 111-152. See Michigan Laws 500.1261
  • Aggregator site: means a website that provides access to information regarding insurance products from more than 1 insurer, including product and insurer information, for use in comparison shopping. See Michigan Laws 500.1283
  • Arrest: Taking physical custody of a person by lawful authority.
  • Assets: (1) The property comprising the estate of a deceased person, or (2) the property in a trust account.
  • Blanket travel insurance: means a policy of travel insurance issued to any eligible group providing coverage for specific classes of persons defined in the policy with coverage provided to all members of the eligible group without a separate charge to individual members of the eligible group. See Michigan Laws 500.1283
  • Business entity: means a corporation, association, partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or other legal entity. See Michigan Laws 500.1261
  • Cancellation fee waiver: means a contractual agreement between a supplier of travel services and its customer to waive some or all of the nonrefundable cancellation fee provisions of the supplier's underlying travel contract with or without regard to the reason for the cancellation or form of reimbursement. See Michigan Laws 500.1283
  • Cannabis regulatory agency: means the marijuana regulatory agency created under Executive Reorganization Order No. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Certificate: means a document issued by the director authorizing a person to act as a navigator or certified application counselor for the qualifications specified in the document. See Michigan Laws 500.1261
  • Certificate holder: means a person issued a certificate under this chapter. See Michigan Laws 500.1261
  • Certified application counselor: means an individual who is certified as a certified application counselor under this chapter and is authorized by the United States department of health and human services to perform the duties described in 45 C. See Michigan Laws 500.1261
  • Commissioner: means the director. See Michigan Laws 500.102
  • Cultivate: means to propagate, breed, grow, harvest, dry, cure, or separate parts of a marihuana plant by manual or mechanical means. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Department: means the department of insurance and financial services. See Michigan Laws 500.102
  • Department: means the cannabis regulatory agency. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Director: means , unless the context clearly implies a different meaning, the director of the department. See Michigan Laws 500.102
  • Dismissal: The dropping of a case by the judge without further consideration or hearing. Source:
  • Eligible group: means 2 or more persons that are engaged in a common enterprise, or have an economic, educational, or social affinity or relationship, including, but not limited to, any of the following:
    (i) Persons engaged in the business of providing travel or travel services, including, but not limited to, tour operators, lodging providers, vacation property owners, hotels and resorts, travel clubs, travel agencies, property managers, cultural exchange programs, and common carriers or the operators, owners, or lessors of a means of transportation of passengers, including, but not limited to, airlines, cruise lines, railroads, steamship companies, and public bus carriers, in which, with regard to any particular travel or type of travel or travelers, all members or customers of the group must have a common exposure to risk attendant to the travel. See Michigan Laws 500.1283
  • Exchange: means an American health benefits exchange established or operating under the affordable care act. See Michigan Laws 500.1261
  • Fulfillment materials: means documentation sent to the purchaser of a travel protection plan confirming the purchase and providing the travel protection plan's coverage and assistance details. See Michigan Laws 500.1283
  • Group travel insurance: means travel insurance issued to any eligible group. See Michigan Laws 500.1283
  • Guardian: A person legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of and managing the property of another person who because of age, intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his (her) own affairs.
  • Indemnification: In general, a collateral contract or assurance under which one person agrees to secure another person against either anticipated financial losses or potential adverse legal consequences. Source: FDIC
  • Indian lands: means any of the following:
  •     (i) All lands within the limits of an Indian reservation. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Indian tribe: means any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community of Indians which is recognized as eligible by the United States Secretary of the Interior for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians, and is recognized as possessing powers of self-government. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Industrial hemp: means any of the following:
  •     (i) A plant of the genus Cannabis, whether growing or not, with a THC concentration of 0. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Insurance: means any of the kinds of insurance described in chapter 6. See Michigan Laws 500.1261
  • Insurance holding company system: means 2 or more affiliated persons, 1 or more of which is an insurer. See Michigan Laws 500.115
  • Insurance producer: means that term as defined in section 1201. See Michigan Laws 500.116
  • Insurance producer: means a person required to be licensed under the laws of this state to sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance. See Michigan Laws 500.1261
  • Insurer: means an individual, corporation, association, partnership, reciprocal exchange, inter-insurer, Lloyds organization, fraternal benefit society, or other legal entity, engaged or attempting to engage in the business of making insurance or surety contracts. See Michigan Laws 500.106
  • Insurer: means that term as defined in section 106 and includes a nonprofit dental care corporation operating under 1963 PA 125, MCL 550. See Michigan Laws 500.1301
  • Internationally active insurance group: means an insurance holding company system to which both of the following apply:
  •     (i) The insurance holding company system includes an insurer registered under section 1324. See Michigan Laws 500.1301
  • Lease: A contract transferring the use of property or occupancy of land, space, structures, or equipment in consideration of a payment (e.g., rent). Source: OCC
  • Licensee: means a person holding a state license. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Marihuana: means any of the following:
  •     (i) A plant of the genus Cannabis, whether growing or not. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Marihuana accessories: means any equipment, product, material, or combination of equipment, products, or materials, that is specifically designed for use in planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing marihuana into the human body. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Marihuana concentrate: means the resin extracted from any part of a plant of the genus Cannabis. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Marihuana establishment: means a marihuana grower, marihuana safety compliance facility, marihuana processor, marihuana microbusiness, marihuana retailer, marihuana secure transporter, or any other type of marihuana-related business licensed by the cannabis regulatory agency. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Marihuana grower: means a person licensed to cultivate marihuana and sell or otherwise transfer marihuana to marihuana establishments. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Marihuana microbusiness: means a person licensed to cultivate not more than 150 marihuana plants; process and package marihuana; and sell or otherwise transfer marihuana to individuals who are 21 years of age or older or to a marihuana safety compliance facility, but not to other marihuana establishments. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Marihuana processor: means a person licensed to obtain marihuana from marihuana establishments; process and package marihuana; and sell or otherwise transfer marihuana to marihuana establishments. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Marihuana retailer: means a person licensed to obtain marihuana from marihuana establishments and to sell or otherwise transfer marihuana to marihuana establishments and to individuals who are 21 years of age or older. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Marihuana safety compliance facility: means a person licensed to test marihuana, including certification for potency and the presence of contaminants. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Marihuana secure transporter: means a person licensed to obtain marihuana from marihuana establishments in order to transport marihuana to marihuana establishments. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Marihuana-infused product: means a topical formulation, tincture, beverage, edible substance, or similar product containing marihuana and other ingredients and that is intended for human consumption. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Municipal license: means a license issued by a municipality pursuant to section 16 that allows a person to operate a marihuana establishment in that municipality. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Municipality: means a city, village, or township. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • NAIC: means the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. See Michigan Laws 500.1301
  • NAIC Liquidity Stress Test Framework: means a separate NAIC publication that includes all of the following components:
  •     (i) A history of the NAIC's development of regulatory liquidity stress testing. See Michigan Laws 500.1301
  • Navigator: means a person that receives any funding from an exchange or the federal government and is designated or selected by an exchange or the federal government to perform any of the duties described in 42 USC 18031(i)(3). See Michigan Laws 500.1261
  • Negotiate: means the act of conferring directly with or offering advice directly to a purchaser or prospective purchaser of a particular contract of insurance concerning any of the substantive benefits, terms, or conditions of the contract, provided that the person engaged in that act either sells insurance or obtains insurance from insurers for purchasers. See Michigan Laws 500.1261
  • person: may extend and be applied to bodies politic and corporate, as well as to individuals. See Michigan Laws 8.3l
  • Person: means that term as defined in section 114, except that it does not include a securities broker that does not perform more than the usual and customary broker's function, so long as the securities broker holds less than 10% of the voting securities of an insurer or of any person that controls an insurer. See Michigan Laws 500.1301
  • Person: means an individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership of any type, trust, or other legal entity. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Primary certificate holder: means an individual who elects and purchases travel insurance under a group policy. See Michigan Laws 500.1283
  • Primary policyholder: means an individual who elects and purchases individual travel insurance. See Michigan Laws 500.1283
  • Probation: A sentencing alternative to imprisonment in which the court releases convicted defendants under supervision as long as certain conditions are observed.
  • processing: means to separate or otherwise prepare parts of a marihuana plant and to compound, blend, extract, infuse, or otherwise make or prepare marihuana concentrate or marihuana-infused products. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Qualified health plan: means that term as defined in section 1301 of the affordable care act. See Michigan Laws 500.1261
  • Rate: means the cost of insurance per payroll before adjustment for an individual insured's size, exposure, or loss experience. See Michigan Laws 500.2402
  • Scope criteria: means , as detailed in the NAIC Liquidity Stress Test Framework, the designated exposure bases and their minimum magnitudes for a specified data year that are used to establish a preliminary list of insurers considered scoped into the NAIC Liquidity Stress Test Framework for that data year. See Michigan Laws 500.1301
  • Sell: means to exchange a contract of insurance by any means, for money or its equivalent, on behalf of an insurance company. See Michigan Laws 500.1261
  • Service of process: The service of writs or summonses to the appropriate party.
  • Solicit: means attempting to sell insurance or asking or urging a person to apply for a particular kind of insurance from a particular company. See Michigan Laws 500.1261
  • State license: means a license issued by the cannabis regulatory agency that allows a person to operate a marihuana establishment. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Testimony: Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials or before grand juries.
  • THC: means any of the following:
  •     (i) Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Travel assistance services: means noninsurance services for which the consumer is not indemnified based on a fortuitous event, and as to which providing the service does not result in the transfer or shifting of risk that would constitute the business of insurance. See Michigan Laws 500.1283
  • Travel insurance: means that term as defined in section 1202. See Michigan Laws 500.1283
  • Travel protection plans: means plans that provide 1 or more of the following:
  •     (i) Travel insurance. See Michigan Laws 500.1283
  • Tribal marihuana business: means a business that meets all of the following conditions:
  •     (i) The business engages in the type of activities licensed under this act. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Trustee: A person or institution holding and administering property in trust.
  • Unreasonably impracticable: means that the measures necessary to comply with the rules or ordinances adopted pursuant to this act subject licensees to unreasonable risk or require such a high investment of money, time, or any other resource or asset that a reasonably prudent businessperson would not operate the marihuana establishment. See Michigan Laws 333.27953
  • Voting security: includes any security convertible into or evidencing a right to acquire a voting security. See Michigan Laws 500.115