§ 436.1301 Wine tax; levy and collection; rate; sacramental wines; tax on mixed spirit drink; payment; incorporation of farm mutual cooperative wineries; licensing; fee; certification of stockholders or mem
§ 436.1303 Grape and wine industry council; creation; to be known as Michigan craft beverage council; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; chairperson; personnel; expenses; liability on contra
§ 436.1303a Michigan craft beverage council fund; creation; receipt of money or other assets; deposit; investment; interest and earnings; money remaining at close of fiscal year; expenditure; “Michigan craft
§ 436.1305 Wine and mixed spirit drink industry; purpose of section; reasons for regulation; definitions; prohibited conduct; servicing impacted sales territory; termination, cancellation, nonrenewal, or di
§ 436.1307 Sales territory; master distributor defined

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Terms Used In Michigan Laws > Chapter 436 > Act 58 of 1998 > Chapter 3

  • Affidavit: A written statement of facts confirmed by the oath of the party making it, before a notary or officer having authority to administer oaths.
  • Alcohol: means the product of distillation of fermented liquid, whether or not rectified or diluted with water, but does not mean ethyl or industrial alcohol, diluted or not, that has been denatured or otherwise rendered unfit for beverage purposes. See Michigan Laws 436.1105
  • Amendment: A proposal to alter the text of a pending bill or other measure by striking out some of it, by inserting new language, or both. Before an amendment becomes part of the measure, thelegislature must agree to it.
  • Appropriation: The provision of funds, through an annual appropriations act or a permanent law, for federal agencies to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. The formal federal spending process consists of two sequential steps: authorization
  • Assets: (1) The property comprising the estate of a deceased person, or (2) the property in a trust account.
  • Bankruptcy: Refers to statutes and judicial proceedings involving persons or businesses that cannot pay their debts and seek the assistance of the court in getting a fresh start. Under the protection of the bankruptcy court, debtors may discharge their debts, perhaps by paying a portion of each debt. Bankruptcy judges preside over these proceedings.
  • Beer: means a beverage obtained by alcoholic fermentation of an infusion or decoction of barley, malt, hops, sugar, or other cereal in potable water. See Michigan Laws 436.1105
  • Brand: means any word, name, group of letters, symbol, trademark, or combination thereof adopted and used by a supplier to identify a specific beer, malt beverage, wine, mixed wine drink, or mixed spirit drink product and to distinguish that product from another beer, malt beverage, wine, mixed wine drink, or mixed spirit drink product that is produced or marketed by that or another supplier. See Michigan Laws 436.1105
  • Brand extension: means any brand that incorporates all or a substantial part of the unique features of a preexisting brand, regardless of whether the extension is beer, wine, mixed wine drink, or mixed spirit drink. See Michigan Laws 436.1105
  • Brewer: means a person located in this state that is licensed to manufacture beer and sell at retail in accordance with section 537 and to licensed wholesalers beer manufactured by the person. See Michigan Laws 436.1105
  • Brewpub: means a license issued in conjunction with a class C, tavern, class A hotel, or class B hotel license that authorizes the person licensed with the class C, tavern, class A hotel, or class B hotel to manufacture and brew not more than 18,000 barrels of beer per calendar year in this state and sell at its licensed premises the beer produced for consumption on or off the licensed brewery premises in the manner provided for in sections 405, 407, and 537. See Michigan Laws 436.1105
  • Complaint: A written statement by the plaintiff stating the wrongs allegedly committed by the defendant.
  • Conviction: A judgement of guilt against a criminal defendant.
  • Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
  • Damages: Money paid by defendants to successful plaintiffs in civil cases to compensate the plaintiffs for their injuries.
  • Driver education course: means a program of study offered by a certified driver education provider, that enables a student to acquire the basic knowledge, skill, and attitude necessary to operate a motor vehicle upon a highway transportation system. See Michigan Laws 256.623
  • Driver education instructor: means a person who the secretary of state certifies has met the instructor qualifications of this act to instruct a student in a driver education course. See Michigan Laws 256.623
  • Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
  • in writing: shall be construed to include printing, engraving, and lithographing; except that if the written signature of a person is required by law, the signature shall be the proper handwriting of the person or, if the person is unable to write, the person's proper mark, which may be, unless otherwise expressly prohibited by law, a clear and classifiable fingerprint of the person made with ink or another substance. See Michigan Laws 8.3q
  • Intestate: Dying without leaving a will.
  • Multiple vehicle driving facility: means that part of a driver education course that enables the driver education instructor, from a position outside the vehicle, and using electronic or oral communication, to teach and supervise several students simultaneously, each of whom is operating a vehicle at an off-street facility specifically designed for that type of instruction. See Michigan Laws 256.625
  • Partnership: A voluntary contract between two or more persons to pool some or all of their assets into a business, with the agreement that there will be a proportional sharing of profits and losses.
  • Person: means an individual, partnership, corporation, association, limited liability company, educational institution, governmental agency or other legal or commercial entity, and their legal successors. See Michigan Laws 256.627
  • provider: means a person that meets the requirements in subparagraph (i), if not excluded under subparagraph (ii), as follows:
    (i) Maintains or obtains the facilities and certified instructors to give instruction in the driving of a motor vehicle or maintains or obtains the facilities and certified instructors to prepare an applicant for an exam given by the secretary of state for a license as defined in section 25 of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257. See Michigan Laws 256.625
  • Settlement: Parties to a lawsuit resolve their difference without having a trial. Settlements often involve the payment of compensation by one party in satisfaction of the other party's claims.
  • state: when applied to the different parts of the United States, shall be construed to extend to and include the District of Columbia and the several territories belonging to the United States; and the words "United States" shall be construed to include the district and territories. See Michigan Laws 8.3o
  • supplier: means a brewer, micro brewer, an outstate seller of beer, a wine maker, a small wine maker, an outstate seller of wine, a manufacturer of mixed wine drink, an outstate seller of a mixed wine drink, a mixed spirit drink manufacturer, or an outstate seller of mixed spirit drink. See Michigan Laws 436.1105
  • Suspension: means the temporary withdrawal of a person's certification to engage or offer to engage in activities as a driver education provider or a driver education instructor during the period of suspension. See Michigan Laws 256.627
  • Temporary restraining order: Prohibits a person from an action that is likely to cause irreparable harm. This differs from an injunction in that it may be granted immediately, without notice to the opposing party, and without a hearing. It is intended to last only until a hearing can be held.
  • Trustee: A person or institution holding and administering property in trust.
  • Uniform Commercial Code: A set of statutes enacted by the various states to provide consistency among the states' commercial laws. It includes negotiable instruments, sales, stock transfers, trust and warehouse receipts, and bills of lading. Source: OCC
  • United States: shall be construed to include the district and territories. See Michigan Laws 8.3o
  • Venue: The geographical location in which a case is tried.