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Terms Used In Michigan Laws 460.1313

  • Colocate: means to install, mount, maintain, modify, operate, or replace wireless facilities on or adjacent to a wireless support structure or utility pole. See Michigan Laws 460.1305
  • Communications service: means service provided over a communications facility, including cable service as defined in 47 USC 522, information service as defined in 47 USC 153, telecommunications service as defined in 47 USC 153, or wireless service. See Michigan Laws 460.1305
  • Fee: means a nonrecurring charge for services. See Michigan Laws 460.1305
  • Historic district: means a historic district established under section 3 of the local historic districts act, 1970 PA 169, MCL 399. See Michigan Laws 460.1305
  • Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
  • Law: means federal, state, or local law, including common law, a statute, a rule, a regulation, an order, or an ordinance. See Michigan Laws 460.1307
  • Person: means an individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association, trust, or other entity or organization, including an authority. See Michigan Laws 460.1307
  • Rate: means a recurring charge. See Michigan Laws 460.1307
  • ROW: means the area on, below, or above a public roadway, highway, street, alley, bridge, sidewalk, or utility easement dedicated for compatible uses. See Michigan Laws 460.1307
  • Small cell wireless facility: means a wireless facility that meets both of the following requirements:
    (i) Each antenna is located inside an enclosure of not more than 6 cubic feet in volume or, in the case of an antenna that has exposed elements, the antenna and all of its exposed elements would fit within an imaginary enclosure of not more than 6 cubic feet. See Michigan Laws 460.1307
  • Utility pole: means a pole or similar structure that is or may be used in whole or in part for cable or wireline communications service, electric distribution, lighting, traffic control, signage, or a similar function, or a pole or similar structure that meets the height requirements in section 13(5) and is designed to support small cell wireless facilities. See Michigan Laws 460.1309
  • Wireless facility: means equipment at a fixed location that enables the provision of wireless services between user equipment and a communications network, including, but not limited to, radio transceivers, antennas, coaxial or fiber-optic cable, regular and backup power supplies, and comparable equipment, regardless of technological configuration. See Michigan Laws 460.1309
  • Wireless provider: means a wireless infrastructure provider or a wireless services provider. See Michigan Laws 460.1309
  • Wireless support structure: means a freestanding structure designed to support or capable of supporting small cell wireless facilities. See Michigan Laws 460.1309
  •     (1) This section applies only to activities of a wireless provider within the public right-of-way for the deployment of small cell wireless facilities and associated new or modified utility poles.
        (2) An authority shall not enter into an exclusive arrangement with any person for use of the ROW for the construction, operation, or maintenance of utility poles or the collocation of small cell wireless facilities.
        (3) An authority shall not charge a wireless provider a rate for each utility pole or wireless support structure in the ROW in the authority’s geographic jurisdiction on which the wireless provider has colocated a small cell wireless facility that exceeds the following:
        (a) $20.00 annually, unless subdivision (b) applies.
        (b) $125.00 annually, if the utility pole or wireless support structure was erected by or on behalf of the wireless provider on or after the effective date of this act. This subdivision does not apply to the replacement of a utility pole that was not designed to support small cell wireless facilities.
        Every 5 years after the effective date of this act, the maximum rates then authorized under subdivisions (a) and (b) are increased by 10% and rounded to the nearest dollar.
        (4) If, on the effective date of this act, an authority has a rate or fee in an ordinance or in an agreement with a wireless provider for the use of the ROW to colocate a small cell wireless facility or to construct, install, mount, maintain, modify, operate, or replace a utility pole, and the rate or fee does not comply with subsection (3), the authority shall, not later than 90 days after the effective date of this act, revise the rate or fee to comply with subsection (3). Both of the following apply:
        (a) For installations of utility poles designed to support small cell wireless facilities or collocations of small cell wireless facilities installed and operational in the ROW before the effective date of this act, the fees, rates, and terms of an agreement or ordinance for use of the ROW remain in effect subject to the termination provisions contained in the agreement or ordinance.
        (b) For installations of utility poles designed to support small cell wireless facilities or collocations of small cell wireless facilities installed and operational in the ROW after the effective date of this act, the fees, rates, and terms of an agreement or ordinance for use of the ROW shall comply with subsection (3).
        (5) A wireless provider may, as a permitted use not subject to zoning review or approval, except that an application for a permitted use is still subject to approval by the authority under section 15, colocate small cell wireless facilities and construct, maintain, modify, operate, or replace utility poles in, along, across, upon, and under the ROW. Such structures and facilities shall be constructed and maintained so as not to obstruct or hinder the usual travel or public safety on the ROW or obstruct the legal use of the authority’s ROW or uses of the ROW by other utilities and communications service providers. Both of the following apply:
        (a) A utility pole in the ROW installed or modified on or after the effective date of this act shall not exceed 40 feet above ground level, unless a taller height is agreed to by the authority.
        (b) A small cell wireless facility in the ROW installed or modified after the effective date of this act shall not extend more than 5 feet above a utility pole or wireless support structure on which the small cell wireless facility is colocated.
        (6) Subject to this section, section 17, and applicable zoning regulations, a wireless provider may colocate a small cell wireless facility or install, construct, maintain, modify, operate, or replace a utility pole that exceeds the height limits under subsection (5), or a wireless support structure, in, along, across, upon, and under the ROW.
        (7) A wireless provider shall comply with reasonable and nondiscriminatory requirements otherwise provided that prohibit communications service providers from installing structures on or above ground in the ROW in an area designated solely for underground or buried cable and utility facilities if all of the following apply:
        (a) The authority has required all cable and utility facilities, other than authority poles, along with any attachments, or poles used for street lights, traffic signals, or other attachments necessary for public safety, to be placed underground by a date that is not less than 90 days before the submission of the application.
        (b) The authority does not prohibit the replacement of authority poles by a wireless provider in the designated area.
        (c) The authority allows wireless providers to apply for a waiver of the undergrounding requirements for the placement of a new utility pole to support small cell wireless facilities, and the waiver applications are addressed in a nondiscriminatory manner.
        (8) Subject to section 15(2), and except for facilities excluded from evaluation for effects on historic properties under 47 C.F.R. § 1.1307(a)(4)(ii), an authority may adopt written, objective requirements for reasonable, technically feasible, nondiscriminatory, and technologically neutral design or concealment measures in a historic district, downtown district, or residential zoning district. Any such requirement shall not have the effect of prohibiting any wireless provider’s technology. Any such design or concealment measures are not considered a part of the small wireless facility for purposes of the size restrictions in the definition of small wireless facility in section 7.
        (9) An authority’s administration and regulation of activities of wireless providers in the ROW shall be reasonable, nondiscriminatory, and competitively neutral and shall comply with applicable law.
        (10) An authority may require a wireless provider to repair all damage to the ROW directly caused by the activities of the wireless provider while occupying, constructing, installing, mounting, maintaining, modifying, operating, or replacing small cell wireless facilities, utility poles, or wireless support structures in the ROW and to return the ROW to its functional equivalent before the damage. If the wireless provider fails to make the repairs required by the authority within 60 days after written notice, the authority may make those repairs and charge the wireless provider the reasonable, documented cost of the repairs.