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Terms Used In Wisconsin Statutes 201.07

  • Commission: means the office of the commissioner of railroads in the case of water carriers and the public service commission in the case of other public service corporations. See Wisconsin Statutes 201.01
  • Property: includes real and personal property. See Wisconsin Statutes 990.01
  • Securities: means capital stock and evidences of indebtedness of a public service corporation, but do not include any of the following:
      (a)    Any obligation of a public service corporation which is not a public utility as defined in the federal Power Act, falling due one year or less after its date and bearing date not later than the day of sale. See Wisconsin Statutes 201.01

The commission may by provision inserted in its certificate of authority require issuers to account for the disposition of all securities requiring its approval. If the securities are issued for money, it may require the issuer to report the price at which the securities were issued, the amount of securities so issued, and the amount of cash which has been received; if they are issued for the refunding or discharge of securities or other indebtedness it may require the issuer to report the amount of securities issued for such purpose, the price at which issued, and the amount and nature of securities or other indebtedness refunded or discharged by such issuance; if they are issued for the acquisition of property or services it may require the issuer to report the amount of securities issued for such purpose, the price at which issued, and information regarding the property or services for which such securities were issued.