1. The general assembly may authorize cities and counties to create neighborhood improvement districts and incur indebtedness and issue general obligation bonds to pay for all or part of the cost of public improvements within such districts. The cost of all indebtedness so incurred shall be levied and assessed by the governing body of the city or county on the property benefited by such improvements. The city or county shall collect the special assessments so levied and use the same to reimburse the city or county for the amount paid or to be paid by it on the general obligation bonds issued for such improvements.

2. Neighborhood improvement districts may be created by a city or county only when approved by the vote of a percentage of electors voting thereon within such district, or by a petition signed by the owners of record of a percentage of real property located within such district, that is equal to the percentage of voter approval required for the issuance of general obligation bonds under Article VI, § 26.

3. The total amount of city or county indebtedness for all such districts shall not exceed ten percent of the assessed valuation of all taxable tangible property, as shown by the last completed property assessment for state or local purposes, within the city or county.

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Terms Used In Missouri Constitution Article III Sec. 38(c) - Neighborhood improvement districts, cities and counties may be authorized to establish, powers and duties -- limitation on indebtedness

  • Obligation: An order placed, contract awarded, service received, or similar transaction during a given period that will require payments during the same or a future period.
  • Real property: Land, and all immovable fixtures erected on, growing on, or affixed to the land.