§ 17-30a-301 Title
§ 17-30a-302 Examinations — How prepared, conducted, and graded — Notice of examination
§ 17-30a-303 Disqualification of applicant for examination — Appeal to commission
§ 17-30a-304 Preservation and inspection of examination papers
§ 17-30a-305 Preparation and expiration of eligible appointment register
§ 17-30a-306 Appointments from eligible appointment register — Failure to accept appointment
§ 17-30a-307 Probationary period of appointment
§ 17-30a-308 Vacancies — Positions requiring special qualifications — Competition suspended — Promotion — Promotional register
§ 17-30a-309 Transfer and reassignment
§ 17-30a-310 Temporary and part-time appointment
§ 17-30a-311 Temporary layoffs — Reappointment register
§ 17-30a-312 Reappointment after temporary leave
§ 17-30a-313 Vacation, sick leave, and other benefits
§ 17-30a-314 Prohibitions against political activities — Penalties

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Terms Used In Utah Code > Title 17 > Chapter 30a > Part 3 - Merit Officer Conditions of Employment

  • Adjudicative proceeding: means :
         (2)(a) an action by a board, commission, department, officer, or other administrative unit of the state that determines the legal rights, duties, privileges, immunities, or other legal interests of one or more identifiable persons, including an action to grant, deny, revoke, suspend, modify, annul, withdraw, or amend an authority, right, or license; and
         (2)(b) judicial review of an action described in Subsection (2)(a). See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Alcohol training and education seminar: means a seminar that is:
         (5)(a) required by Chapter 1, Part 7, Alcohol Training and Education Act; and
         (5)(b) described in Section 26B-5-205. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Alcoholic beverage: means the following:
         (3)(a) beer; or
         (3)(b) liquor. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Alcoholic product: includes an alcoholic beverage. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Appeal: A request made after a trial, asking another court (usually the court of appeals) to decide whether the trial was conducted properly. To make such a request is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal." One who appeals is called the appellant.
  • Banquet: means an event:
         (8)(a) that is a private event or a privately sponsored event;
         (8)(b) that is held at one or more designated locations approved by the commission in or on the premises of:
              (8)(b)(i) a hotel;
              (8)(b)(ii) a resort facility;
              (8)(b)(iii) a sports center;
              (8)(b)(iv) a convention center;
              (8)(b)(v) a performing arts facility;
              (8)(b)(vi) an arena; or
              (8)(b)(vii) a restaurant venue;
         (8)(c) for which there is a contract:
              (8)(c)(i) between a person operating a facility listed in Subsection (8)(b) and another person that has common ownership of less than 20% with the person operating the facility; and
              (8)(c)(ii) under which the person operating a facility listed in Subsection (8)(b) is required to provide an alcoholic product at the event; and
         (8)(d) at which food and alcoholic products may be sold, offered for sale, or furnished. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Beer: means a product that:
              (11)(a)(i) contains:
                   (11)(a)(i)(A) at least . See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Beer retailer: means a business that:
         (13)(a) is engaged, primarily or incidentally, in the retail sale of beer to a patron, whether for consumption on or off the business premises; and
         (13)(b) is licensed as:
              (13)(b)(i) an off-premise beer retailer, in accordance with Chapter 7, Part 2, Off-Premise Beer Retailer Local Authority; or
              (13)(b)(ii) an on-premise beer retailer, in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail License Act, and Chapter 6, Part 7, On-Premise Beer Retailer License. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Boundary of a hotel: means the physical boundary of one or more contiguous parcels of real property owned or managed by the same person and on which a hotel is located. See Utah Code 32B-6-1002
  • Boundary of a resort building: means the same as that term is defined in Section 32B-8-102. See Utah Code 32B-6-1002
  • Brewer: means a person engaged in manufacturing:
         (16)(a) beer;
         (16)(b) heavy beer; or
         (16)(c) a flavored malt beverage. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Car-pool: means a mode of transportation in which:
         (1)(a) six or fewer persons, including the driver, ride together in a motor vehicle;
         (1)(b) that transportation is incidental to another purpose of the driver; and
         (1)(c) the vehicle manufacturer's design capacity of any one seat is not exceeded. See Utah Code 72-12-103
  • Commission: means the Alcoholic Beverage Services Commission created in Section 32B-2-201. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Community location: means :
         (23)(a) a public or private school as defined in Subsection 32B-1-102(115);
         (23)(b) a church;
         (23)(c) a public library;
         (23)(d) a public playground; or
         (23)(e) a public park. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Container: means a receptacle that contains an alcoholic product, including:
         (25)(a) a bottle;
         (25)(b) a vessel; or
         (25)(c) a similar item. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
  • Department: means the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services created in Section 32B-2-203. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Dependent: A person dependent for support upon another.
  • Designated conveyance area: means a route within a hotel or resort:
         (2)(a) that connects one or more of the following:
              (2)(a)(i) the premises of a bar establishment sublicensee;
              (2)(a)(ii) the premises of a hospitality amenity sublicensee;
              (2)(a)(iii) the premises of an on-premise banquet sublicensee; or
              (2)(a)(iv) a guest's room; and
         (2)(b) does not begin, end, or pass through a pool area or other recreation area, a designated business center, or a sublicensed premises not described in Subsection (2)(a). See Utah Code 32B-8b-102
  • Designated conveyance area: means a route within a hotel or resort:
         (2)(a) that connects one or more of the following:
              (2)(a)(i) the premises of a bar establishment sublicensee;
              (2)(a)(ii) the premises of a hospitality amenity sublicensee;
              (2)(a)(iii) the premises of an on-premise banquet sublicensee; or
              (2)(a)(iv) a guest's room; and
         (2)(b) that does not begin, end, or pass through a pool area or other recreation area, a designated business center, or a sublicensed premises not described in Subsection (2)(a). See Utah Code 32B-8-102
  • Dwelling: means a portion of a resort building:
         (3)(a) owned by one or more individuals;
         (3)(b) that is used or designated for use as a residence by one or more persons; and
         (3)(c) that may be rented, loaned, leased, or hired out for a period of no longer than 30 consecutive days by a person who uses it for a residence. See Utah Code 32B-8-102
  • Equal: means , with respect to biological sex, of the same value. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Equitable: Pertaining to civil suits in "equity" rather than in "law." In English legal history, the courts of "law" could order the payment of damages and could afford no other remedy. See damages. A separate court of "equity" could order someone to do something or to cease to do something. See, e.g., injunction. In American jurisprudence, the federal courts have both legal and equitable power, but the distinction is still an important one. For example, a trial by jury is normally available in "law" cases but not in "equity" cases. Source: U.S. Courts
  • Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
  • Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
  • Flavored malt beverage: means a beverage:
              (44)(a)(i) that contains at least . See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Fraud: Intentional deception resulting in injury to another.
  • Furnish: includes to:
              (47)(b)(i) serve;
              (47)(b)(ii) deliver; or
              (47)(b)(iii) otherwise make available. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Guest: means an individual who meets the requirements of Subsection 32B-6-407(9). See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Hard cider: means the same as that term is defined in Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Highway: includes :
         (15)(a) a public bridge;
         (15)(b) a county way;
         (15)(c) a county road;
         (15)(d) a common road; and
         (15)(e) a state road. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Hospitality amenity license: means a license issued in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail License Act, and Chapter 6, Part 10, Hospitality Amenity License. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Hospitality guest: means an individual:
              (1)(a)(i) who is a resident of a resort;
              (1)(a)(ii) for whom a resident of a resort provides lodging accommodations for compensation;
              (1)(a)(iii) for whom a hotel provides lodging accommodations for compensation; or
              (1)(a)(iv) for whom a resort provides lodging accommodations for compensation; and
         (1)(b) who is at least 21 years of age. See Utah Code 32B-6-1002
  • Hotel: means a commercial lodging establishment that offers at least 40 rooms as temporary sleeping accommodations for compensation. See Utah Code 32B-6-1002
  • Hotel: includes a commercial lodging establishment that:
              (53)(b)(i) meets the requirements under Subsection (53)(a); and
              (53)(b)(ii) has one or more privately owned dwelling units. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Hotel: means one or more buildings that:
         (3)(a) comprise a hotel, as defined by the commission;
         (3)(b) are owned or managed by the same person or by a person who has a majority interest in or can direct or exercise control over the management or policy of the person who owns or manages any other building under the hotel license within the boundary of the hotel;
         (3)(c) primarily operate to provide lodging accommodations;
         (3)(d) have on-premise banquet space and provide on-premise banquet service within the boundary of the hotel meeting the requirements of this title;
         (3)(e) have a restaurant or bar establishment within the boundary of the hotel meeting the requirements of this title; and
         (3)(f) have at least 40 rooms as temporary sleeping accommodations for compensation. See Utah Code 32B-8b-102
  • Hotel license: means a license issued in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail License Act, and Chapter 8b, Hotel License Act. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Interdicted person: means a person to whom the sale, offer for sale, or furnishing of an alcoholic product is prohibited by:
         (58)(a) law; or
         (58)(b) court order. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
  • Land: includes :
         (18)(a) land;
         (18)(b) a tenement;
         (18)(c) a hereditament;
         (18)(d) a water right;
         (18)(e) a possessory right; and
         (18)(f) a claim. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Lease: A contract transferring the use of property or occupancy of land, space, structures, or equipment in consideration of a payment (e.g., rent). Source: OCC
  • License: means :
         (62)(a) a retail license;
         (62)(b) a sublicense;
         (62)(c) a license issued in accordance with Chapter 7, Part 4, Off-premise Beer Retailer State License;
         (62)(d) a license issued in accordance with Chapter 11, Manufacturing and Related Licenses Act;
         (62)(e) a license issued in accordance with Chapter 12, Liquor Warehousing License Act;
         (62)(f) a license issued in accordance with Chapter 13, Beer Wholesaling License Act; or
         (62)(g) a license issued in accordance with Chapter 17, Liquor Transport License Act. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Licensee: means a person who holds a license. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Liquor: includes :
                   (66)(a)(ii)(A) heavy beer;
                   (66)(a)(ii)(B) wine; and
                   (66)(a)(ii)(C) a flavored malt beverage. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Local authority: means :
         (70)(a) for premises that are located in an unincorporated area of a county, the governing body of a county;
         (70)(b) for premises that are located in an incorporated city or town, the governing body of the city or town; or
         (70)(c) for premises that are located in a project area as defined in Section 63H-1-102 and in a project area plan adopted by the Military Installation Development Authority under Title 63H, Chapter 1, Military Installation Development Authority Act, the Military Installation Development Authority. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Member: means an individual who, after paying regular dues, has full privileges in an equity licensee or fraternal licensee. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Minor: means an individual under 21 years old. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Month: means a calendar month, unless otherwise expressed. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Off-premise beer retailer: means a beer retailer who is:
              (80)(a)(i) licensed in accordance with Chapter 7, Off-Premise Beer Retailer Act; and
              (80)(a)(ii) engaged in the retail sale of beer to a patron for consumption off the beer retailer's premises. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Off-premise beer retailer state license: means a state license issued in accordance with Chapter 7, Part 4, Off-premise Beer Retailer State License. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • offer for sale: means a transaction, exchange, or barter whereby, for consideration, an alcoholic product is either directly or indirectly transferred, solicited, ordered, delivered for value, or by a means or under a pretext is promised or obtained, whether done by a person as a principal, proprietor, or as staff, unless otherwise defined in this title or the rules made by the commission. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Opaque: means impenetrable to sight. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Package agency: means a retail liquor location operated:
         (85)(a) under an agreement with the department; and
         (85)(b) by a person:
              (85)(b)(i) other than the state; and
              (85)(b)(ii) who is authorized by the commission in accordance with Chapter 2, Part 6, Package Agency, to sell packaged liquor for consumption off the premises of the package agency. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Patron: means an individual to whom food, beverages, or services are sold, offered for sale, or furnished, or who consumes an alcoholic product including:
         (87)(a) a customer;
         (87)(b) a member;
         (87)(c) a guest;
         (87)(d) an attendee of a banquet or event;
         (87)(e) an individual who receives room service;
         (87)(f) a resident of a resort; or
         (87)(g) a hospitality guest, as defined in Section 32B-6-1002, under a hospitality amenity license. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Person: means :
         (24)(a) an individual;
         (24)(b) an association;
         (24)(c) an institution;
         (24)(d) a corporation;
         (24)(e) a company;
         (24)(f) a trust;
         (24)(g) a limited liability company;
         (24)(h) a partnership;
         (24)(i) a political subdivision;
         (24)(j) a government office, department, division, bureau, or other body of government; and
         (24)(k) any other organization or entity. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Premises: means a building, enclosure, or room used in connection with the storage, sale, furnishing, consumption, manufacture, or distribution, of an alcoholic product, unless otherwise defined in this title or rules made by the commission. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Process: means a writ or summons issued in the course of a judicial proceeding. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Property: includes both real and personal property. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Public transit: means the same as that term is defined in Section 17B-2a-802. See Utah Code 72-1-102
  • Record: includes :
              (103)(b)(i) a book;
              (103)(b)(ii) a book of account;
              (103)(b)(iii) a paper;
              (103)(b)(iv) a contract;
              (103)(b)(v) an agreement;
              (103)(b)(vi) a document; or
              (103)(b)(vii) a recording in any medium. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Residence: means a person's principal place of abode within Utah. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Resort: means a location:
         (6)(a) on which is located one resort building; and
         (6)(b) that is affiliated with a ski area that physically touches the boundary of the resort building. See Utah Code 32B-8-102
  • Resort: means the same as that term is defined in Section 32B-8-102. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Resort building: means a building:
         (7)(a) that is primarily operated to provide dwellings or lodging accommodations;
         (7)(b) that has at least 150 units that consist of a dwelling or lodging accommodations;
         (7)(c) that consists of at least 400,000 square feet:
              (7)(c)(i) including only the building itself; and
              (7)(c)(ii) not including areas such as above ground surface parking; and
         (7)(d) of which at least 50% of the units described in Subsection (7)(b) consist of dwellings owned by a person other than the resort licensee. See Utah Code 32B-8-102
  • Resort license: means a license issued in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail License Act, and Chapter 8, Resort License Act. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Restaurant: means a business location:
         (110)(a) at which a variety of foods are prepared;
         (110)(b) at which complete meals are served; and
         (110)(c) that is engaged primarily in serving meals. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Ride-sharing arrangement: means either a car-pool, van-pool, or both. See Utah Code 72-12-103
  • Road: includes :
         (33)(a) a public bridge;
         (33)(b) a county way;
         (33)(c) a county road;
         (33)(d) a common road; and
         (33)(e) a state road. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Room service: means furnishing an alcoholic product to a person in a guest room or privately owned dwelling unit of a:
         (114)(a) hotel; or
         (114)(b) resort facility. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Serve: means to place an alcoholic product before an individual. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Spirituous liquor: includes an alcoholic product defined as a "distilled spirit" by Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Staff: includes :
              (128)(b)(i) an officer;
              (128)(b)(ii) a director;
              (128)(b)(iii) an employee;
              (128)(b)(iv) personnel management;
              (128)(b)(v) an agent of the licensee, including a managing agent;
              (128)(b)(vi) an operator; or
              (128)(b)(vii) a representative. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes a state, district, or territory of the United States. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Store: means to place or maintain in a location an alcoholic product. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Sublicense: means :
         (133)(a) any of the following licenses issued as a subordinate license to, and contingent on the issuance of, a principal license:
              (133)(a)(i) a full-service restaurant license;
              (133)(a)(ii) a limited-service restaurant license;
              (133)(a)(iii) a bar establishment license;
              (133)(a)(iv) an on-premise banquet license;
              (133)(a)(v) an on-premise beer retailer license;
              (133)(a)(vi) a beer-only restaurant license; or
              (133)(a)(vii) a hospitality amenity license; or
         (133)(b) a spa sublicense. See Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • United States: includes each state, district, and territory of the United States of America. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Utah Code: means the 1953 recodification of the Utah Code, as amended, unless the text expressly references a portion of the 1953 recodification of the Utah Code as it existed:
         (42)(a) on the day on which the 1953 recodification of the Utah Code was enacted; or
              (42)(b)(i) after the day described in Subsection (42)(a); and
              (42)(b)(ii) before the most recent amendment to the referenced portion of the 1953 recodification of the Utah Code. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Van-pool: means a nonprofit mode of prearranged commuter transportation of a relatively fixed group of seven to 15 persons, including the driver, between home and work, or termini near home and work, in a vehicle the group occupancy of which does not exceed the vehicle manufacturer's design capacity and that:
         (2)(a) is owned or leased and operated by an individual:
              (2)(a)(i) who owns only one van-pool vehicle;
              (2)(a)(ii) whose provision of transportation is incidental to another purpose of the operator;
              (2)(a)(iii) who does not transport people as a business; and
              (2)(a)(iv) who accepts money from riders in the vehicle, if at all, only to recover some or all expenses directly related to the transportation, including fuel, maintenance, insurance, and depreciation;
         (2)(b) is owned or leased by a nonprofit employee organization and used to transport employees between home and work, or termini near home and work to provide incentives to employees to make the commute by a mode other than single occupant motor vehicle, the operating, administration, and reasonable depreciation costs of which are paid, if at all, by the persons using the vehicles; or
         (2)(c) is owned or leased by an employer, a public agency, or a public transit district, either alone or in cooperation with others to provide incentives to employees to make the commute by a mode other than single occupant motor vehicle, the driver and passengers of which are employees and fees charged, if at all, for which are nonprofit and only to recover operating, maintenance, administration, and reasonable depreciation costs. See Utah Code 72-12-103
  • Wine: includes :
              (140)(b)(i) an alcoholic beverage defined as wine under Utah Code 32B-1-102
  • Writing: includes :
         (48)(a) printing;
         (48)(b) handwriting; and
         (48)(c) information stored in an electronic or other medium if the information is retrievable in a perceivable format. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5