New Mexico Statutes 16-4-3. Definitions
As used in El Rio Chama Scenic and Pastoral Act N.M. Stat. Ann. § 16-4-1 to 16-4-8: A. “corridor” means those lands immediately adjacent to the riverbed essentially from rim to rim or four hundred feet back from the river banks of the Rio Chama, whichever is less;
B. “pastoral” means those free-flowing segments of the river which are affected by the works of man but which still possess natural and scenic value. Included are areas with developed or partially developed shorelines;
C. “river” means a flowing body of water or any segment, portion or tributary thereof within the corridor, including rivers, streams, creeks, branches or small lakes;
D. “scenic” means those sections of the river that are free of impoundments, with shorelines remaining largely undeveloped, but which may be accessible in places by primitive roads; and
E. “secretary” means the secretary of energy, minerals and natural resources.