New Mexico Statutes 22-8F-5. Uses of family income index distributions
A. Except as provided in Subsection B of this section, a public school shall use its family income index allocation on any of the following:
(1) evidence-based, structured literacy interventions that have been shown to improve reading and writing achievement of students;
(2) evidence-based mathematics instruction and interventions, including educational programming intended to improve career and college readiness of at-risk students, dual or concurrent enrollment and career and technical education;
(3) case management, tutoring and after-school and summer enrichment programs that are delivered by social workers, counselors, teachers or other professional staff;
(4) culturally relevant professional and curriculum development, including those necessary to support language acquisition and bilingual and multicultural education;
(5) whole school interventions, including social and emotional learning programs, multilayered systems of support, student nutrition programs, school-based health centers and community schools;
(6) evidence-based, high-quality instructional resources and materials;
(7) services to engage and support parents and families in the education of students; and
(8) services to engage and support tribal communities in the education of Native American students.
B. A school district shall use distributions received for allowable uses specified in Subsection A of this section to expand or improve services provided as part of a public school’s existing academic program, but not to replace existing services.