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221.0526 Stock control of bank or trust company bank by other corporation.


(2) Applicability to foreign entities. Subsection (1) applies to a foreign corporation, association, investment trust, or other form of trust that is authorized to do business in this state.


(3) Other entities and trusts. This section applies equally to associations, investment trusts, or other forms of organized trusts, whether so specifically stated or not. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prohibit a trust company bank, or state or national bank, authorized to administer or execute trusts, from accepting and carrying out the provisions of any personal trust, or any trust created by will that the owner of bank stock creates for the owner’s benefit during the owner’s lifetime, or that the owner creates by will for the benefit of the owner’s heirs. This section does not apply to trusts so created.


(1) Effect of ownership. A domestic corporation, investment trust, or other form of trust or any out-of-state bank holding company that owns, holds or in any manner controls a majority of the stock in a bank or trust company bank is engaged in the business of banking and is subject to the supervision of the division. The corporation, trust or company shall file reports of its financial condition or activities when required by the division, and the division may order an examination of its condition and solvency whenever in the division’s opinion an examination is required. The cost of this examination shall be paid by the corporation, trust or company. Whenever the division determines that the condition of the corporation, trust or company endangers the safety of the deposits in a bank that the corporation, trust or company owns or controls, or that the operation of the corporation, trust or company is carried on in such a manner as to endanger the safety of the trust company bank or the bank or its depositors, the division may order the corporation, trust or company to remedy the condition or policy within 90 days. If the corporation, trust or company does not comply with the order, the division may direct the operation of the bank or trust company bank until the order is complied with, and may withhold all dividends from the corporation, trust or company, during the period in which the division directs the operation of the bank or trust company bank.