Commercial Leases
Laws and legal information about commercial leases
Laws and legal information about commercial leases
A commercial lease agreement is a contract between a landlord and a tenant for the lease of commercial property. Both the landlord and tenant should carefully consider the terms the agreement before signing as an agreement that is signed by both parties becomes a legally binding contract. The PartiesThe parties to a lease are the landlord and a tenant. The landlord is the rental property owner, his agent, or a rental management company. The landlord agrees to allow the tenant to use the commercial property to conduct business. The tenant is a business or its owner(s) who pays rent to the landlord for commercial use of the property. The AgreementThe lease agreement is the written or oral contract that contractually binds the parties. While lease agreements may be made orally, they are generally placed in writing. The specific terms of the agreement along with state or local laws govern the agreement. Read more