Credit Report Accuracy

Laws and legal information about credit report accuracy
Laws and legal information about credit report accuracy
An inaccurate credit report can be very costly. The consequences range from higher interest rates on loans to denial of a job application. One study estimates that as many as 25% of credit reports contain inaccurate information. Here is a step by step guide to fixing an inaccurate credit report. Read more
Your credit report is the key tool companies use to determine your creditworthiness. An excellent credit report helps you to get approval for financing as well as the best possible rates and terms. Obtaining a copy of your credit report can allow you to correct any errors and ensure that you have not become a victim of identity theft. Free Annual Credit ReportThe 2003 Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act allows you to obtain a free copy of your credit reports each year. There are three major credit bureaus: Equifax, TransUnion and Experian, each of which prepares its own report. It is important to obtain your free annual copy of each report, as they may differ. Read more