Identity Cards

Laws and legal information about identity cards
Laws and legal information about identity cards
Despite concerns about possible erosion of privacy, many nations have successfully implemented national identification cards of varying types. Provided here is a brief guide to national ID cards around the world. What Is a National ID Card?A national ID card is a card that is issued to all citizens of a particular nation. In most countries, all residents above a certain age (often 14 or 15) are required to carry a card. However, some countries automatically issue cards at birth.Most countries that have national ID cards have made them compulsory. In some places, failure to produce the ID card upon request by a police officer can result in a hefty fine or even several hours' detention in jail. ID cards have also become a basic required document for banking, use of national health care services, obtaining a driver license and other tasks. Some countries require the ID card to be carried along with the driver…