2018 22 USC 6965 – Reports to Congress
(a) Frequency of reports
Not later than the date that is 1 year after October 10, 2000, and not later than the end of each 1-year period thereafter, the Task Force shall submit to the Congress a report on the work of the Task Force during the preceding 1-year period.
(b) Contents of reports
Each report under subsection (a) shall set forth, at a minimum–
(1) the number of allegations of violations of section 1307 of title 19 with respect to products of the Peoples’ 1 Republic of China that were investigated during the preceding 1-year period;
(2) the number of actual violations of section 1307 of title 19 with respect to the products of the People’s Republic of China that were discovered during the preceding 1-year period;
(3) in the case of each attempted entry of products of the People’s Republic of China in violation of such section 1307 of title 19 discovered during the preceding 1-year period–
(A) the identity of the exporter of the goods;
(B) the identity of the person or persons who attempted to sell the goods for export; and
(C) the identity of all parties involved in transshipment of the goods; and
(4) such other information as the Task Force considers useful in monitoring and enforcing compliance with section 1307 of title 19.