2020 40 CFR 141.810 – Violations
An air carrier is in violation of this subpart when, for any aircraft water system it owns or operates, any of the following occur:
(a) It fails to perform any of the requirements in accordance with §141.803 or §141.804.
(b) It has an E. coli-positive sample in any monitoring period (routine and repeat samples are used in this determination).
(c) It fails to provide notification to passengers and crew in accordance with §141.805.
(d) It fails to comply with the reporting and recordkeeping requirements of this subpart.
(e) It fails to conduct a self-inspection or address a deficiency in accordance with §141.808.
(f) It fails to develop a coliform sampling plan in accordance with §141.802, or fails to have and follow an operations and maintenance plan, which is included in a FAA accepted program in accordance with §141.804.