(a) The Commission will issue an export license if it has been notified by the State Department that it is the judgment of the Executive Branch that the proposed export will not be inimical to the common defense and security, and:

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(1) Finds, based upon a reasonable judgment of the assurances provided and other information available to the Federal government, that the applicable criteria in § 110.42, or their equivalent, are met.

(2) Finds that there are no material changed circumstances associated with an export license application (except for byproduct material applications) from those existing at the time of issuance of a prior license to export to the same country, if the prior license was issued under the provisions of paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(b) The Commission will issue an import license if it finds that:

(1) The proposed import will not be inimical to the common defense and security;

(2) The proposed import will not constitute an unreasonable risk to the public health and safety;

(3) The requirements of subpart A of part 51 of this chapter (to the extent applicable to the proposed import) have been satisfied; and

(4) With respect to a proposed import of radioactive waste, an appropriate facility has agreed to accept and is authorized to posses the waste for management or disposal as confirmed by NRC consultations with, as applicable, the Agreement State(s) in which the facility is located and the low-level waste compact commission(s).

(c) With respect to a proposed import of radioactive material listed in Table 1 of Appendix P to this part:

(1) If the Commission authorizes a proposed import of Category 1 or Category 2 amounts of radioactive material, it will take appropriate steps to ensure that a copy of the recipient authorization, or confirmation by the U.S. Government that the recipient is authorized to receive and possess the source or sources to be exported, is provided to the Government of the exporting country or to the exporting facility.

(2) If the Commission authorizes a proposed import of Category 1 amounts of radioactive material, it will take appropriate steps to ensure that a copy of the consent of the United States Government to the import is provided to the government of the exporting country in cases where it is requested by such government.

(d) If, after receiving the Executive Branch judgment that the issuance of a proposed export license will not be inimical to the common defense and security, the Commission does not issue the proposed license on a timely basis because it is unable to make the statutory determinations required under the Atomic Energy Act, the Commission will publicly issue a decision to that effect and will submit the license application to the President. The Commission’s decision will include an explanation of the basis for the decision and any dissenting or separate views. The provisions in this paragraph do not apply to Commission decisions regarding applications for specific licenses to export byproduct material, including radioactive material listed in Table 1 of appendix P to this part, or radioactive waste.

(e) The Commission will deny: (1) Any export license application for which the Executive Branch judgment does not recommend approval; (2) any byproduct material export license application for which the Commission is unable to make the finding in paragraph (a)(1) of this section; or (3) any import license application for which the Commission is unable to make the finding in paragraph (b) of this section. The applicant will be notified in writing of the reason for denial.

[49 FR 47201, Dec. 3, 1984. Redesignated and amended at 60 FR 37565, July 21, 1995; 70 FR 37992, July 1, 2005; 75 FR 44091, July 28, 2010]