(a) What this section does. This section sets forth regulations governing the issuance of leases to permit the exploration for and mining of deposits containing uranium in public lands withdrawn from entry and location under the general mining laws for use of DOE, and in certain other lands under DOE control.

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Terms Used In 10 CFR 760.1

  • Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
  • Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
  • Lease: A contract transferring the use of property or occupancy of land, space, structures, or equipment in consideration of a payment (e.g., rent). Source: OCC

(b) Statutory authority. The Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (68 Stat. 919, 42 U.S.C. § 2011 et seq.) is the authority for this section.

(c) Who may hold leases. Only parties who are (1) citizens of the United States; (2) associations of such citizens; or (3) corporations organized under the laws of the United States or territories thereof, are eligible lessees under this section. Persons under 21 years of age or employees of DOE are not eligible.

(d) Issuance of leases through competitive bidding. Except under special circumstances as provided in paragraph (u) of this section, each lease will be offered through competitive bidding and, except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (d), will be issued to the acceptable bidder offering the highest bid. The bid may be on a cash bonus, royalty bonus, or other basis as specified in the invitation to bid. Invitations to bid on some of the lands may be limited to small business concerns as defined by the Small Business Administration, and such invitations may limit the number of leases to be awarded to each bidder. In such cases DOE will accept those bids which, in relation to other bids received pursuant to the invitation, are most advantageous to the Government. Before any lease is awarded, DOE may require high bidders to submit a detailed statement of the facts as to such matters as their experience, organization, and financial resources. DOE reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

(e) Solicitation of bids. Announcements of the availability of invitations to bid for a lease will be publicly posted and published. Copies of such announcements will also be mailed to parties who submit to DOE’s Grand Junction, Colorado, Office subsequent to publication in the Federal Register of this (DOE) Domestic Uranium Program Circular 760.1, written requests that their names be placed on a mailing list for receipt of such announcements. The invitations containing information for preparation and submission of bids will be available at the Grand Junction Office, and will be mailed only on specific written request, following announcement of their availability. Invitations will specify the land to be leased, the basis on which bids are to be submitted, the amount of the monetary deposit which must be transmitted with the bid, the place and time the bids will be publicly opened, the term, royalty and other payments, performance requirements, and other payments, performance requirements, and other conditions which will become a part of the lease. In addition, data which have been assembled pertaining to the lands to be leased will be available for public inspection at the Grand Junction Office; copies will also be available for purchase.

(f) Bidding requirements; deposits. All bids must be filed at the place and prior to the time set forth in the invitation. Each bid must be sealed and accompanied by a deposit, in the form of a certified check, cashier’s check, or bank draft, in an amount as specified in the invitation to bid. Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be returned. If the bidder is an individual, he must submit with his bid a statement of his citizenship and age. If the bidder is an association (including a partnership), the bid shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the articles of association together with a statement as to the citizenship and age of its members. If the bidder is a corporation, evidence that the officer signing the bid had authority to do so and a statement as to the State of incorporation shall also be submitted.

(g) Awarding of lease. Following public opening of the bids, DOE, subject to the right to reject any and all bids, will determine the successful bidder. In the event the highest acceptable bids are tie bids, a public drawing will be held by DOE to determine the successful bidder. After notice of award and within the time period prescribed in the invitation, the successful bidder shall execute and return to DOE three (3) copies of the lease and shall remit payments due as prescribed in the invitation. Should the successful bidder fail to execute the lease, or make payments as required, in accordance with the terms of the invitation, or fail to otherwise comply with applicable regulations, he may be required to forfeit any payments previously made, and lose any further right or interest in the lease. In such event, DOE may offer the lease to the next highest acceptable bidder, reoffer the lease for bidding, or take such other action as appropriate. If the awarded lease is executed by the bidder through an agent, evidence of authorization must be submitted.

(h) Dating of lease. A lease issued under this section will ordinarily be effective as of the date it is signed on behalf of DOE.

(i) Term of lease. A lease shall be for the period specified in the invitation to bid. When deemed desirable by DOE, the lease will provide that the lease term may be extended at the option of the lessee for a specified period and upon stipulated conditions.

(j) Payments to DOE under lease. Royalty payments shall be specified in the invitation to bid; base royalty, minimum royalty, advance royalty, and rental payments, or a combination thereof may be required.

(k) Title to unshipped ore. DOE, unless it approves otherwise, reserves all right and title to property in and to all ores and other uranium- or vanadium-bearing material not removed from the leased premises within 60 days after expiration or other termination of the lease. Unless DOE approves otherwise, all material mined from the leased premises and not marketed by the lessee shall remain on the leased premises.

(l) Environmental controls. Each lease will contain such provisions as may be deemed necessary by DOE with respect to the lessee’s use of the leased lands. DOE may require periodic submission of plans for exploration and mining activities including provisions for control of environmental impact. The lessee will be required to conduct operations so as to minimize adverse environmental effects, to comply with all applicable State and Federal statutes and regulations and to the extent stipulated in the lease agreement, will be held responsible for maintenance or rehabilitation of affected areas in accordance with plans submitted to and approved by DOE.

(m) Performance requirements. A lease shall require that exploration, development, and mining activities, as appropriate, be conducted on the leased premises with reasonable diligence, skill, and care as required to achieve and maintain production of uranium ore at rates consistent with good and safe mining practice and with market conditions.

(n) Health and safety requirements. A lease (1) shall require that exploration, development, and mining activities, as appropriate, be conducted on the leased premises with due regard for the health and safety of those involved, and (2) shall include appropriate measures for the control of radiation exposure in the mines.

(o) Lessee’s records. Leases shall provide that the lessee keep and make available to DOE such records as DOE deems necessary for the administration of the lease and its leasing program.

(p) Rights of DOE. DOE reserves the right to enter upon the leased property and into all parts of the mine for inspection and other purposes. DOE also reserves the right to grant to other persons easements or rights of way upon, through, or in the leased premises. DOE and the Comptroller General of the United States or any of his duly authorized representatives shall, until the expiration of 3 years after termination or expiration of lease, have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, papers, and records of the lessee involving transactions related to the lease.

(q) Relinquishment of leases. A lease may be surrendered by the lessee upon filing with and approval by DOE of a written application for relinquishment. Approval of the application shall be contingent upon the delivery of the leased premises to DOE in a condition determined to be satisfactory to DOE. The lessee shall continue to be liable for the payment of all royalty and other debts due DOE.

(r) Assignment of leases. Any transfer of a lease or any interest therein or claim thereunder, will not be recognized unless and until approved by DOE in writing. Ordinarily, DOE will not approve any transfer of a lease which involves overriding royalties or deferred payments of any kind to the transferor.

(s) Cancellation. Any lease may be cancelled by DOE whenever the lessee fails to comply with the provisions of the lease. Failure of DOE to exercise its right to cancel shall not be deemed a waiver thereof.

(t) Form of lease. Leases will be issued on forms prescribed by DOE.

(u) Noncompetitive leases. Under special circumstances, where DOE believes it to be in the best interest of the Government, DOE at its discretion may award or extend leases on the basis of negotiation.

(v) DOE decisions. All matters connected with the issuance and administration of leases will be determined by DOE whose decisions shall be final and conclusive.

(w) Definitions. DOE as used in this section means the United States Department of Energy or its duly authorized representative or representatives.

(x) Multiple use of land. Leases issued under this section shall provide that operations under them will be conducted so as not to interfere with the lawful operations of any third party having a lease, permit, easement, or other right or interest in the premises.

(y) Compliance with State and Federal regulations. Every lease shall provide that the lessee is required to comply with all applicable State and Federal statutes and regulations.

(Secs. 66, 161, 68 Stat. 933, 948, as amended; 42 U.S.C. § 2096, 2201)[41 FR 56783, Dec. 30, 1976]