10 CFR 95.35 – Access to matter classified as National Security Information and Restricted Data
(a) Except as the Commission may authorize, no licensee, certificate holder or other person subject to the regulations in this part may receive or may permit any other licensee, certificate holder, or other person to have access to matter revealing Secret or Confidential National Security Information or Restricted Data unless the individual has:
(1)(i) A “Q” access authorization which permits access to matter classified as Secret and Confidential Restricted Data or Secret and Confidential National Security Information which includes intelligence information, CRYPTO (i.e., cryptographic information) or other classified communications security (COMSEC) information, or
(ii) An “L” access authorization which permits access to matter classified as Confidential Restricted Data and Secret and Confidential National Security Information other than that noted in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section except that access to certain Confidential COMSEC information is permitted as authorized by a National Communications Security Committee waiver dated February 14, 1984.
(2) An established “need-to-know” for the matter (See Definitions, § 95.5).
(3) NRC-approved storage facilities if classified documents or material are to be transmitted to the licensee, certificate holder, or other person.
(b) Matter classified as National Security Information or Restricted Data shall not be released by a licensee or other person subject to part 95 to any personnel other than properly access authorized Commission licensee employees, or other individuals authorized access by the Commission.
(c) Access to matter which is National Security Information at NRC-licensed facilities or NRC-certified facilities by authorized representatives of IAEA is permitted in accordance with § 95.36.