14 CFR 1216.303 – NEPA process in NASA planning and decision making
(a) NEPA requires the systematic examination of the environmental consequences of implementing a proposed Agency action. Full integration of the NEPA process with NASA project and program planning improves Agency decisions and ensures that:
(1) Planning and decision making support NASA’s strategic plan commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship and comply with applicable environmental statutes, regulations, and policies.
(2) The public is appropriately engaged in the decision-making process.
(3) Procedural risks and delays are minimized.
(b) Determining the appropriate level of NEPA review and documentation for a proposed NASA action will depend upon the scope of the action and the context and intensity of the reasonably foreseeable environmental impacts.
(c) The environmental impacts of a proposed Agency action must be considered, along with technical, economic, and other factors that are reasonably foreseeable, beginning in the early planning stage of a proposed action. NASA will take no action which would have an adverse environmental impact or limit the choice of reasonable alternatives prior to completion of its NEPA review.