14 CFR 222.3 – Application for Statement of Authorization
(a) Application for a Statement of Authorization shall be filed with the Department’s Foreign Air Carrier Licensing Division, Office of International Aviation, in duplicate, on OST Form 4500. In most cases, the Department will act upon applications for Statements of Authorization within 60 days.
(b) Persons objecting to an application for a Statement of Authorization shall file their objections with the Foreign Air Carrier Licensing Division, Office of International Aviation, within 28 days of the filing date of the application. The Department will list the names and nationalities of all persons applying for Statements of Authorization in its Weekly Summary of Filings.
(c) An application shall include a copy of any bilateral agreement, memorandum of consultations, or diplomatic note or letter, in support of the authority requested. Documents that appear in official U.S. publications may be incorporated by reference.